Monday, January 1, 2018

Goal Time

It's a new year which of course means that everyone is thinking of new Goals to accomplish and the like.
Which usually...I end up making more goals in September than any other time of year. 
Probably because September was always the 'start of school' which in turn turned into the 'start of new things' 

But still.
Why not try and make some goals now? 

Ways to continue to be better, to do more.

The first goal that comes to mind is: 
To have Less Headaches.

Honestly, I feel like this past year was the headache central of agony and woe.
It may be because I was keeping better track of how many headaches I had last year...but's not a good thing to seem to have one like every other day some months. *exhales* 
So goal.
Find a way to have less headaches. Figure out what causes them and work to prevent them. >.< 
(But since this post was technically written on Jan 4th because I've had a headache everyday this year so far....I'm off to a rocky start with this goal. *exhales* Hopefully the rough start translates to an easier rest of the year...) 

Another goal is definitely to write more. ^^;;
Actually writing out stories and such instead of just general plots and ideas has been so invigorating. And I definitely want to continue that. :D So.
Write more.
Get more of the story ideas from idea to full fledged finished story. ^^;; 
Definitely a goal I'm going to strive towards.

Other goals are the same old typical ones.
Try and make more friends.
Get out of the house more.
Go on more vacations.
Be more organized at home. 

Etc. Etc.

So hopefully, all goes well. 
And if it's not, that I'll be able to adjust my goals so that I can accomplish more. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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