The following blog post contains: thoughts, feelings, and quotes from the Morning and Afternoon Sessions of the 181st Semiannual Saturday General Conference. :)
Elder Richard G. Scott
~Scriptures are generated through inspiration of the holy ghost. They are true.
~Scriptures are like packets of light. -They illuminate our minds.
~By memorization, scriptures can be called upon anytime anywhere in the world. = friendship.
-They are dependable like friends should be.
~Memorized scriptures can be an inspiration, a comfort = friends -in times of need.
-Find friends that uplift you. Allow for scriptures to be a friend to you. A source to go to when you need something to cheer you up.
~Scriptures can form a foundation of support. Provide a large resource of willing friends.
~Memorization of a scripture can make a firm friend. One who can calm an agitated soul. They can give peace and confidence, especially when one has faith in the Savior. Studying the scriptures can accelerate help received from the Savior.
~Meanings found in the scriptures can change over time depending on your situation at that moment.
~Jewels of truth can be found in the Old Testament and New Testament as well as in the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
~"I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not."
~Have faith, hope charity, so you may always be found in good works.
~Those who consistently read the Book of Mormon have a stronger resolve and a stronger recognition of the Lord.
~One can "read" the Book of Mormon in multiple ways. i.e. Book, Phone, Audio Book, Internet.
~"I testify by everything sacred that this book is true."
Sister Barbara Thompson
~As struggles come we may ask ourselves: What are we supposed to do?
~You need to have a desire to receive personal revelation, believe that one can receive personal revelation, and Don't harden your hearts.
~If you don't believe you will, you won't.
~The spirit can speak to you in many ways.
~It can: Enlighten your mind, speak peace to you, tell in mind and heart through the Holy Ghost, bosom should burn, feel that it is right, fill your soul with joy, study scriptures/conference talks, seek faithful, righteous, songs.
~Go forth and discharge your duties in humility and faithfulness.
~Seek wisdom, not power for power will come as you seek wisdom and trust in the Lord.
~"I don't keep a testimony, the testimony kept me."
-If we don't nourish/strengthen our testimonies constantly, they testimony will leave.
~Need to Desire and Ask in faith for revelation. Harden not your hearts.
Elder L. Whitney Clayton
~Though you may not seem like much today, you can spread your influence throughout the world.
~The sun never sets on the work of the Lord. For it continuously touches the world, bringing light and hope to individuals there at that moment.
~The work of the Lord moves forward unnoticed, silently, unobtrusively touching families and those with humble hearts. It isn't seen by the powerful, yet.
Song: Redeemer of Israel
~Our foes will be glad when our sorrows they see, so be continuously cheerful and take away the enemies power over us.
President Thomas S. Monson
~When we're busy, time seems to pass way too quickly. I am no exception.
~The building of temples goes uninterrupted.
~New Temples Announced:
-The Provo Tabernacle will be rebuilt, with full preservation and will be the second temple in Provo, Utah. (AWESOME!! Soo excited about this!)
-Barranquilla, Columbia
-Durban, South Africa
-Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
-Star Valley, Wyoming. (Also AWESOME!! My mom grew up there.)
-Paris, France
Elder Jose' L. Alonso
~Some people never realize that they are lost.-If we delay on going to find them we could loose them forever.
~The rescue is still going on.
~Let us do the right thing at the right time and don't delay.
President Boyd K. Packer
~The old crow is getting slow, the young crow is not. Of what the young crow does not know, the old crow knows a lot. At knowing things, the old crow is still the young crow's master. What does the slow old crow not know? How to go faster. The young crow flies above, below and rings around the slow old crow. What does the fast young crow not know? Where to go.
~You are being raised in enemy territory because of the lowering of standards in the world.
~You have the power to create bodies for the next generation. (have kids) You also have agency.
~You have a body. Satan does not. You have power over the adversary.
~Don't let Satan take away your agency by slowly convincing you to lower your standards.
~Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost.
-Angels can come in many different ways: Spiritual Angels and Physical Angels -friends, family, strangers can be angels to you when you're in need.
~You won't make a major mistake without first being warned by the Holy Ghost that it is a mistake.
~Assert your independence/agency when forces are pulling you away from the path of truth and righteousness.
~Dress Modestly. Talk Reverently. Avoid Pursuing Degrading Practices.
~We depend on you, you are remarkably blessed.
~"I invoke a blessing on you our precious youth."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
~Satan appeals to our prideful tendencies. By saying that we are not subjected to other's rules and obligations.
-He's working to convince you that we can only rely on ourselves, that we don't need the Lord's strength along with our own strength. This is False.
~If we doubt we have great worth -Satan will attack this as well, telling us we're too small to do anything, that God doesn't notice or care about us. This is also False.
~It doesn't matter to Heavenly Father where you were, what your rank was, etc. What does matter is how you are going about doing his work.
~Incline your heart to Heavenly Father.
-He will use you for a greater purpose.
~Listen. Remember. Care. Have people who leave your presence leave feeling better about themselves.
~He knows your humble heart.
~Be of a soft heart towards the Lord and you won't feel discouragement, pan, etc forever. Give your heart to him and he will bless you in ways beyond understanding in this moment.
