Saturday Morning
President Thomas S. Monson
-Should you need changes, may you find the inspiration to do so.
-Continue to oppose evil wherever it is found.
-No cause, no force in the entire world can stop God and his work from progressing.
-Truth of God will go forth nobly, boldly and independent until the purposes of God are accomplished and Christ will say "It is done."
-Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us and our needs.
President Boyd K. Packer
-Offer comfort. Be comforters.
-No pain will last forever.
-The ultimate end goal is to have a husband wife, and children happy in the home.
-The most important calling is to be parents. Serve faithfully in that calling.
-Your circumstances help to provide the way to become who you need to become.
-Family time should be protected.
Sister Cheryl A. Esplin
-The responsibility of raising children is more then we can do without the Lord's help.
-Are you crying because it feels good inside? That's the Spirit.
-Teach by understanding and inspiration to children.
-Without an example of action it's difficult to believe the principle.
-In order for the gospel message to be understood, it needs to be taught.
-More learning = more action = greater understanding.
-Children can have the solutions.
-Live what you learn.
Elder Donald L. Hallstrom
-The Gospel and the Church are not the same thing.
-The Church is respected by all who truly seek to understand.
-Is The Church everything to us?
-Who's on the Lord's side? Who? Am I?
-It is impossible to be active in the church and not active in the gospel which is less visible and of greater importance.
-We need the Gospel and The Church.
-People leave the Church because they're not committed to the gospel, just to the church.
-1. We need Deeper understanding of Deity- constantly pondering helps to build unshakable faith in god and the gospel.
-2. Focus on the ordinances and covenants -be reverent in regularly changing, becoming better.
-3. Unite the gospel with the church -the only way to be safe is to be fully connected to this gospel and united in the church of Christ.
Elder Paul E. Koelliker
-Missionary experience can be applied as a template to the rest of your life.
-Awake and nurse the desire to hear the gospel.
-Patterns help us not to be deceived, but allows us to follow God's purpose.
-When we live the gospel, our ability to help others increases.
-Yield to His will, live His pattern, feel His spirit, be filled with His love.
-Heavenly Father's arms are constantly extended, ready to wrap around us.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks
-Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven.
-Most believers aren't expected to devote their entire lives to the gospel.
-Sacrificing our own feelings helps to build up the Kingdom of God.
-Symbols of our Christian faith are the lives of our people.
-Donate time to train and minster to each other.
-Always be prepared to serve the Lord.
Elder Henry B. Eyring
-"Give me this mountain. Give me these challenges."
-All trials and experiences shall be for thy good.
-A foundation of faith takes time to build.
-Embed the foundation of faith in your heart or the power to endure will crumble.
-Testimony of Truth = Unbreakable Strength.
-It's never to late to strengthen the foundation of faith. You can do it whenever and wherever.
-We are never alone in the Lord's service.
-He always keeps his word.
Saturday Afternoon
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Sustaining of Church Officers
Elder Robert W. Cantwell -Auditing Report
Elder Brook P. Hales - Statistical Report
-14,441,346 members
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
-The focus of his talk was on story about workers working in the master's field in the first hour to the eleventh hour. (AWESOME! You need to hear this one in his own words. It gave me a new understanding, view of the story.)
-Remember and love always those who serve faithfully.
-Why should you be jealous, when I choose to be kind?
-We are not diminished when someone else gets gain.
-Those who envy suffer from all the good fortune that others get.
-Lesson #1- coveting pouting, and tearing down others doesn't elevate your standing.
-Formula of faith: Hold on, work on, see it through.
-Mortals will always struggle against the immortal hopes and standards that they are held up to.
-You have not traveled beyond the reach of God's love.
-Brethren. Step up. Join the Ranks.
-Don't delay, it's getting late.
Elder Robert D. Hales
-Focused on the story of the prodigal son. :) -A favorite of mine.
-Strive to come back to ourselves.
-The sacrament can help us come back to ourselves.
-When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
-Find work, Live within your means, Avoid debt.
-What we do today determines what we will enjoy and do tomorrow.
Elder David S. Baxter
-Our character is made in the crucible of our affliction.
-Remain dignified even when you're alone.
-You can't change the past, but you can shape the future and receive compensatory blessings along the way.
-You can't come to me now, but I can come to you.
-Your attitude can change your circumstances.
-Are you proving that you are a good role model to others?
-Consider the present with fortitude, look to the future with confidence.
Elder Ulisses Soares
-Influences with evil can become part of our character if we are not careful.
-Be not weary in well doing.
-Stay on the Lord's side of the line and his influence will prevent you from doing bad. Cross even an inch over the line to Satan's side, and you loose the spirit of the Lord.
-If our attitude is bad, we are being influenced by Satan.
-Banish influences that might take our focus away from our Heavenly Father.
-You can't be right by doing wrong. You can't be wrong by doing right.
Elder Quentin L. Cook
-The talk seemed to go along the lines of the different ways seeds can be planted.
-Those who are purely Science motivated are deaf to the music of faith. They are only interested in the wisdom of the world.
-Some are in tune to the music of faith and are in harmony with Christ.
-Avoid being overly judgemental of conduct that is foolish but not sinful.
-A testimony of the gospel should be established on faith, not only on the visible/physical evidence in the Church.
-Persistence is the answer and a sense of humor helps.
-Do not become discouraged regardless of the challenges you go through.
-If you are tone deaf to the music of faith, you are out of tune with the spirit.
-Emphasize faith not fears.
Elder Richard G. Scott
-It's so sweet that Elder Scott still dearly loves his wife even though she's on the otherside now.
-The Holy Ghost
-Revelation- crisp and clear
-Inspiration- promptings, step by step feelings.
-Relationships can strengthen through the veil. Separation is only temporary.
-Loud inappropriate laughter will offend the spirit. A sense of humor will not.
-Revelation can be given in a dream- write down the info immediately or else it will fade quickly.
-Carefully recorded revelation shows that we value the Lord's advice. Protect it. Keep it safe.
-Spiritually you can grow stronger if you plant the seed in righteous ground.
-Searching for recognition or trying to better ourselves selfishly will mean that you're not powerfully lead by the spirit. Only if you're searching for answers for others will you find answers for yourself.
-The Lord can piggy back things for us along with inspiration for others.
-Promptings from God produce peace in your heart.
-The guidance in your life doesn't take away your agency.
-Communication with Heavenly Father is not a trivial thing. It's a sacred privilege.
And that concludes what I wrote down today. :)
To read/watch/listen to the talks given today in their fullness;
Visit :) :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
A way that will hopefully give you a glimpse inside the mind of the author, and help you see the world in a slightly different light.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Counsel to Council
You know...You know you've done your job well.
When it comes time to 'pass the torch'
Because the people in charge of picking the next generation to pass the torch too...
ask you to dye your hair, change your name, and reapply for council.
Or when you're asked,
Out of your committee who is the most like you?
I got that question the other day.
Who on this committee is as dedicated as you are?
There was another descriptive word there but I can't remember it...loyal? proactive? something.
My internal response was: "Nobody is like me. I'm one of a kind."
I gave a few names of people who I thought would be good for next year's council.
But when I was asked if they were like me?
I could only shrug and say "I don't know them that well."
Thinking over the concept of trying to find another person 'just like me'
I have to just say: Don't.
Don't try to find a person just like me.
For this year's council...yes, I was needed.
But would "Me" be needed this up coming year?
I don't know.
The LDSSA Council is called by inspiration.
So perhaps another "Me" is needed this next school year.
Perhaps not.
But I think that when considering somebody to replace me.
The outlook shouldn't be so narrow.
"we need to get another Sarnic!"
I think the effectiveness of the person would break down if the person is only called because they are 'like me'
I think I've created something huge. A shadow that the new person will have a hard time stepping out of.
Because of that impression I made.
I think that the newly called Co Chair.
Should be able to be their own person.
Not a 'little me'
But their own person, with their own talents to bring to the table.
I think the focus should be on "how can we top Sarnic."
Not on "how can we get another Sarnic."
So while I think, there will be a bit of "Sarnic did this, or Sarnic said that," and other words to show that my shadow is still around the Institute this next year.
I hope that the new Co Chairs will be able to make their own mark,
Step out from my shadow.
And be the best that they can be for this once in a life time opportunity. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I woke up thinking I didn't want to remember the dream I had.
