Tuesday, August 31, 2021



There I was. Walking around the store. Heading to go do some facing to try and keep the store looking less like a disaster zone. -As it was busy for a Tuesday night-

When I see a liquid spill on the aisle that holds cat collars/toys on one side and cages for hamsters/guinea pigs for customers to buy.

It's an odd place for a spill.

An odd place for a dog to pee.

And didn't look like pee, it looked a lot like someone had just spilled water.

Which is odd...because our fish tanks and water stuff is like...six aisles away. 

So maybe a dropped water bottle or something.

In any case. It was wet. The floor was slippery. Ergo I needed to get a wet floor sign real quick and then go find a mop so I could mop up the spill. 

When I got the sign to the spill, I happened to notice something black sitting in the puddle of water.

I don't know what made me look closer as it could have just been some fur from a dog or something.

But upon closer inspection....the black lump on the floor...

Was a betta fish. 

There was a FISH sitting in a puddle of water on the floor with no betta cup that the fish should have been in sight.

The fish was still wet.

And when I picked him up he wiggled in my hand.

So I quickly dashed him over to our fish wall. -Which again is a good SIX aisles away from cat collar aisle. (kinda it wraps around the corner so some of it is like only 3 aisles away) 

But I placed the betta in the nearest tank of water I could reach.

And watched long enough to make sure that he was indeed alive. 

Before I headed back to the aisle to see if I could find the cup.

Because like...maybe the customer dropped it and it cracked and rolled under the shelf?


No cup on the floor.

And like...it would be really weird to have the customer carrying a cup around with no betta in it...as they changed the lids so that it's impossible for the bettas to jump out of the hole in the top anymore.

BUT then. When I went to reinvestigate the area.

I found the cup.


Sitting on the shelf. BEHIND a boxed up guinea pig cage.

So SOMEONE some IDIOT literally dumped the betta on the floor in a puddle of water, hid the cup behind a box and then LEFT without saying anything to anyone. 

Like...you don't know how much that pisses me off. 

What sort of monster would be so cruel to take a fish, dump it out onto the ground, and then just LEAVE?

I don't know how long ago it happened.

But thankfully the fish was still wet. Thankfully I noticed in time to rescue the fish. 

Seriously though. 


*exhales* Like where is your compassion? Where is your conscience? Where is your sense of responsibility? 

It's just...gah. 

So frustrated.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Where's the Truck

 It's been a little while since we've had a truck go completely AWOL on us. 

I mean our Friday trucks have been struggling for the last...well forever really...pandemic age....to arrive on time. To the point where the truck will show up anytime between Friday morning and like...Sunday morning. 

Pretty sure half the issues is a driver shortage....I can't imagine why else they'd struggle to get our shipments to us on a consistent basis. Especially considering our Tuesday Trucks usually show up on time....

In any case.

Our Friday truck was late. 

Like super late.

When we checked the tracking on the website it showed our Truck all the way up in Montana. 

Which considering the Truck should be coming to us from Nevada....it was a bit concerning that it wasn't even in Nevada yet.

Of course, the tracking hasn't been that reliable either. Especially if the drivers forget to turn on the tracking system.

And with us trying to track down the truck we got everything from. "Oh that's yesterday's tracking for a different route" to "oh no it's accurate." to "Well the truck should be elsewhere, but it broke down somewhere so for sure don't expect it to show up today but we'll get it to you by tomorrow.


In any case.

It was promised that our truck would be showing up today at 10 am.

And I was asked to work a slightly earlier shift so that I could be on hand to assist the morning manager with unloading the truck as they changed the system to where we have to scan every pallet we unload and it goes faster if there's one person scanning and one person unloading. 


I showed up at 10 am and there was no truck.

Checking the tracker...it showed that the truck was now in Nevada...but off route from the route it should be taking to get to us.

Next check showed it in Elko. 

Next check showed it at Winnemucca.

Which...is the opposite direction where it should have been going. The truck should have been heading East. Not West.

But apparently the truck hadn't YET picked up our load from the DC in Nevada. So it was making it's way there first to grab our stuff and then would be returning along the same route to give us the shipment.

But by the time I was off today....the truck hadn't left Winnemucca. 

Which meant it was still an hour or so away from picking up our shipment.

And a full days drive away from dropping it off to us.


So like...they say it should be showing up by 11:30ish am tomorrow morning.

but considering the truck should have picked up the load at 2:32pm today and it hadn't yet made it to the DC....

