Give unto me a sign. For then I will believe. Then I will do and follow after thee.
I have given unto thee signs a plenty. Yet, thou didst not look for them and see.
One of my favorite things about my when the teachers...give little 'freebees' on tests.
I also like it because, its never obvious. You don't get big letters of CIRCLE C FOR QUESTION 56
No its in small print, hidden.
Hidden where?
In the Instructions.
Among all the usual gabble of "Do not cheat, take your time, have fun." Blah blah blah.
Sometimes you find a nugget of gold in "Put J on 21." (on a 20 question quiz)
And I always get a thrill of excitement when I see that :)
For I know not everyone will see this 'sign'
Though I do have a moment of hesitancy in putting the answer case it was a trick....but I do. I follow the sign and I put the answer where directed.
My Anatomy teacher likes to do this. :) He doesn't do it every quiz, but throughout the semester it will happen three or four times.
And because of my Anatomy teacher. I came up with an idea for the Institute.
A couple of days ago, I was reprogramming the electronic board we have there to say what was going on this week.
One of the teachers walked by as I was talking to another student, and he over heard me say. "It would be fun to see how many people actually read this sign. Perhaps we should say "If you read this sign go get candy from the office. and then see how many people get it."
The teacher basically the 'go to guy' when you want to do something. Totally liked the idea. "Lets do it." He said.
So I did a bunch of planning and today. I put a message up on the Electronic Board.
After all the other announcements there was this: "Are you reading this sign? Get Candy from Kim in Main Office."
And I waited. Excited. To see who would see....
It was rather...disappointing. Tons of people walked by, but if any of them looked up to the Electronic Board....they didn't see it. For a different message was showing at that moment.
The only way people looked up.....was if I or my co-chair hinted at it. Saying "Hey what's that?" and things like that.
:( In the end...only 8 people saw it.
As I sat there watching all these people walk by. I felt like shouting to them. "Hey! Hey! Look up! Look up at the sign!! Go Get your Candy!!"
And as I saw these people walk by....I had the image of the "Snake on a cross" come into my mind. The story of how people are bitten by snakes, and moses...I think it was moses...crafts an iron snake, and to be cured....they just have to look up.
Yet very few people did.
I think the main problem was....that the electronic board already had so many other messages on it...that people in a hurry, wouldn't see the candy message.
But in a sense....this is a reflection of the world today.
We have so many worldly things going on in our lives; school, work, music, Internet, homework, parties, friends...etc etc.
That sometimes....we can't hear/see the spirit.
Its there. The candy is waiting there for you to get and eat.
You only have to read it. Pay attention.
Look for that sign.
For if you're not on the lookout for the sign you'll miss it.
In the world though we do have...guides. Guiding signs to the actual sign.
These signs would be the prophet and apostles.
In the candy/electronic sign thing...I, and my co chair, and any other individual who told others to look at the sign. Could be considered the 'prophet' Now some, didn't look right away when we told them to look. Therefore they missed the sign, and had to wait longer. Others didn't look. Others did.
So the thought that has been running through my head today was:
Are you seeing the signs?
How many times have I asked for a sign....and then not looked for it?
Is it expected to suddenly pop up in front of me with confetti and music and a "Here I am! The sign you wanted!" on it?
Most of the time, the signs....will be hidden in everyday things. A simple comment here, a happenstance there. A smile in some other place. And suddenly you have your sign.
For that is the way the Lord works. Through small and simple things will it then become great.
So where is your sign?
Hidden, among all the other signs of the world.
you just have to take the time, to sift through those worldly signs. To find that one spiritual message you need.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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