So I don't really remember it.
I remember looking at my Ipod touch and seeing the screen was cracked, the glass could be moved about which made it difficult to do stuff.
When it comes time to 'pass the torch'
Because the people in charge of picking the next generation to pass the torch too...
ask you to dye your hair, change your name, and reapply for council.
Or when you're asked,
Out of your committee who is the most like you?
I got that question the other day.
Who on this committee is as dedicated as you are?
There was another descriptive word there but I can't remember it...loyal? proactive? something.
My internal response was: "Nobody is like me. I'm one of a kind."
I gave a few names of people who I thought would be good for next year's council.
But when I was asked if they were like me?
I could only shrug and say "I don't know them that well."
Thinking over the concept of trying to find another person 'just like me'
I have to just say: Don't.
Don't try to find a person just like me.
For this year's council...yes, I was needed.
But would "Me" be needed this up coming year?
I don't know.
The LDSSA Council is called by inspiration.
So perhaps another "Me" is needed this next school year.
Perhaps not.
But I think that when considering somebody to replace me.
The outlook shouldn't be so narrow.
"we need to get another Sarnic!"
I think the effectiveness of the person would break down if the person is only called because they are 'like me'
I think I've created something huge. A shadow that the new person will have a hard time stepping out of.
Because of that impression I made.
I think that the newly called Co Chair.
Should be able to be their own person.
Not a 'little me'
But their own person, with their own talents to bring to the table.
I think the focus should be on "how can we top Sarnic."
Not on "how can we get another Sarnic."
So while I think, there will be a bit of "Sarnic did this, or Sarnic said that," and other words to show that my shadow is still around the Institute this next year.
I hope that the new Co Chairs will be able to make their own mark,
Step out from my shadow.
And be the best that they can be for this once in a life time opportunity. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I woke up thinking I didn't want to remember the dream I had.
So I don't really remember it.
I remember looking at my Ipod touch and seeing the screen was cracked, the glass could be moved about which made it difficult to do stuff.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Cream Me? I Think Not.
Growing up, we all pretty much had our favorite Saturday Morning Cartoons we would love to watch.
And probably still love to watch.
If we're awake when that cartoon is on lol.
Well for years my favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon was.
I was obsessed with the show.
Such cool monsters! ;) and some cute characters as well. (and some good story ideas)
But I liked watching the monsters come to life from the cards. :)
Yes Yu-Gi-Oh was my favorite show to watch.
And occasionally I'll turn on the TV on Saturday Morning and find it on still.^^ lol.
Why do I bring up this TV show?
Because of the card game of course.
I never got into Pokemon or Magic.
But Yugioh, again I loved it.
The monsters looked super cool! :D
-My favorite is Tyrant Dragon.
Then the Dark Magician. :)
Anyway, my whole family got obsessed with collecting cards and having duels for a few years.
Before it gradually faded out.
Well, within the past couple of weeks.
Kikay and I have rediscovered our dueling decks.
And our tins of cards.
And we've been dueling. :D
How did this come about?
Somehow RoCharHanse brought it up.
Saying he used to play...I think...I can't remember.
Yu-gi-oh came up at some point. :D
Kikay and I were like >.> <.<
^^; ^^;
"We have duel decks RoCharHanse!"
()_() You do?
"Yah! We'll bring them by next time we drop by home."
lol, needless to say. RoCharHanse ended up buying his own deck of cards.
-Sorry RoCharHanse...I still think it's odd you bought them online. O.o
lol, anyway, Yesterday.
After my Rock Climbing Sudden Adventure of Excitement!
We met up with RoCharHanse and dueled!
:D So though he follows the actual rules of the game.
O.o Not to say that Kikay and I don't...most of the rules he follows, we didn't know they were rules lol.
After all it has been years and years since we've played. Okay, not that long...but it's been a while.
I think it's been even longer for RoChar.
*shrugs* I don't know. :)
But anyway.
He came to our duel.
Confident that he would Cream Kikay and I with this newly acquired deck of his. :)
^^;; Ah. Silly Silly RoChar.
Kikay and I never got rid of our cards.
Our decks were pretty well constructed when we stopped playing.
(he didn't think that would matter...I'm still trying to comprehend this...)
So the results?
:( RoChar lost. :(
Then again, he was playing with a new deck of cards he hadn't played with before. (Marik's deck? I think it was.) So he's still getting the hang of how to play his cards when. :)
Kikay dueled him first. And after forever -because they both had defense monsters like most of the game. Kikay won.
My turn came up....and six minutes later...I had won.
I dueled RoChar again. And this time it looked like he would win....but I managed to still beat him. :)
He's improving every round though. So that's good. :)
Kikay told me that after I left (for class) that RoChar managed to win...once? twice? I can't remember...yah he won twice. :)
Because Kikay had evened up the playing field by constructing a new deck, so I hear. :)
Still. I hope we continue to duel in the future. :)
It's fun to see my 'old card friends' again and see how cool they are! :)
And perhaps this weekend, if I get time, I'll make a couple other decks from my many many cards, and see how they fair against RoChar's deck. :) lol.
^^ This is going to be fun. ^^
I liked winning yesterday.
Why? Because I was getting tired of losing to Kikay lol.
I only win against her every fourth duel.
She's the one to look out for. >.> <.<
-Frankly I was surprised to beat RoChar...since I'd been dueling Kikay. I didn't expect my deck to do so well.
Thanks for bringing me back the confidence that I have a good deck RoChar! :)
I bet you'll win me next time around. ;) We'll see.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I ran my tongue over my two front teeth. And felt something loose. A chip. It didn't feel right. So I looked in the mirror. And one of my two front teeth did have a chip in it. The one that had been fixed at the end of last year. I could also see that there were more flapping pieces of my two front teeth. What did I do? Yah, I messed with them. What happened? I ended up loosing the bottom half of both my teeth. :S
I was halfway freaking out because I didn't want to have to go to school with this huge gap in my front teeth because I'd lost the bottom half of my top front teeth!
--------I woke up for real, felt my teeth, and they were normal before falling back asleep--------
I was in a foresty type of area. Canyons, trees to climb, a valley. And my dad was there...he was in charge...a ruler? yah
when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
And probably still love to watch.
If we're awake when that cartoon is on lol.
Well for years my favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon was.
I was obsessed with the show.
Such cool monsters! ;) and some cute characters as well. (and some good story ideas)
But I liked watching the monsters come to life from the cards. :)
Yes Yu-Gi-Oh was my favorite show to watch.
And occasionally I'll turn on the TV on Saturday Morning and find it on still.^^ lol.
Why do I bring up this TV show?
Because of the card game of course.
I never got into Pokemon or Magic.
But Yugioh, again I loved it.
The monsters looked super cool! :D
-My favorite is Tyrant Dragon.
Then the Dark Magician. :)
Anyway, my whole family got obsessed with collecting cards and having duels for a few years.
Before it gradually faded out.
Well, within the past couple of weeks.
Kikay and I have rediscovered our dueling decks.
And our tins of cards.
And we've been dueling. :D
How did this come about?
Somehow RoCharHanse brought it up.
Saying he used to play...I think...I can't remember.
Yu-gi-oh came up at some point. :D
Kikay and I were like >.> <.<
^^; ^^;
"We have duel decks RoCharHanse!"
()_() You do?
"Yah! We'll bring them by next time we drop by home."
lol, needless to say. RoCharHanse ended up buying his own deck of cards.
-Sorry RoCharHanse...I still think it's odd you bought them online. O.o
lol, anyway, Yesterday.
After my Rock Climbing Sudden Adventure of Excitement!
We met up with RoCharHanse and dueled!
:D So though he follows the actual rules of the game.
O.o Not to say that Kikay and I don't...most of the rules he follows, we didn't know they were rules lol.
After all it has been years and years since we've played. Okay, not that long...but it's been a while.
I think it's been even longer for RoChar.
*shrugs* I don't know. :)
But anyway.
He came to our duel.
Confident that he would Cream Kikay and I with this newly acquired deck of his. :)
^^;; Ah. Silly Silly RoChar.
Kikay and I never got rid of our cards.
Our decks were pretty well constructed when we stopped playing.
(he didn't think that would matter...I'm still trying to comprehend this...)
So the results?