I highly doubt we're going to see the truck. If it shows up it'll probably be tonight.

Or tomorrow morning.

Or never.

Which is frustrating. Extremely so. 

Because Friday shipments are when we get in our fish for the week.

And if all goes to plan the fish should be picked up Thursday and then dropped off to us Friday.

Yet here we are heading into Sunday. And no fish.

Which means for ALL of Friday and ALL of Saturday....my pallet of fish has been sitting somewhere in the DC.

I'm assuming it's been loaded onto the truck.

But like....is that truck inside where it's cool? Is it just sitting in the dock? In the middle of the parking lot? In the middle of the sun? Did they even remember that there are fish on this truck and that the AC needs to be turned on within to keep the fish from baking alive?


I'm expecting a shipment of dead fish is what I'm expecting.

And it sucks. Because like....we could have saved most of those fish...if they'd arrived on time.

but now? Who knows how many will live when they've been in the boxes at least two days longer than expected?

*exhales* Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 27, 2021

Pointless Stress

 One of the stressors of life that I hate dealing with is the "Maybe Stress" that comes from the possibility that "Something" is going to happen and so you prepare for it even if it's not a guaranteed thing that's going to occur....only to have that "Something" actually never occur so you were quietly stressing and preparing for it all for nothing.

That happened today.

Like. I mean, it gave me something to do as our Truck is AWOL and who knows when it's going to show up.

But today about a third of the way through my shift, my head manager was like "Oh, btw our District Manager is in our South Sister store today." 

-A store that's 3 hours at least away from us. 

"Which means that the DM might drop by our store on their way back up North since we would be the next store in line.

Like...it would be considered a surprise visit if it were.

And doing the math...like the stores open at 9am. If the DM shows up at 9am and stays for at least 2 hours like they usually do then it will be 11 am and they''ll probably stop and have lunch for at least half an hour if not an hour which means they won't get on the road until somewhere between 12 and 1 pm and it's at least three hours of driving if not closer to 4 hours to get back up to us soooo.....

If the DM was planning to show up it would be somewhere between 3 and 5pm.

Which considering our Head Manager usually works mornings...showing up anytime after 4 isn't a good idea if the DM wants to talk with the HM.

And I was off at 4pm. So woot. So at most I'd have to deal with the DM for an hour. At the least they might show up just as I was leaving.

Or you know....never show up at all.

Which was the case. 

But because I didn't have much to do I didn't mind puttering around making sure my department was up to standards and clean and ensuring that the tasks the DM pointed out their last visit had been done and such. 

Still annoying though.

Like I don't like dealing with unneeded stress. And this was definitely minor unneeded stress.


And then there came another 'bomb' of unneeded stress tonight in that one of my Groomers contacted me to let me know that they had tested positive for COVID tonight.

Which is only concerning for me because I did share the breakroom with them yesterday as we both happened to be on lunch at the same time for a bit. 

I mean. I kept my distance from them. Especially after they mentioned they'd lost their sense of taste and smell and tried to pass it off as a sinus infection symptom instead. And I've been vaccinated and such so my chances of catching the virus are much lower.

But now I have to deal with that worry of wondering.

Wondering if my brief time spent in the same room with this coworker  was enough to give me the virus or if I'll be unaffected.

So yah for the next...idk week or two? I'm going to be back to being paranoid about how my body is feeling.

And like it's stressful because it's hard to know if the symptoms are from dealing with Smoke filled Air, or Stress, or COVID, or a combination of everything....

Though I'm more inclined to think it's smoke and stress that are causing my current symptoms...there's still that worry. That fear that i may have caught it. 

And it's just...stress I don't want to have to deal with right now. *exhales*

Just. Gah.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Busy Day



They're either dead.

Or they're Crazy. 

And today.

Today was one of those "Crazy Days" Where you start out thinking that you'll get all your tasks done but customers end up being 'too much' and suddenly your shift is over and you have only accomplished like...a third of your tasks.

Today was one of those days.

But it was only for one Task that I struggled.

Like at...idk 930ish am?? I went to the reptiles to feed them.

And by like 12:45pm....

I still hadn't fed any of them. 

It ended up being pretty much one customer after the other after the other....along with me getting distracted by other tasks that needed to be done sooner....

But the main annoyance was the customers....as I had two in a row who wanted to return animals they bought and switch them out for different animals. 

And then at least three different customers had problems that I could have easily solved...except for whatever reason they weren't comprehending what I was telling them so the two minute answer ended up being like a fifteen minute ordeal of trying to explain... *exhales*

So by nearly one....I'd given up.

