Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I wasn't too surprised when I got into work yesterday morning, glanced at our feeder goldfish tanks...and saw that there were a lot of dead fish in them.
Because for whatever random reason, those feeder goldfish decide to go through a die off...and there's not much you can do about it. *exhales* Just fish out the dead fish and hope the rest survive.
So I wasn't too surprised to see dead fish. Because the past week the goldfish have been slowly doing just that. Dying off.

It took me like half an hour to realize what else was wrong with that scene. 
It was when I went to the other tanks holding other fish to check for dead that I realized what the sense of 'wrongness' was.

The fish system was off. 
The water that flows through all the tanks to give the fish a constant supply of fresh water and oxygen...wasn't flowing.

-Okay, the feeder goldfish tanks weren't off, that water flows unless you like completely turn off the system with the whole 'pull the lever!' sort of thing. But the feeder goldfish's locklines (which bring fresh water into the tank) had basically all clogged up...meaning they too weren't getting flowing water.

In any case.
The main issue was....there was no flowing water!!!
Which this isn't the first time it's happened, but it has been a while since I've come into the system being off. 

A glance in the back where the controls are told a partial story.
As we have the ability to turn off our fish system, so the water stops flowing in the main tanks (but still flows in the goldfish tanks) so that we can feed the fish without the food getting swept right out of the tank. We have the ability to put the system on a 'feedhold' which basically means you press a couple of buttons and the system is then set on a timer where it will automatically turn back on after a certain time frame.

Only...my coworker who'd turned off the fish system...had forgotten the last step in ensuring that the timer had been activated.
Which meant...that unless someone went into the back and manually turned the system back on...the system wasn't going to turn back on.

It wasn't quite surprising that this happened. It was a newer coworker who was in charge of the department the previous day. So the fact that they forgot a step. Not surprising. It's happened before. 

But what I don't get...
Is why the closing coworker didn't notice. 
Because like...unless they talked to by a manager, they did the fish feeding correctly today, timer and everything. 
So why Sunday evening...did they not realize that the fish system was off? Why did they not notice for hours upon hours that the water wasn't running?

I have no idea.
But depending on when they turned the system off to feed the fish....
The fish had been without flowing water for around 18 hours. :S
Which is a pretty long time.

I'm honestly surprised we didn't lose more fish from it. *shakes head* 

Thankfully it was an easy fix and the water was quickly flowing again. :) So yay for that! :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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