:( RoChar lost. :(
Then again, he was playing with a new deck of cards he hadn't played with before. (Marik's deck? I think it was.) So he's still getting the hang of how to play his cards when. :)
Kikay dueled him first. And after forever -because they both had defense monsters like most of the game. Kikay won.
My turn came up....and six minutes later...I had won.
I dueled RoChar again. And this time it looked like he would win....but I managed to still beat him. :)
He's improving every round though. So that's good. :)
Kikay told me that after I left (for class) that RoChar managed to win...once? twice? I can't remember...yah he won twice. :)
Because Kikay had evened up the playing field by constructing a new deck, so I hear. :)
Still. I hope we continue to duel in the future. :)
It's fun to see my 'old card friends' again and see how cool they are! :)
And perhaps this weekend, if I get time, I'll make a couple other decks from my many many cards, and see how they fair against RoChar's deck. :) lol.
^^ This is going to be fun. ^^
I liked winning yesterday.
Why? Because I was getting tired of losing to Kikay lol.
I only win against her every fourth duel.
She's the one to look out for. >.> <.<
-Frankly I was surprised to beat RoChar...since I'd been dueling Kikay. I didn't expect my deck to do so well.
Thanks for bringing me back the confidence that I have a good deck RoChar! :)
I bet you'll win me next time around. ;) We'll see.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I ran my tongue over my two front teeth. And felt something loose. A chip. It didn't feel right. So I looked in the mirror. And one of my two front teeth did have a chip in it. The one that had been fixed at the end of last year. I could also see that there were more flapping pieces of my two front teeth. What did I do? Yah, I messed with them. What happened? I ended up loosing the bottom half of both my teeth. :S
I was halfway freaking out because I didn't want to have to go to school with this huge gap in my front teeth because I'd lost the bottom half of my top front teeth!
--------I woke up for real, felt my teeth, and they were normal before falling back asleep--------
I was in a foresty type of area. Canyons, trees to climb, a valley. And my dad was there...he was in charge...a ruler? yah
when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Heavenly Climbingness
I looked out the window and what did I see?
A rockwall waiting there for me.
Spring had brought me such a nice surprise.
A rockwall to climb right before my eyes.
I can climb it up so quick.
It doesn't matter which side I picked.
It really really was so.
And that means to me!
Rockwall climbing makes me so happy!
So Kikay and I were heading to our car, in order to meet up with RoCharHanse
(is that a better nickname for you RoChar? :P)
And I was like "Let's cut through the library!"
Kikay was like O.o Why? If we go outside this way it's quicker to get to outer darkness and get in our car.
And I was like "But we can go this---"
And then I saw it.
Right outside the nicely cleaned doors of the end of the hallway (if you made a right turn you'd go up a hallway to the library building)
Gleaming in the sun.
Like a bar of gold.
Was a rockwall!
I was like ()_()
Hummina hummina! MINE!!
But I was like >.>
No. I can't.
We have to go meet RoCharHanse (geez that's a long nickname for you)
I won't climb. I won't climb.
Then Kikay said the magic words:
"The sign says its Free"
Swoink! <.< ()_()
I grabbed Kikay's hand and dragged her out to the rockwall.
Telling her 'If there's a long line we'll just leave."
There wasn't!
I just had to sign a piece of paper and I was getting all hooked up.
Giddy giddy giddy ^^
I haven't gone climbing in months!
(mostly because it ain't free, and I don't have a pass anywhere)
(In case you couldn't tell. I LOVE ROCK CLIMBING!!)
I'll glady shout that from any echoy place you can find.
So the Army dudes...I don't know which department they were in. ROTC. NG. Army... but they had on camo-forms.
One of them took me to the left side of the four sides of the wall.
(this usually means it's the easiest.)
Hooked me up.
And let me loose!
20 seconds later I was back on the ground again.
No joke.
Kikay looked up to watch me just as I was coming back down lol.
Sooo exciting!
And the 20 seconds didn't mean that I fell.
Oh no.
I climbed up to the tippy top and hit the buzzer button and was back down in like 20 seconds :D
(okay maybe it was 30...I wasn't keeping count)
lol but there was a guy in blue that was on the rockwall just to the right of me. And he was nearing the top. Well. I speed past him, hit my bell and was back on the ground again before he hit his buzzer/bell thing.
*giddy giddy giddy*
lol I don't think the army dude was expecting me to go up and down so quickly.
Because he didn't turn around until blue guy was on the ground again.
And he saw me on the ground as well.
He was like "Wow that was quick."
*giddy nod giddy nod* wellofcourseiitwasyougavemetheeasywall. (I didn't say that outloud)
And I was a bit disappointed that my climb had ended so quickly. :(
But then he asked me the magic question.
"Do you want to climb again?"
Is there any need to ask that question? (yes there was. but still. YEEESSSSS!!!)
So I picked another wall to climb.
He hooked me up.
And off I went!
Racing for the sky!
One of holder rock things...
I grabbed it.
And the tricky bugger basically went from facing up to facing down.
Which caused me to loose my grip.
And caused me to start falling.
Oh no! Second climb. I was already done! I hadn't reached the top!
So with the tips of my fingers, I grabbed onto some rock holders.
And continued climbing.
So it was like 45seconds later that I touched the ground. Buzzer still ringing in my ears.
And then. The army dude was like "Do you want to climb again?!"
Oh. How I wanted to say yes.
But I refrained.
"I want to...but there's a line now." I said. along with something "No thanks." I think it was.
I could have climbed 3 times. :) But then having climbed 3 out of the 4 walls...I of course would want to climb the fourth.
No.. might as well stick with two or else I'd be climbing all day. ^^;;
And Kikay and I were already late to meet RoCharHanse.
So regretfully I left my beloved rockwall.
And went skipping over to the car.
Happy that I had managed to conquer the rockwall twice. ^^ YAY!!
^^ Love me some Rockwalls ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
-the dream was one of those dreams that left me as soon as I sat up. >.< I hate it when they do that. It was a really cool one too! Though I can't remember it.
A rockwall waiting there for me.
Spring had brought me such a nice surprise.
A rockwall to climb right before my eyes.
I can climb it up so quick.
It doesn't matter which side I picked.
It really really was so.
And that means to me!
Rockwall climbing makes me so happy!
So Kikay and I were heading to our car, in order to meet up with RoCharHanse
(is that a better nickname for you RoChar? :P)
And I was like "Let's cut through the library!"
Kikay was like O.o Why? If we go outside this way it's quicker to get to outer darkness and get in our car.
And I was like "But we can go this---"
And then I saw it.
Right outside the nicely cleaned doors of the end of the hallway (if you made a right turn you'd go up a hallway to the library building)
Gleaming in the sun.
Like a bar of gold.
Was a rockwall!
I was like ()_()
Hummina hummina! MINE!!
But I was like >.>
No. I can't.
We have to go meet RoCharHanse (geez that's a long nickname for you)
I won't climb. I won't climb.
Then Kikay said the magic words:
"The sign says its Free"
Swoink! <.< ()_()
I grabbed Kikay's hand and dragged her out to the rockwall.
Telling her 'If there's a long line we'll just leave."
There wasn't!
I just had to sign a piece of paper and I was getting all hooked up.
Giddy giddy giddy ^^
I haven't gone climbing in months!
(mostly because it ain't free, and I don't have a pass anywhere)
(In case you couldn't tell. I LOVE ROCK CLIMBING!!)
I'll glady shout that from any echoy place you can find.
So the Army dudes...I don't know which department they were in. ROTC. NG. Army... but they had on camo-forms.
One of them took me to the left side of the four sides of the wall.
(this usually means it's the easiest.)
Hooked me up.
And let me loose!
20 seconds later I was back on the ground again.
No joke.
Kikay looked up to watch me just as I was coming back down lol.
Sooo exciting!
And the 20 seconds didn't mean that I fell.
Oh no.
I climbed up to the tippy top and hit the buzzer button and was back down in like 20 seconds :D
(okay maybe it was 30...I wasn't keeping count)
lol but there was a guy in blue that was on the rockwall just to the right of me. And he was nearing the top. Well. I speed past him, hit my bell and was back on the ground again before he hit his buzzer/bell thing.
*giddy giddy giddy*
lol I don't think the army dude was expecting me to go up and down so quickly.