Obviously I wasn't meant to feed the reptiles today. So I gave up on trying to get that done and planned to pass the task on to my next coworker when they came in and focused on getting other tasks done for the remainder of my shift.

Of course it ended up dying down...but I was hesitant to go try and feed the reptiles when things got slow because I figured as soon as I tried I'd be interrupted again. *shakes head*

So yah.

Not the best Thursday. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 I went shopping today to stock up on food supplies since I was getting low on my work snacks.

And it was kinda surprising to see a bunch of college students -most of them probably in their first year, or second year of college- were there as well.

Mostly because it was like barely 10 am. So I wasn't expecting the mobs of students to come until later in the day. As I was semi aware that college students would be moving back into college town since I knew school was starting up soon.


It was kinda fun to see the freshies wandering around the store. Most of them were with groups of friends and such....maybe their roommates? Doing the shopping together. Collaborating. Figuring out finances and what everyone liked or where items were. 

lol definitely fun seeing them working together.

Made me wonder if they thought I was one of them or not though. Since I tend to look young for my age.

Didn't have anyone approach me. Sooooo yah.

But still.

Interesting to see all the college students around again. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Proper Numbers

 Sometimes I wonder at my coworkers.


There I was.

Backing up as a second cashier.

When a customer comes up with a bag of crickets that say that there's "Thirty" there.

Glancing at the bag, the number didn't quite look like 30 crickets.

It looked like a few more than that.

And because there was no egg crate in the bag I did a quick guesstimate count with my eyes as I was waiting for the customer to finish checking out. Wondering if the customer bagged it themselves, or if a coworker had actually given the customer nearly 50 crickets instead of the 30 they were supposed to.

Like yes. I don't mind if we give a couple of extra crickets to customers. As I know that they can die. 

But we also have to keep track of the inventory of our crickets and try and keep the numbers close to accurate.

So to give the customer like 20 extra? Nope. Not good.

So as soon as I got the chance to get off the register, I went and found my coworker and was like "Hey did you bag up 30 crickets earlier?"

And they were like "Yah?"

And I was like "Okay, well there were a lot more than 30 in that bag. Remember we only want to add a couple extra--"

And my coworker legit said "But some of them were dead!! So I gave the customer extra crickets to account for that."


Like...I felt like face palming. Because we don't sell dead crickets to customers. 

Like we do. They come prepackaged some dried crickets.

But if we're selling live crickets then the crickets need to be ALIVE. 

But my coworker was like "There were barely any crickets on the egg crate and I couldn't tell which ones on the ground (of the box) were alive so I gave the customer extra to make sure they had 30 alive ones in there."


Like...you can tell the ones that are still alive are alive because they are MOVING AROUND.

*shakes head*

I was like "Don't do that." If we're low on live crickets then you tell the customer we're out and don't sell them. You don't give them dead ones.

*shakes head*


Sometimes I wonder at what my coworkers are thinking when they do certain things.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 21, 2021

A Snail's Pace

  I hate the work days that just...drag on.

Especially when you go into work expecting time to pass by quickly.

And instead...it feels like time is creeping on at a snails pace. 

It's the worst feeling.

Especially because most of this week has been like...slow dead. So we've had time to do all these tasks and such.

And yet today...a Saturday....it still felt slow.

Even though we were busy. Like there was a constant need for a back up cashier. Constant need for two people in pet care to take care of customers wanting to buy pets.

We were busy.

And yet time was passing soooooo slowly. An hour would go by and it would feel like 3 hours.

It was annoying.

I was alternating between being bored out of my mind trying to find something to do that would make time pass by faster and running around like my head was cut off because it seemed like I was the only one who was available to dart around the store to help customers.

As it seemed like everytime a cry came up of someone needing help at cats, at guinea pigs, at fish, as a back up cashier...I ended up being the one who made the time to go see everyone.

As everyone else always seemed to be bogged down with customers that would take ten minutes or so to help.


It was especially frustrating when the call would come up that a customer needed assistance somewhere and all of us in the store would be busy. Two of us cashiering. Two of us at the fish wall. No one else to help and the customer would be constantly giving us looks or another coworker would be like "Have we helped this person out yet?"


We've been busy. *exhales* 

It felt like no matter what choice I made to try and help things move faster it ended up being the wrong choice as someone else would need help elsewhere like two minutes later.



