Monday, October 17, 2011

Purple Boxes and Alleluias

A while ago,
I had the inspiration....probably from a church related thing.
To go through the hymns.
And mark in my scriptures which hymns we sing, were inspired from which scriptures.

My method is to have a purple pencil...a hymnbook, and then my scripture. I look at the hymn number, read through it then glance at the scriptures listened at the bottom of the song. Usually there are two from different books. I then will flip my scriptures open to that chapter and verse and color in the first letter of the word purple. So a purple box would be around the first letter.
If another hymn popped up that had the same verse listed, I would then color in the second letter in the first word and so on and so forth.
I used purple because I wanted the hymn scriptures to stand out...and I already used red alot :) lol

I actually fell out of the habit of marking the hymns.
mostly because its time consuming.
I think I stopped around the 170s or so for like a year.
But the past couple of weeks....I got back into it.
Mostly because I wanted to finish what I started...and it was fast Sunday....and looking up scriptures was a good way to keep my fingers and part of my mind entertained lol :)
I did it again this past Sunday.
And I hit...
The Christmas hymns.
The 200s.
Most of the time I'm like
I really have a thing against listening to Christmas music before thanksgiving is over. was odd this time around.
Because as I silently read over the different hymns.
I got really excited.
I was excited to read the different Alleluia chorus's and celebrations of Christ's birth.
It perked me up.
And I felt really happy during and after I was done reading those hymns and marking them in my scriptures ^^
*Luke 2: 4-20 are really purple now lol.

It was just nice to have the tunes go through my head.
For in retrospect, we really don't hear the Christmas songs that often.
And they're all happy and uplifting and spiritual.
So it was a nice early treat to me to have those songs running through my head for an hour.
For I actually do like singing them....
After Thanksgiving :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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