~Hold On.
~He sees you as the boy you are and the apostle you are destined to become.
Elder David A. Bednar
~Earnestly pray for the assistance of the Holy Ghost
~The spirit of Elijah is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, driving people to their families.
~The Spirit of Elijah effects people both in and out of the church.
~Search out your ancestors. For without knowing your past, you can't be mindful of the future and be made perfect.
~You have a duty and a blessing to search for your ancestors.
~There is no age limit for doing family history.
~Your fingers have been trained to text and tweet to further the work of the Lord.
~Help others identify their family histories.
~You will be protected against the intensifying of the adversary as you do the Lords work and do family history.
~Devote less time to video games, Internet, and facebook.
~Don't go to church and just sit there. Do something.
~They're not just names, but real people.
Elder Neil L. Anderson
~Family is ordained of God.
~Multiply and replenish the earth.
~Decisions of when to have children and how many children to have should be made sincerely between the husband, wife, and the Lord. Pray to the Lord to know his will.
~Be in the world, but not of the world. Remain true to what God has commanded.
~Motherhood is not a hobby. It is a calling. You don't "collect children" or do when you have the time.
~Honor and help mothers with children.
~One responsibility of marriage is to have children.
~Would the Lord want you to break one of his most important commandments to let you pursue your career? Where is your faith? The Lord will help you support a family even as you go to school to become what you will. (a doctor in the story.)
~There is no shame in scrimping and saving. You will grow closer together with your spouse as you make sacrifices and touch choices.
~Don't be judgemental to another couple about family.
Elder Ian S. Ardern
~Give time in the service of others.
~We all have the same number of minutes and hours.
~Don't procrastinate, for when you do you end up getting caught up in useless and time wasting activities that don't help you get your job done.
~The poor use of time is close to idleness.
~Being busy should equal being productive.
~Don't become compulsive fingertip communicators.
~Don't allow cyber communication to take you from the real world, to take you from being spiritual.
~Be as quick to kneel as you are to text.
~Cyberfriends are not as great as friends in the real world who can come and support you and give you a hug.
~Be the Master don't let cyber communication be the Master of You.
~Seek from the best books.
~Satan will seek to use up our time through distractions.
~Identify the time wasting distraction that needs to be 'ground into dust' and do so. Limit your time in that activity.
Elder Carl B. Cook.
~"It's better to look up."
~Believe in God.
~"Have an attitude of can do and will do."
~Look up and be healed..if you keep looking down, you will perish.
~Spiritually looking up is not a one time experience.
Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.
~We can find redemption through Christ's blood (the atonement)
~The gospel light will shine in your eyes as you are on the path of redemption.
~Continuously seek the Lord.
~Rescue less active members of the church. Reach out to others.
~Be willing to serve in your callings. You will experience a change of heart and you will become a better person. A stronger member.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
~Repentance is a divine gift. We should have a smile on our face as we speak of it. It shoudlnt' be the "cold water" of the party. But be the cause of celebration and joy.
~Five Aspects of Repentance.
1. Invitation to Repent.
-Its an expression of love. "Come follow me."
-Invite others to change.
-Demand repentance on ourselves.
-It is an act of caring.
2. Strive to Change
-Pray for opportunities to strive to over come your weakness and replace it as a strength.
-It may require repeated events, but you are slowly changed each time you go to repent.
3. Abandon Sin and Commit to Obedience.
-Turn to the Lord with all your might, mind, and strength.
-The choice to repent is the choice to burn bridges in every direction for you commit yourself to follow only one path.
-You can't fully repent if the bridge is only half burned.
4. Willingness to Persevere.
-Have faith in the Redeemer.
-Cry out to the Lord; "Have mercy on me" with a sincere heart.
-Sins that were once appealing will become abhorrent.
-What joy and marvelous light you will behold after you push away sin.
-Suffering is a small price to pay compared to the great joy and blessings found in being with Christ.
5. The Cost of Repentance is Swallowed Up in the Joy of Forgiveness.
-The joy in 'one brilliant morning' will obscure the trials/sins/darkness experienced before.
Elder L. Tom Perry
~Be attentive to detail for it makes the overall picture more beautiful.
~The church is becoming more visible, but still some do not understand.
~There will always be those who will misrepresent and distort the truth of the church. However, more are simply curious about what the church is about.
How to Advance an Understanding of the Church to those asking.
1. Be Bold in our declaration of Jesus Christ. He is the central figure in all human history.
-Our eternal destiny is always in his hands.
-Press forward in a steadfastness in Christ.
2. Be Righteous Examples to Others -in word, conversation, charity, spirit, etc.
-"Let your light shine before men"
-Engage in doing good and being humble.
3. Speak up about the Church
-Engage people in a two way conversation. Share your beliefs but also ask what their beliefs are. If they seem interested and ask questions, pursue the conversation.
-It's better for them to ask then for you to tell.
-We should be respectful and civil regardless of what others say.
-Don't become defensive and argue.
-Be holy in all conversation.
And the conclusion of the thoughts I wrote down while listening to conference today. :)
If you want to listen/read the full talks given today visit:
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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