Especially because all this chaos was happening...and yet time was still moving at a snails pace.

So glad to have tomorrow off because Gah. I need a break from work.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 20, 2021

Migraine Woes

I've been dealing with a migraine for the past couple of days.

Like...the smoke from the California Fires has more than likely been triggering minor headaches for me for the past week and a half or so...however long ago the smoke descended upon my state.

But yesterday morning I woke up with a migraine behind my left eye.

It got bad enough -and didn't help that I was inundated with scents and sounds that just...sent me over the edge...that I ended up leaving work an hour early so I could go home take a shower and just...sleep the rest of the day away because none of the usual pain meds or caffeine or heat packs have helped it.

And like...I managed to get the migraine gone before heading to bed for the night. 

But I woke up with it again this morning. 

*exhales* And like....it's been a long while since I've had a migraine last longer than a day.

And by long while I mean like...a couple of months. Because I am prone to headaches/migraines. 

And while I have had headaches and migraines in that time period. I haven't had one last this long.

I can only guess that it's a combination of factors. The main trigger being the bad air. But probably the stress of coming back from a semi-stressful vacation. The stress of coming back to work which in of itself is stressful, the stress of waking up early for said work shifts when I'd spent the last week sleeping in...and probably the fact that I wasn't eating as much food as I should have been the past couple of days...

It all makes sense as to why I ended up with a major migraine that returned today and lasted throughout my work shift and nearly triggered me to call it and head out early. 

*shakes head*

And it's kinda crazy...like you don't realize how much of a drain the headache is being on your energy...until the headache is gone and your energy comes surging back and you suddenly want to do more than just...sleep. 

It's kinda disorienting in a way. To go from being lethargic to being...well not energetic...but to feel up to the task of actually doing things....

It's weird. 

Usually the surge of energy indicates that the migraine has finally loosened its hold and won't return for a third day on the morrow. So we'll see if that holds true. *fingers crossed*

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 19, 2021

It's Slow

 It's felt off being at work this past couple of days.

And I finally put my finger on why.

It's because the store finally feels dead.

For the past year and a half...since the pandemic started...I honestly don't think we've had real 'dead days.' at work.

Maybe one or two slow days.

But dead days where there's only like maybe two customers in the store?

It's been ages since that happened.

The pandemic has kept us running ragged for so long because we've dealt with hundreds of people surging into the pet stores to buy pets to entertain them while they're stuck at home, or entertain the kids that aren't in school.. 

To finally have kids returning to school in person instead of just online. To finally have people returning to their offices instead of working from home?

It's a weird feeling.

Especially knowing that the Delta Variant of Covid is surging in my state and cases are getting as high as they were back in November.

To have the store be legitimately dead? 

It's the oddest feeling. Like a twilight zone feeling.

It's eerie having barely anyone shopping when you've become used to a near constant stream of people coming into the store.

It's a nice lull. A bit of a breather...even if it's left my coworkers and I scrambling to find things to do to pass the time with fewer customers to help.

It's probably only going to last another week or so....maybe might last until the Halloween season finally hits.

But yah....

Odd to finally have the store be slow after a year and a half of crazy.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Storm Woes

 It's been a good long while since we've had a storm that lasted longer than like...an hour it feels like.

And here we've had a storm that's lasted at least 2 days already. 

Not consistently. There's been off and on sunshine. Off and on thunder/lightning. Off and on rain. 

But like...consistent storms aren't really a thing.

And to have lightning show up in said storm? Totally more rare.

And totally more exciting.

I love a good lightning storm. And love when it comes with rain. It's like the perfect combination to relax.

Which it's hard to relax when you're at work.

But like...there's just a certain energy that comes with storms that totally energizes me. 

In any case.

I was at work.

When yet another surge of weather hit us.

This time Hail.

Pounding so loudly on our roof that it was hard to hear anything else but the storm.

It was great! Watching the hail fall to the ground was fun as I don't see it that often.

And my coworkers and I were excited for it.

Until the power flickered.

Then went out for five seconds.

Then we all groaned in unison.

Because the brief power outage...caused our registers to go down.

And the poor things are ancient enough that even a flicker in the power will send them into hysterics...and usually means that it takes us a good 20 minutes or so with at least 3 restarts before we can get our registers back online.

Which means that in that time frame we can't sell anything.

Which means in that time frame we have customers standing there....waiting to buy things....

Luckily this outage happened during a slow period of the day. Where we only had maybe a dozen customers in the store.

