Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Another One Gone

Ever have those head banging moments.
Where you're just like. "WHY?!" 
Those moments where you finally feeling like you're treading water and will be able to survive until you find a life raft or shallow water or something and you're not drowning? 
Only for that measure of control to get shoved back at you?


Kinda how I'm feeling at the moment.

It's work. 
When is it not work?
So like...what two months ago now? Back in December, we had two coworkers quit in my department leaving us short handed. 

And yah...we're still working on replacing them. And it's FEBRUARY. Gah. 

Then like two or three weeks ago? The managers gave me the heads up that a third coworker in my department was intending to quit. As soon as they found another job. 
Which, oh joy. Three people short. 

But so far...that particular coworker hasn't quit. 

And a couple of days ago, I was introduced to a new hire. For Petcare!
So like, I'd only be short one person once our greenie goes through all the training and certifications and such. 

So like, we were finally getting some headway in the current.....

And then today happened. 

Not sure what happened today, as I wasn't actually at work.
But I got notified that a different coworker. (so technically the 4th one)
Quit today.

Out of the blue.
Just up and quit.
Like. "Hi, I found another job elsewhere so I'm going to go work there now, bye!" sort of quit. 
Not even a two weeks notice. >.< 

Luckily, they didn't have any other shifts scheduled this week, so we don't have to worry about covering those. Which is a blessing because I literally do not have the coverage to do so.
We're barely covering shifts as is because I am two people short (now 3) and we're only managing to cover by bringing in people who aren't normally in my department to work in the dept. *exhales* Which has it's own set of problems to be sure. 

But that's not the focus.
The focus is the fact that another coworker just. Quit. 

Can I tell you how much I hate that?
A lot. 
Like. Why would you do that?

Do you know how many times we've been left in a lurch because someone didn't have any consideration and chose not to give the two weeks notice and just leave?

A lot.
And I hate it. 
Like...where's the respect? Where's the consideration? You worked with us for a while and you just up and leave us? Just like that? 

I mean...I can get that there are circumstances where you need to do just that. Quit. I get it. 

Still doesn't mean I like it. 
I like there being notice. I like being given the heads up.
Because like...I have to now work out all the problems and plan for training new people, and for covering shifts, and all this crazy when that happens. 

Yah....this is stress I really didn't want. 

*double exhales* This is going to be fun....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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