Because he didn't turn around until blue guy was on the ground again.
And he saw me on the ground as well.
He was like "Wow that was quick."
*giddy nod giddy nod* wellofcourseiitwasyougavemetheeasywall. (I didn't say that outloud)
And I was a bit disappointed that my climb had ended so quickly. :(
But then he asked me the magic question.
"Do you want to climb again?"
Is there any need to ask that question? (yes there was. but still. YEEESSSSS!!!)
So I picked another wall to climb.
He hooked me up.
And off I went!
Racing for the sky!
One of holder rock things...
I grabbed it.
And the tricky bugger basically went from facing up to facing down.
Which caused me to loose my grip.
And caused me to start falling.
Oh no! Second climb. I was already done! I hadn't reached the top!
So with the tips of my fingers, I grabbed onto some rock holders.
And continued climbing.
So it was like 45seconds later that I touched the ground. Buzzer still ringing in my ears.
And then. The army dude was like "Do you want to climb again?!"
Oh. How I wanted to say yes.
But I refrained.
"I want to...but there's a line now." I said. along with something "No thanks." I think it was.
I could have climbed 3 times. :) But then having climbed 3 out of the 4 walls...I of course would want to climb the fourth.
No.. might as well stick with two or else I'd be climbing all day. ^^;;
And Kikay and I were already late to meet RoCharHanse.
So regretfully I left my beloved rockwall.
And went skipping over to the car.
Happy that I had managed to conquer the rockwall twice. ^^ YAY!!
^^ Love me some Rockwalls ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
-the dream was one of those dreams that left me as soon as I sat up. >.< I hate it when they do that. It was a really cool one too! Though I can't remember it.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Fingernail Saga
My poor fingers.
They're getting torn up right and left.
But I figured, that today...I should update the state of my ring finger :)
It's...mostly well.
Okay, Now it's pretty much normal looking :)
But over spring break.... :S
I tore the nail. Again.
Doing what you might asked?
Playing Glow in the Dark the dark :) lol
Note to self: Clapping the Frisbee with long nails = Broken nails. Catching the Frisbee with one hand = no broken nails.
What was the result of me clapping?
By Friday. :S
lol I stayed up til 3am the night before to clean up everything that the White Gloves wanted to have cleaned.
The results were this:
My fingernails :(
And so the saga continues.
What happened?
Well...we were laying things out, and we decided a table would help us to organize the closet.
-You know to set things on...and sort...or something. We ended up not really using it in the end lol.
So I walked over to where the tables were (since the closet is in a group study common area in the basement)
Took hold of the underneath of the table.
And pulled.
My left foot. (bad left foot!)
Happened to have been positioned right in front of one of the table legs.
So the result was...
I pulled.
The table moved and hit my foot.
And jerked to a stop.
My hands jerked.
And I guess came out from underneath the table because they weren't expecting resistance and the result was....
Not painful. :)
Just not pretty looking lol.
If you don't like looking at...umm wary of the next few pictures.
The major causality?
My left pointer finger.
But my left ring finger remained undamaged!
yay for small mercys lol!
My left pointer finger though looked like this:
Besides wait for the fingernail to grow out...again.
It took like three months for my ring finger to get back to basically normal.
I don't know how long it will take my pointer finger :(
And I need that fingernail more then my ring finger.
The ring finger needs to look pretty.
-Because you know...rings go there.
The pointer finger...well helps me to get my contacts in and out of my eyes lol.
My other fingers didn't receive as much damage though :)
Only two fingers hurt on each side.
But now they're all cut down and even again :D
Well...all but the pointer finger...not much I can do about that one. :(
lol Ironically enough...
I had been planning to cut my fingernails after I got home from school today.
Next time I get the thought before school that I should cut my finger nails.
I should listen. And cut them before going to school.
So the above pictures don't happen again lol :)
And to add to the....dramaness? I don't know.
I have an assignment due at the end of the week.
Where I need to draw my hand front and back and show what it actually looks like.
My dominate hand.
My LEFT hand.
The one that now has an injured pointer finger.
This is going to be fun ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was in a jail...prison...orphanage? someplace that had a 'jail' type feel to it...
With a bunch of other girls...who were also in jail.
I was just trying to keep my head down and survive.
But the Trunchbill (the woman from Matilda...but..she was shorter...and fatter...with reddish pigtails that stuck straight out horizontally from her head)
seemed to take of dislike? to me.
She liked me...but she disliked me.
I think I was a troublesome resident.
And the other girls...they liked me and disliked depended on the person.
I was just trying to stay out of trouble (maybe escape)
Perhaps I was at a camp? But I couldn't leave...I almost think of a girl's camp atmosphere in that kitchen area when all the girls mingled with each other in the cafeteria.
Well, at some point the Trunch took me into a different room.
And with a conspirical
She stuck it into the ceiling so that you could only see the spiraled half and..hit a button I think.
and skittles came out. She gave some to me.
I think she was trying to buy my loyalty.
Other things happened...
And suddenly I was running in a small corridor.
that was located in the ceiling..on the ceiling? the ceiling was the floor I was running on.
And everything was collapsing around us.
Me and a couple other guys were running.
And as we ran we passed by a orange object sticking up from the floor.
The other half of the ball the Trunch placed in the ceiling!
and I saw the funnel...that held all the skittles.
And I thought to myself. The Trunch won't like me knowing where that is...
as I continued running down the hallway.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)
They're getting torn up right and left.
But I figured, that today...I should update the state of my ring finger :)
It's...mostly well.
Okay, Now it's pretty much normal looking :)
But over spring break.... :S
I tore the nail. Again.
Doing what you might asked?
Playing Glow in the Dark the dark :) lol
Note to self: Clapping the Frisbee with long nails = Broken nails. Catching the Frisbee with one hand = no broken nails.
What was the result of me clapping?
A nice bit of nail missing.
-My thumbnail on my other hand also got the same result as my ring finger.
-This was the best picture I took.
No bit deal. It didn't go deep into the nail bed.
So I was waiting for it to grow out again.
And what happened today?
Well...I was cleaning out the poster closest with my committee at the Institute today....
Speaking of cleaning....I had a cleaning check last Friday.
(Images about to be seen may be disturbing to those who like clean rooms.)
I had to clean this:
(Yes this is my bedroom) By Friday. :S
lol I stayed up til 3am the night before to clean up everything that the White Gloves wanted to have cleaned.
The results were this:
It's clean!
Wow. Such a difference :D lol.
Well this closet...that we needed to clean up.
Looked alot like my bedroom in the before pictures.
:( Sadly I didn't take a before picture. :( But it was just as messy and disorganized.
But the after picture is this!: couldn't see the right wall or the bottom three or five layers of poster rolls. And we had boxes of stuff stacked up, and metal things and signs and other things all over the place!
So disorganized and chaotic!
But now. So nice and clean and non chaotic, and it only took us hour to do it :D Yay for many hands! lol :)
However...this endeavor didn't come without casualties.Namely.
My fingernails :(
And so the saga continues.
What happened?
Well...we were laying things out, and we decided a table would help us to organize the closet.
-You know to set things on...and sort...or something. We ended up not really using it in the end lol.
So I walked over to where the tables were (since the closet is in a group study common area in the basement)
Took hold of the underneath of the table.
And pulled.
My left foot. (bad left foot!)
Happened to have been positioned right in front of one of the table legs.
So the result was...
I pulled.
The table moved and hit my foot.
And jerked to a stop.
My hands jerked.
And I guess came out from underneath the table because they weren't expecting resistance and the result was....
Not painful. :)
Just not pretty looking lol.
If you don't like looking at...umm wary of the next few pictures.
The major causality?
My left pointer finger.
But my left ring finger remained undamaged!
yay for small mercys lol!
My left pointer finger though looked like this:
Yah...again. It wasn't painful.
But with the top layer of my nail poor pointer finger looks like this now:
Not pretty. :( And there isn't anything I can do about it. *sighs*
Besides wait for the fingernail to grow out...again.
It took like three months for my ring finger to get back to basically normal.
I don't know how long it will take my pointer finger :(
And I need that fingernail more then my ring finger.
The ring finger needs to look pretty.
-Because you know...rings go there.
The pointer finger...well helps me to get my contacts in and out of my eyes lol.
My other fingers didn't receive as much damage though :)
Only two fingers hurt on each side.
