Tuesday, January 2, 2018

An Amazing Moment

So on the last day of 2017, I woke up at like 2am in the morning having gone to bed just an hour or so before that, my mind wide awake with a story idea.
Like...I was so awake that I already knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.
So for once, instead of just trying to go back to sleep anyways and work to silence the creative side of my mind that was spewing out an idea for a short story....
I just pulled out my laptop and wrote. 
And wrote.
And wrote.

And yah...basically only got like 4 hours of sleep that entire day lol. 

In any case after like 6ish hours of writing. (with some breaks inbetween) I had finished my short story!
So I posted it, and called it good, and waited anxiously to see if anyone would respond to it. 
Which considering it was New Years Eve....it's hard to tell how well a story will be received lol. It's halfway a holiday so people could be actually offline and out doing things....

My story was read.
It was loved.

And for the first time ever...
I got fanart.

Not just one piece of fanart. 
But Two!

Two people loved my story so much that they took the time and the effort to draw a picture based off of a scene in my short story.

And I'm totally over the moon about it!
It's almost every author's goal to have someone love your work so much that they have to contribute to it. 
And I had people draw scenes from my story!!

I'm so excited about it like jumping up and down grinning like a crazy person excited!!! 

Best. Moment. Ever.

I need to go write more now and see if I can inspire any more artists out there. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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