Saturday, October 15, 2011


I don't know the full story.
Appearances are not what they seem.
For underneath lie secrets.
Some are bright and glaring when exposed.
Bringing a sense of wonder. A question of why this hadn't been shown before.
Others are dark and dismal
And I'm left did I not see?
How could I help?

I am left answerless.
For there is no one size fits all answer.
And it seems like there isn't enough time.
To cut and stitch and make a fit.
That allows the brightness to shine through.
So that the darkness fades away.

So for now...a one size fits all....will have to be adjusted on the fly.
So that it fits the one, and not the all.

For now, I'll just have to be there.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
I was on a cruise ship of some sort. It was like a mystery boat, where a crime needed to be solved, but it also had the concept of the Titanic, where the boat was sinking and we had to get out of the boat real quick. And then there was a raptor dinosaur thing chasing us all over, and I was hiding with a guy, trying to avoiding getting off the boat. which wasn't a boat, but now like a house, or maybe a plane and

that is why the fox never came home. :)

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