But now they're all cut down and even again :D
Well...all but the pointer finger...not much I can do about that one. :(
lol Ironically enough...
I had been planning to cut my fingernails after I got home from school today.
Next time I get the thought before school that I should cut my finger nails.
I should listen. And cut them before going to school.
So the above pictures don't happen again lol :)
And to add to the....dramaness? I don't know.
I have an assignment due at the end of the week.
Where I need to draw my hand front and back and show what it actually looks like.
My dominate hand.
My LEFT hand.
The one that now has an injured pointer finger.
This is going to be fun ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was in a jail...prison...orphanage? someplace that had a 'jail' type feel to it...
With a bunch of other girls...who were also in jail.
I was just trying to keep my head down and survive.
But the Trunchbill (the woman from Matilda...but..she was shorter...and fatter...with reddish pigtails that stuck straight out horizontally from her head)
seemed to take of dislike? to me.
She liked me...but she disliked me.
I think I was a troublesome resident.
And the other girls...they liked me and disliked depended on the person.
I was just trying to stay out of trouble (maybe escape)
Perhaps I was at a camp? But I couldn't leave...I almost think of a girl's camp atmosphere in that kitchen area when all the girls mingled with each other in the cafeteria.
Well, at some point the Trunch took me into a different room.
And with a conspirical
She stuck it into the ceiling so that you could only see the spiraled half and..hit a button I think.
and skittles came out. She gave some to me.
I think she was trying to buy my loyalty.
Other things happened...
And suddenly I was running in a small corridor.
that was located in the ceiling..on the ceiling? the ceiling was the floor I was running on.
And everything was collapsing around us.
Me and a couple other guys were running.
And as we ran we passed by a orange object sticking up from the floor.
The other half of the ball the Trunch placed in the ceiling!
and I saw the funnel...that held all the skittles.
And I thought to myself. The Trunch won't like me knowing where that is...
as I continued running down the hallway.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)
Monday, March 26, 2012
Backseat Talents
Last night, I discovered a new talent.
I was over at Snap Crackle and Pop's house.
Eating food...
when Crackle began complaining that their wrist was itchy.
And no matter what they did, it was still itchy!
What did I do?
I randomly reached over to their wrist.
And began to scratch it myself.
Awe, Amazement, Relief spread across their features.
Their itch was gone!
lol. I didn't really know what I was doing lol :)
I just reached...
so instinct?
It was pretty cool if I do say so myself.
Randomly doing something and it actually helping! :)
Speaking of helping.
I was so sleepy today.
Still am sleepy....and I'm probably not going to get to bed anytime soon lol.
I got to class today like 25minutes early.
I didn't want to go sit outside the classroom (because there was a class before mine in there)
Soo I decided to try out something I had heard other college students do.
I went into the back seat of my car.
And took a nap.
It was really comfortable.
I think I actually dozed off there.
Until my cell alarm woke me up.
So sad to wake up :(
I wanted to continue sleeping in the back of my car.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Was rather creepy....:S Dark...lots of stuff going on...animals...a handicap girl with red hair...with an evil plan. Taking over something. I was running...
until the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
I was over at Snap Crackle and Pop's house.
Eating food...
when Crackle began complaining that their wrist was itchy.
And no matter what they did, it was still itchy!
What did I do?
I randomly reached over to their wrist.
And began to scratch it myself.
Awe, Amazement, Relief spread across their features.
Their itch was gone!
lol. I didn't really know what I was doing lol :)
I just reached...
so instinct?
It was pretty cool if I do say so myself.
Randomly doing something and it actually helping! :)
Speaking of helping.
I was so sleepy today.
Still am sleepy....and I'm probably not going to get to bed anytime soon lol.
I got to class today like 25minutes early.
I didn't want to go sit outside the classroom (because there was a class before mine in there)
Soo I decided to try out something I had heard other college students do.
I went into the back seat of my car.
And took a nap.
It was really comfortable.
I think I actually dozed off there.
Until my cell alarm woke me up.
So sad to wake up :(
I wanted to continue sleeping in the back of my car.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Was rather creepy....:S Dark...lots of stuff going on...animals...a handicap girl with red hair...with an evil plan. Taking over something. I was running...
until the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tip of the Spotlight
I've often said that there is more to me then meets the eye.
And when asked about myself, I want to respond:
Do you want me to tell you about book 1? or book 4? maybe 12?
So I often deflect the question....and say "What do you want to know?"
Because I don't want to talk about what they wouldn't be interested in.
And with questions I could figure out what direction they're thinking in.
And maybe throw in a couple of 'loop' questions, that 'throw them for a loop'
to show that 'while you are asking this is an answer that shows you a different part of me as well.' lol :)
I think my blog kinda shows that as well.
-Because I was trying to do that on purpose.
-Hence my picture of the mountain as my profile picture. :) There is alot of me to get to know. and the casual reader can go away thinking about me and this blog in one way.
But the more constant reader will read...the more...depth they can get in seeing the full iceberg.
And think. "Oh no, Something isn't 'wrong' with Sarnic because she's not acting the same as yesterday, This is just her."
I'm like an iceberg ^^ lol.
And...I'm really mad at myself...because I wanted to 'spotlight' my blog. "Sarnic writes a blog!" because that is why the Co-Presidents came to visit me. In order to do a spotlight thing tomorrow morning in our meeting.
And that would have been say "I have a blog!"
Oh well. lol I'll have to see which bits of the iceberg that I mentioned that they will talk about tomorrow.
But I guess that is why it's called a 'spotlight' and not a 'biography' haha :)
Just a brief glimpse into my background. :)
In any case ^^
It was cool that I was compared to an iceberg. And I feel happy that others have been...observing me...and noticing that there is more to me then meets the eye. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was in a building with a bunch of was kind of like a museum building...or a security place...but I could look through the metal beams of some classified area and see the spirals of the was like a specific york? (one that doesn't exist) and I liked seeing it and I was trying to get my camera out to take a picture of it, but other people were coming and we had to get to the baseball game....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Today, I met with my Co-Presidents of the LDSSA.
And they told me...that one of the other co-chairs in our council on spring break.
Had described me as an Iceberg.
That I had a beautiful surface area to look at.
But as you go deeper, you discover that there is a more dynamic, complex, dense...basically...that there is more to me then you thought there was on the surface.
lol I wish I could remember the was really cool wording.
Anywho, I was compared to an iceberg today. :)
I thought it was pretty cool.
Because it was pretty accurate, and I hadn't really thought of myself in that way.
I've used other...metaphors? To describe myself. Layers of an Onion, Facets of a Jewel, Sides of a dice, caterpillar to butterfly....things like that. To say "Hey there is more to me then meets the eye."
Or that "I sometimes only show this side of myself in this situation, but if you see me in other situations I'm different."
But an's really...accurate.
:) Often people only see the tip of me. And think that that is all there is.
Because I'm not the type of really talk about myself.
I mean I can, and I enjoy talking about myself (lol who doesn't?)
It's just that, I'm never sure what to say. Do I go for modest? Or show offy? Funny? or shy?
It's hard to know.
Which is why I hate the question "Tell me about yourself."
I often want to respond "Which part of myself do you want to know about?"
lol to go with my love of reading fantasy...I'm like an epic fantasy series.And when asked about myself, I want to respond:
Do you want me to tell you about book 1? or book 4? maybe 12?
So I often deflect the question....and say "What do you want to know?"
Because I don't want to talk about what they wouldn't be interested in.
And with questions I could figure out what direction they're thinking in.
And maybe throw in a couple of 'loop' questions, that 'throw them for a loop'
to show that 'while you are asking this is an answer that shows you a different part of me as well.' lol :)
I think my blog kinda shows that as well.
-Because I was trying to do that on purpose.
-Hence my picture of the mountain as my profile picture. :) There is alot of me to get to know. and the casual reader can go away thinking about me and this blog in one way.
But the more constant reader will read...the more...depth they can get in seeing the full iceberg.
And think. "Oh no, Something isn't 'wrong' with Sarnic because she's not acting the same as yesterday, This is just her."
I'm like an iceberg ^^ lol.
And...I'm really mad at myself...because I wanted to 'spotlight' my blog. "Sarnic writes a blog!" because that is why the Co-Presidents came to visit me. In order to do a spotlight thing tomorrow morning in our meeting.
