Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You said No? Oh, I said Yes.

Do you ever remember....when you were little,
Going up to one of your parents and asking them for something.
And they told you "No."
So, you went to the other parent and asked them the same thing...
and they said "Yes."
Then...when the parents found got into a whole lot of trouble?
Because basically it 'divided' the parents?

Well...I had that experience today.
Not in the married w/ kids sense.
But in my Institute thing.

I was approached to head an activity for the end of November by the head advisor of the LDSSA along with a member of my committee and told of the situation of having to do this and that and that it would be fine, to do just fill out a form.
Well filling out the form involved getting my teacher advisor's signature.
Which wasn't a big deal right. We had the basics down, I didn't see that there would be a problem.
But when I went to the teacher ready for him to sign....

I got the 'divided parent' thing.
For apparently the committee member had already talked to the teacher advisor who told him that he needed to talk to the guy who is in charge of the usual electronic publicity in the Institute. Which I think the committee member did...and they went to the head teacher advisor of the LDSSA who liked the idea and thought it was good.....
So it went into this big circle.
And I got caught up in the middle of it.

*shakes head* Sometimes I feel like we don't talk to each other.
For I didn't have a problem with the concept.
While my advisor did.
So I basically said Yes
while the advisor said No
but I didn't know he had said I went ahead with the committee member and got it planned...
and when I went to get this activity signed...
I ended up having to defend the activity.
And convince the advisor that we could do this, and that the committee member knew how to do everything that needed to be done because he's technical like that.
I convinced him and got the signature...

but I was left feeling....out of the loop.
Like I had missed some 'mental mind communication' or something.
Because we don't talk to each other when things happen.

Oh well, we'll see how the cards lay at the end of this shall we?
Hopefully I can avoid these "Yes/No" situations in the future.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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