Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Creepy Van

So this past weekend there's been a creepy van sitting in front of our house.

Which we've worked really hard to keep said creepy van from sitting in front of our house after last years fiasco of the creepy van sitting in front of our house unmoving for like two straight weeks. (owner must have gone on vacation or something.) 

As it was around Spring Break that this happened last year.

And currently...it's Spring Break for one of the Colleges in College town.

So when like...on Friday? Maybe Thursday?
When we saw the creepy van parked in front of our house.
We just collectively groaned.

But didn't think much of it.
Because after last year's thing where the Van nearly got towed because geez who owns a sixty's creeper van with velvet curtains on the inside and leaves it in front of a girls' house? 
(Some college dude that's who.) 

Then the van didn't move at all over this past weekend.

Which only set our ire burning higher.
As like rude much?
Like who just parks randomly in front of a stranger's house for days on end?? 

(some college dude that's who?) 

Like it wouldn't have been as much of an issue if you know like...we'd been asked.

But it's super creepy having this creepy oldies van sitting like an eyesore in front of our house.

Especially since like the house next door is for sale...so like why not put your creepy van in front of the empty house if you're so into leaving things to look sketchy??

In any case.

I spent a good portion of work today fuming.
Because yes creepy van was still outside when I left this morning for work.

Going through how I could approach the house that we know the owner lives in and ask them to politely move the van without saying directly "Or else we will get it towed." 

Because like...what do we do if the roommates of said owner of creepy car are like "Oh, dude's gone for the week, didn't leave the keys for us, nothing we can do." 


I didn't have to find out.

Because when I came home, the eyesore had finally vanished.
So wherever the dude was this past weekend, he was obviously back.

But yay!!
Creepy van is GONE!! 
At least from being in front of our house.

Lol I made sure to park in that empty spot just to make sure he couldn't come back to that spot. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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