And that would have been say "I have a blog!"
Oh well. lol I'll have to see which bits of the iceberg that I mentioned that they will talk about tomorrow.
But I guess that is why it's called a 'spotlight' and not a 'biography' haha :)
Just a brief glimpse into my background. :)
In any case ^^
It was cool that I was compared to an iceberg. And I feel happy that others have been...observing me...and noticing that there is more to me then meets the eye. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was in a building with a bunch of was kind of like a museum building...or a security place...but I could look through the metal beams of some classified area and see the spirals of the was like a specific york? (one that doesn't exist) and I liked seeing it and I was trying to get my camera out to take a picture of it, but other people were coming and we had to get to the baseball game....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
My Right Eye
I've made a mini discovery that might actually disappear so I figured I'd talk about it now!
So, I've had a headache for the past few hours....
And this time around....I've had a hard time focusing my eyes.
But I insisted to myself that I should I use my eyes....
since I can't really do anything without them.
As much I 'love' typing with my eyes closed lol.
But I was watching this thing on my ipod touch.
And I noticed.
That I tended to focus more on the image to the left...
then the image to the right.
Because my eyes weren't focused.
So I had that ghosty thing going on.
And since my head was tilted to the left...
it was actually the right eye that I was using to focus on the image.
I haven't tried this tilting my head to the right...
but I think...
I may be right eyed...
for now lol.
It's just weird, since I'm a have my right eye doing something.
Though I guess I've been right brained since I'm left handed.
So there are two things I'm righty in! (for now) :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leave.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I've made a mini discovery that might actually disappear so I figured I'd talk about it now!
So, I've had a headache for the past few hours....
And this time around....I've had a hard time focusing my eyes.
But I insisted to myself that I should I use my eyes....
since I can't really do anything without them.
As much I 'love' typing with my eyes closed lol.
But I was watching this thing on my ipod touch.
And I noticed.
That I tended to focus more on the image to the left...
then the image to the right.
Because my eyes weren't focused.
So I had that ghosty thing going on.
And since my head was tilted to the left...
it was actually the right eye that I was using to focus on the image.
I haven't tried this tilting my head to the right...
but I think...
I may be right eyed...
for now lol.
It's just weird, since I'm a have my right eye doing something.
Though I guess I've been right brained since I'm left handed.
So there are two things I'm righty in! (for now) :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leave.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, March 23, 2012
A Repeat Creepy Moment
You know....
I really like going to dances.
Especially if I know people there. :) That makes it fun to dance with them and not by yourself.
And there was another Dance at the institute today.
One that wasn't a date dance.
So you could just show up for fun!
I haven't been to a 'show up for fun' dance since the beginning of last semester.
And that was when >.>
The stalker showed up.
I don't know if I ever mentioned him on this blog.
But this guy...seriously could turn up the creepy.
He followed me all over the dance floor.
And when I tried to avoid him...and got just a bit distracted...
I turned and he'd be suddenly right next to me!
Totally freaked me out.
Like "constantly looking over my shoulder the next couple of days to see if he was standing there" freaked out.
But...I didn't see him again.
And I put the thought from my mind.
So I was excited to go to this dance and just have some fun :)
Kikay and I had only been there for about 20 minutes.
And there he was!
Asking me to dance!
The stalker!
Did I have a beacon or radar thing on me that caused him to hone in on me and approach?
Seriously odd.
And creepy. :S
What are the odds that he'd be in one of the stakes that was going to this dance?!
What was....different though...was that he didn't know my name....
I'm not sure if he recognized me or not....
I had my hair pulled back today.
I think last time it was down...
But...I basically danced with him.
And hightailed it out of there with Kikay and went to Brother Kett's party he was having instead.
^^ Such a better feeling at that party. We spent about the same amount of time at Brother Kett's house as at the dance. And I had a way more positive experience. :)
But now I wonder....
Do I have to avoid all dances in the future that aren't date dances at the institute?
I hope not lol.
But I do think that I will need to dance in the middle of the dance floor from now on and not on the edges. :S
That...or get a boyfriend... lol :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I really like going to dances.
Especially if I know people there. :) That makes it fun to dance with them and not by yourself.
And there was another Dance at the institute today.
One that wasn't a date dance.
So you could just show up for fun!
I haven't been to a 'show up for fun' dance since the beginning of last semester.
And that was when >.>
The stalker showed up.
I don't know if I ever mentioned him on this blog.
But this guy...seriously could turn up the creepy.
He followed me all over the dance floor.
And when I tried to avoid him...and got just a bit distracted...
I turned and he'd be suddenly right next to me!
Totally freaked me out.
Like "constantly looking over my shoulder the next couple of days to see if he was standing there" freaked out.
But...I didn't see him again.
And I put the thought from my mind.
So I was excited to go to this dance and just have some fun :)
Kikay and I had only been there for about 20 minutes.
And there he was!
Asking me to dance!
The stalker!
Did I have a beacon or radar thing on me that caused him to hone in on me and approach?
Seriously odd.
And creepy. :S
What are the odds that he'd be in one of the stakes that was going to this dance?!
What was....different though...was that he didn't know my name....
I'm not sure if he recognized me or not....
I had my hair pulled back today.
I think last time it was down...
But...I basically danced with him.
And hightailed it out of there with Kikay and went to Brother Kett's party he was having instead.
^^ Such a better feeling at that party. We spent about the same amount of time at Brother Kett's house as at the dance. And I had a way more positive experience. :)
But now I wonder....
Do I have to avoid all dances in the future that aren't date dances at the institute?
I hope not lol.
But I do think that I will need to dance in the middle of the dance floor from now on and not on the edges. :S
That...or get a boyfriend... lol :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, March 22, 2012
A Parting of Ways
So for about a year now.
I've been participating in a writing group.
Held basically once a week.
With Kikay and two other individuals.
It's one of my favorite things to go to...
not always because I enjoy being critiqued.
But I have a motivation to actually sit down and write something.
I actually can write!
lol. It doesn't mean I write perfectly
-I have trouble with commas.... evil buggers. They multiply everywhere!
But I like having a 'deadline' that convinces me to write about two and a half pages every week.
-that we meet.
Well...tonight. One of the other individuals decided to quit the group. :(
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this...
I mean....I've convinced Kikay time and time again to come to Writer's Group
-she's considered quitting a time or four as well.
And to have this other individual suddenly out of the blue announce that this is their last meeting.
:( It's....not a happy feeling.
I mean I can understand the reasoning behind it. -They're not writing, our writers group takes three hours for three people to be critiqued and having a writers group for four hours....
yah it's a bit much.
But I feel....almost betrayed.
To suddenly be told that someone is leaving the group...without's a surprise.
But understandable....
I feel like we should have had advanced warning that this was going to happen. So that Kikay and I could throw a 'leaving party' or something....bring that we appreciate their effort they put into this group.
But as it was.... that didn't happen. :(
But I guess...Kikay and I had a...premonition of sorts? I don't know.
We had to clean up the apartment in preparation for cleaning checks. (hence why this post is written after 3am on the 23rd) so we decided that we wouldn't be critiqued today and would only critique Third's story today. I think that may have been a good thing. Because we got done earlier...when we were still awake (often our group meets until midnight)...
I don't know.
It's just weird to think that we're down to three....
I'm going to miss them. :( Even if I got annoyed with the nitpickiness of the critiques that were given. They also had great insights into our stories. Knowledgeable about the world in many different areas. They helped to improve our writing and critiquing abilities...
and now....we're down to three. :(
lol I think it's an unspoken fact that we're going to stick to the writer's group at least until Kikay and I finish the Third's story. :) But after that I don't know. :S
Will our writing group stay together?
I hope so.
Because otherwise...
I don't know when I'm going to ever write lol. ;)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I've been participating in a writing group.
Held basically once a week.
With Kikay and two other individuals.
It's one of my favorite things to go to...
not always because I enjoy being critiqued.
But I have a motivation to actually sit down and write something.
I actually can write!
lol. It doesn't mean I write perfectly
-I have trouble with commas.... evil buggers. They multiply everywhere!
But I like having a 'deadline' that convinces me to write about two and a half pages every week.
-that we meet.
Well...tonight. One of the other individuals decided to quit the group. :(
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this...
I mean....I've convinced Kikay time and time again to come to Writer's Group
-she's considered quitting a time or four as well.
And to have this other individual suddenly out of the blue announce that this is their last meeting.
:( It's....not a happy feeling.
I mean I can understand the reasoning behind it. -They're not writing, our writers group takes three hours for three people to be critiqued and having a writers group for four hours....
yah it's a bit much.
But I feel....almost betrayed.
To suddenly be told that someone is leaving the group...without's a surprise.
But understandable....
I feel like we should have had advanced warning that this was going to happen. So that Kikay and I could throw a 'leaving party' or something....bring that we appreciate their effort they put into this group.
But as it was.... that didn't happen. :(
But I guess...Kikay and I had a...premonition of sorts? I don't know.
We had to clean up the apartment in preparation for cleaning checks. (hence why this post is written after 3am on the 23rd) so we decided that we wouldn't be critiqued today and would only critique Third's story today. I think that may have been a good thing. Because we got done earlier...when we were still awake (often our group meets until midnight)...
I don't know.
It's just weird to think that we're down to three....
I'm going to miss them. :( Even if I got annoyed with the nitpickiness of the critiques that were given. They also had great insights into our stories. Knowledgeable about the world in many different areas. They helped to improve our writing and critiquing abilities...
and now....we're down to three. :(
lol I think it's an unspoken fact that we're going to stick to the writer's group at least until Kikay and I finish the Third's story. :) But after that I don't know. :S
Will our writing group stay together?
I hope so.
Because otherwise...
I don't know when I'm going to ever write lol. ;)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Writing Circles and Reapplying for No Trouble
There are some days...
like today....
Where I seriously consider breaking my rule of only posting once a day.
I mean...lots of interesting things have happened!
And...It seems rather mean to only focus on one aspect of today.
Then wait until tomorrow to post the next aspect that happened today....
and end up having something interesting happen that day too...
so that the other aspects that happened today...may never be mentioned again...
because I may forget them...or they don't seem as relevant.
Yet...I don't want to do multiple segments in one post...
But I'm going to do that anyway lol. :)
After all...if I post more then one post today...
:S Which post am I supposed to put my "The Dream" on? O.o
;) haha
Today was a rather...tiring day for my left hand.
Since it is my writing hand...
I tend to use it alot in school.
But today it had the unfun situation of being forced to take two written tests. That last up to an hour each.
Within a period of three hours. I had class, then a break, then class again.
*shakes head*
DaBo. DaBo why do you have to do this to your students?
Why does any teacher give out homework or tests the week after spring break? It's cruel.
Because you know we're not going to do the homework or studying...
But anyway.
My left hand got quiet the work out today.
Because I have DaBo twice as a teacher this semester.
And he decided to give tests in both classes...Today.
I'm grateful he didn't due it on Monday like he was planning to.
But still.
Two WRITTEN tests...with like short answer, some matching, essay questions, and a situational solving thing...all to be done within one period.
It was a workout.
My wrist and elbow ached after each class.
But I thought it was rather an ironical hyper critical type of way.
Because in one of his classes. He's told us that in order to protect our hands from being harmed.
We shouldn't overwork them. And avoid doing the same motion for more then 15-20 minutes.
Guess what?
His test.
Yes. Writing.
for 50-60 minutes.
At break neck speed because he asks alot of questions...and most of us weren't sure how long the answers needed to be.
-DaBo pulled me aside later and said that I made the 'short answers' too long. And I was like O.o Well you told us to answer in sentences, and give reasons why, and explain yourself....Not a quick answer! He seemed to think it was possible though....
and it is...I just tend to over explain things. ;) lol
I am a writer after all.
In any hand was exposed to the same continuous motion for like two hours today.
With my hand clenched extra tight to hold the paper down and the pencil in my hand in order to write hand was basically shaking after each class. I could barely hold the papers and staple them together lol.
But at least the tests were over with ^^ YAY! :)
Freedom to cleaning
Those always seem to show up whenever you specifically don't want them to.
But...I always like to show up at the institute ^^
Because then I get randomly complemented randomly.
Today I ran into three of my favorite teachers
(I like all the teachers in the institute so they're all my favorites)
Brother Kett, Spen, and Mon.
And apparently they had just been talking about me lol.
How...I hadn't yet gotten Brother Kett into trouble.
Because he's the teacher advisor for my committee on the council.
Apparently in previous years...the co-chairs had gotten Brother Kett into trouble.
With something they did...
But this year. Brother Kett hasn't gotten in trouble because of me. (and I assume my cochairs)
If he has gotten into's because he's done it himself lol.
It was funny because Brother Kett said: "If I get into trouble I'll just blame Sarnic."
And I responded "I think they will believe me over you" -Meaning Brother Spen and Mon.
They looked at each other.
And agreed! haha!
They would believe me over Brother Kett ^^ haha!!
Also, Brother Spen and Mon are doing interviews to replace this year's LDSSA with a new batch of LDSSA members for next year (we can only be in charge for a year) and as they were leaving and I was leaving they were like:
"Hey Sarnic! How about you change your name, dye your hair, and come apply again?"
lol. And if I just grew a bit taller I could pretend to be Kikay! ;) If I dyed my hair the right color.
But Awww!!! ^^ They want me to apply again! ^^ They like me! They really like me!
I've actually considered the idea. Not the one that Brother Spen and Mon said. like four years if I'm still going to Institute in the area and I'm single lol.
;) I wonder if that would work.. haha.
But then I thought to myself....
Would I want to reapply?
I actually don't think I would.
Because I would constantly be comparing the 2nd LDSSA group with the 1st one I was in. Noting differences. Likes. Dislikes. Etc.
Plus...I would feel...pretty old. In a more mental sense then a physical sense (though I would be among the older people there lol if I reapply in fourish years)
But I would fell like the...'Grandmother" of the group. The one who's done it before and such.
Because the Publicity Committee I'm Cochairing...I was on that committee for all but my first semester of college. So I was already an 'old hand' at publicizing. :) lol I knew what to do, while many of the other LDSSA group...were thrown into the water to see if they could swim lol.
So even if I could reapply...I don't think I would. :) I do enjoy being in charge after all.... ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was getting ready with a bunch of other people. Most of them were from Council. We were grandmother's house. In her kitchen. And we were preparing to go somewhere....and I was working to get ready. the middle of shaving my razor stopped working. :( (electric) And it was like I was trying to fur. :S Lots and lots of hair. It was odd. And I basically went 'oh well' and went to go figure out a different way to get dressed without worrying too much about it.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
like today....
Where I seriously consider breaking my rule of only posting once a day.
I mean...lots of interesting things have happened!
And...It seems rather mean to only focus on one aspect of today.
Then wait until tomorrow to post the next aspect that happened today....
and end up having something interesting happen that day too...
so that the other aspects that happened today...may never be mentioned again...
because I may forget them...or they don't seem as relevant.
Yet...I don't want to do multiple segments in one post...
But I'm going to do that anyway lol. :)
After all...if I post more then one post today...
:S Which post am I supposed to put my "The Dream" on? O.o
;) haha
Today was a rather...tiring day for my left hand.
Since it is my writing hand...
I tend to use it alot in school.
But today it had the unfun situation of being forced to take two written tests. That last up to an hour each.
Within a period of three hours. I had class, then a break, then class again.
*shakes head*
DaBo. DaBo why do you have to do this to your students?
Why does any teacher give out homework or tests the week after spring break? It's cruel.
Because you know we're not going to do the homework or studying...
But anyway.
My left hand got quiet the work out today.
Because I have DaBo twice as a teacher this semester.
And he decided to give tests in both classes...Today.
I'm grateful he didn't due it on Monday like he was planning to.
But still.
Two WRITTEN tests...with like short answer, some matching, essay questions, and a situational solving thing...all to be done within one period.
It was a workout.
My wrist and elbow ached after each class.
But I thought it was rather an ironical hyper critical type of way.
Because in one of his classes. He's told us that in order to protect our hands from being harmed.
We shouldn't overwork them. And avoid doing the same motion for more then 15-20 minutes.
Guess what?
His test.
Yes. Writing.
for 50-60 minutes.
At break neck speed because he asks alot of questions...and most of us weren't sure how long the answers needed to be.
-DaBo pulled me aside later and said that I made the 'short answers' too long. And I was like O.o Well you told us to answer in sentences, and give reasons why, and explain yourself....Not a quick answer! He seemed to think it was possible though....
and it is...I just tend to over explain things. ;) lol
I am a writer after all.
In any hand was exposed to the same continuous motion for like two hours today.
With my hand clenched extra tight to hold the paper down and the pencil in my hand in order to write hand was basically shaking after each class. I could barely hold the papers and staple them together lol.
But at least the tests were over with ^^ YAY! :)
Freedom to cleaning
Those always seem to show up whenever you specifically don't want them to.
But...I always like to show up at the institute ^^
Because then I get randomly complemented randomly.
Today I ran into three of my favorite teachers
(I like all the teachers in the institute so they're all my favorites)
Brother Kett, Spen, and Mon.
And apparently they had just been talking about me lol.
How...I hadn't yet gotten Brother Kett into trouble.
Because he's the teacher advisor for my committee on the council.
Apparently in previous years...the co-chairs had gotten Brother Kett into trouble.
With something they did...
But this year. Brother Kett hasn't gotten in trouble because of me. (and I assume my cochairs)
If he has gotten into's because he's done it himself lol.
It was funny because Brother Kett said: "If I get into trouble I'll just blame Sarnic."
And I responded "I think they will believe me over you" -Meaning Brother Spen and Mon.
They looked at each other.
And agreed! haha!
They would believe me over Brother Kett ^^ haha!!
Also, Brother Spen and Mon are doing interviews to replace this year's LDSSA with a new batch of LDSSA members for next year (we can only be in charge for a year) and as they were leaving and I was leaving they were like:
"Hey Sarnic! How about you change your name, dye your hair, and come apply again?"
lol. And if I just grew a bit taller I could pretend to be Kikay! ;) If I dyed my hair the right color.
But Awww!!! ^^ They want me to apply again! ^^ They like me! They really like me!
I've actually considered the idea. Not the one that Brother Spen and Mon said. like four years if I'm still going to Institute in the area and I'm single lol.
;) I wonder if that would work.. haha.
But then I thought to myself....
Would I want to reapply?
I actually don't think I would.
Because I would constantly be comparing the 2nd LDSSA group with the 1st one I was in. Noting differences. Likes. Dislikes. Etc.
Plus...I would feel...pretty old. In a more mental sense then a physical sense (though I would be among the older people there lol if I reapply in fourish years)
But I would fell like the...'Grandmother" of the group. The one who's done it before and such.
Because the Publicity Committee I'm Cochairing...I was on that committee for all but my first semester of college. So I was already an 'old hand' at publicizing. :) lol I knew what to do, while many of the other LDSSA group...were thrown into the water to see if they could swim lol.
So even if I could reapply...I don't think I would. :) I do enjoy being in charge after all.... ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was getting ready with a bunch of other people. Most of them were from Council. We were grandmother's house. In her kitchen. And we were preparing to go somewhere....and I was working to get ready. the middle of shaving my razor stopped working. :( (electric) And it was like I was trying to fur. :S Lots and lots of hair. It was odd. And I basically went 'oh well' and went to go figure out a different way to get dressed without worrying too much about it.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
5 Hour 4 AM Project
Soo, last night, I ended up stressing myself to the point where I ended up with a headache.
It wasn't the ordinary headache. was the 'slept too little, and stressed myself too much' headache.
Where if I try to stay up...I just feel sicker and sicker and sicker....
Which makes it very very hard to do homework when you can't focus.
And that...was bad yesterday. I went to bed at like 10:30pm.
Which is WAY early for me....
Only I had a slight insy weensy really huge problem.
I had a paper due today.
Like a paper paper of researchfulness.
And like usual...I procrastinated it down to the last minute.
Planning to work on it after class and such.
But my headache conspired against me into going to bed earlier then expected.
However, I conspired against it.
I knew that after a few hours of sleep, I wouldn't feel so sick.
So, I gave into my headache.
And went to bed at 10:30
I set my wake up alarm for 4:00am.
That would give me about 6 hours of sleep.
Which should cure my headache.
And, I would have about fiveish hours to write this paper.
So that's what I did this morning.
I woke up at 4:00 am.
And wrote.
And wrote.
And wrote.
Until 9:15am.
:) I had a 9 page paper with citations included by the time I was done! :D
I finished it!
Luckily last night, I persisted in looking up online sources to use as citations in my paper.
So, I mostly focused on writing the paper this morning, instead of wasting time trying to find websites that supported what I was talking about.
Hopefully, I get a good grade on it.
The teacher got me worried though...because he said he'd mark us down for just writing a 'surface' paper. So I'm hoping I managed in my early morning write 'deep enough' that I get a good grade on the paper.
I guess I'll have to wait and see...and hope that he's grading my paper when he's in good mood and not a bad one lol.
I wasn't really panicking this morning though....writing nearly ten pages as I was for class that day.
I admit, I've never procrastinated homework that much before.
....I've pulled all nighters, but not written a paper the morning it was due.
At the most I would finish it the night before and check it in the morning to make sure it still made sense.
Not today.
So weird.
But I didn't feel crunched for time.
Or stressed.
I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing.
It may be that senioritis has started kicking in, where I've stopped caring.
at the beginning of the year, when I got my calling in the LDSSA, I also received a blessing.
That said I would have time to do everything that I needed to get done done.
So I went to bed last night, confident that I would wake up in the morning, and finish my paper.
And that's what I did. :)
The Time blessing has once again come through for me ^^ and I'm really grateful for it. I was able to stay calm and collected because I had faith that I would be able to get the paper done on time, even if I had to get up early today to do it.
I would have time to do it and finish it.
But I hope to not try and do that again anytime soon.
I like sleeping after all lol. :)
And I prefer to have my homework done at least the day before it's due and not the day it's due. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
It wasn't the ordinary headache. was the 'slept too little, and stressed myself too much' headache.
Where if I try to stay up...I just feel sicker and sicker and sicker....
Which makes it very very hard to do homework when you can't focus.
And that...was bad yesterday. I went to bed at like 10:30pm.
Which is WAY early for me....
Only I had a slight insy weensy really huge problem.
I had a paper due today.
Like a paper paper of researchfulness.
And like usual...I procrastinated it down to the last minute.
Planning to work on it after class and such.
But my headache conspired against me into going to bed earlier then expected.
However, I conspired against it.
I knew that after a few hours of sleep, I wouldn't feel so sick.
So, I gave into my headache.
And went to bed at 10:30
I set my wake up alarm for 4:00am.
That would give me about 6 hours of sleep.
Which should cure my headache.
And, I would have about fiveish hours to write this paper.
So that's what I did this morning.
I woke up at 4:00 am.
And wrote.
And wrote.
And wrote.
Until 9:15am.
:) I had a 9 page paper with citations included by the time I was done! :D
I finished it!
Luckily last night, I persisted in looking up online sources to use as citations in my paper.
So, I mostly focused on writing the paper this morning, instead of wasting time trying to find websites that supported what I was talking about.
Hopefully, I get a good grade on it.
The teacher got me worried though...because he said he'd mark us down for just writing a 'surface' paper. So I'm hoping I managed in my early morning write 'deep enough' that I get a good grade on the paper.
I guess I'll have to wait and see...and hope that he's grading my paper when he's in good mood and not a bad one lol.
I wasn't really panicking this morning though....writing nearly ten pages as I was for class that day.
I admit, I've never procrastinated homework that much before.
....I've pulled all nighters, but not written a paper the morning it was due.
At the most I would finish it the night before and check it in the morning to make sure it still made sense.
Not today.
So weird.
But I didn't feel crunched for time.
Or stressed.
I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing.
It may be that senioritis has started kicking in, where I've stopped caring.
at the beginning of the year, when I got my calling in the LDSSA, I also received a blessing.
That said I would have time to do everything that I needed to get done done.
So I went to bed last night, confident that I would wake up in the morning, and finish my paper.
And that's what I did. :)
The Time blessing has once again come through for me ^^ and I'm really grateful for it. I was able to stay calm and collected because I had faith that I would be able to get the paper done on time, even if I had to get up early today to do it.
I would have time to do it and finish it.
But I hope to not try and do that again anytime soon.
I like sleeping after all lol. :)
And I prefer to have my homework done at least the day before it's due and not the day it's due. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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