A benefit of school starting back up this week....we've had fewer customers shopping during school hours. 

In any case.

We gave everyone the heads up that registers were down and we were working as quickly as possible to get them back up. 

I don't think we had anyone walk out this time...but who knows for sure. There's always one or two people that decide it's not worth it to wait and leave their stuff and go.

And it was a tense 15-20 minutes while we waited for our ancient system to reboot.

It took my register 3 tries to restart before I finally got it online.

But by the end we had all 3 registers up and running and we quickly moved through the fifteen or so customers waiting to check out.

Ended up giving them discounts off their purchases for their patience in waiting which made basically everyone happy and helped to perk up the grumpy customers who didn't like waiting. 

So yah.

Love the storm.

Hate it when it messes with the power at work. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Coming Back

 You know...most people probably dread going back to work after a vacation.

And I admit. I would happily have spent another week on vacation without hesistation.

But at the same time I was looking forward to coming back to work today.

As I'm on good terms with basically all my coworkers/managers and I'd missed interacting with them while I was gone. 

So I was happy to come back to work and see everyone again and chat up and such.

Especially when for like...the first time...I came back without feeling like I had to put out fires in the store that occurred while I was gone. 

I was able to relax (as much as one can relax when you're a manager) and just slide back into the swing of things. 

So yah. Nice to be back at work.

Even if I do wish I had a few more days of chillaxing before hand lol. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 16, 2021

Where Is My I.D.?

 So...like a week before my Birthday, I went to go get my license renewed...since it was going to expire this year and I needed to update it in person instead of online this time. 

And they said it would take like a month or so to get it sent to my home.

Okay. No big deal.

Yet...it's now been nearly 2 months since I got my license renewed...which meant that I probably should have got it by now.

So I hopped online to the DLD to click on the 'where is my license' link just to check the status of it.

And...it turns out my license had been mailed the day after my birthday....

And then returned to the DLD two weeks later as 'undeliverable'

Which ??? Huh? How could it be undeliverable? There was literally someone home the entire day so if there was some sort of signature needed to leave it at the home...it should have been done.

But there it was....sitting at the DLD for nearly a month and I had no idea.

Because for whatever reason....they decided that they didn't need to notify me that my license couldn't be delivered. *exhales* No phone call (that I'm aware of). No email. No nothing.

I had to go track down my license myself. 

*shakes head*

And that was its own trial and a half. 

I got quite the ring around the rosie trying to contact someone to figure out how to get my license sent to me.

When I finally got a hold of someone on the phone....I was told that my license couldn't be delivered because the address I was sending it to was not the address listed on my license and because I hadn't provided 2 pieces of mail proof proving that I lived at that residence they couldn't send it to me. 

Which... HUH??

Like...I was there in person when I got my license renewed and the lady at the desk had asked me where I would like my license sent. So I told her my current address as the address on my license is for my childhood home since I don't know how long I'll be living at my current place. 

And the lady said NOTHING about needing two pieces of mail in order to prove I lived in the place that I was having my license sent to. 

She made it seem like it was just fine to send it to my current place rather than to childhood home. 

And I'd counted that as a win because it meant one less trip elsewhere to get something.

In any case.

The person on the phone said that they could send my license to my current address but that I'd want to go online to switch my address to my current address ASAP.

Which....??? Why? I still don't get it. I told the person on the phone that where I'm living is only TEMPORARY. That I still consider the address on my license my home address. Hence why it's still on my license. 

*shakes head*

At least they were willing to send it to me so I wouldn't have to take time to drive out to the DLD and grab the thing myself.

*fingers crossed* that it actually shows up.

Until you next find these words:
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

No Connection

 You know the frustrating thing about people trying to set you up with guys to date?

It feels like they never take into account your own interests when trying to set you up with them.

No it's always "He's nice." 

Or "He's this thing or that thing." said things being things I have no interest in whatsoever.

Like. Sure. I get it. My future husband isn't going to be me but in male form.

But like...I would like some aspects of him to coincide so that we would have something to talk about. To connect on. 

You can't really fall for a guy that has nothing in common with you. 

And it...bugs me. When there's attempts to set me up with people who have interests that I have a vehement disinterest in.

Like guns.

I don't like them. I want nothing to do with them. I don't want them in my home. I don't want them anywhere near me.

And yet it was suggested to me that the best place to 'find a guy' would be to hang out at a sports store or someplace that sells guns because the guys would just 'flock to me.' 


You know...I've actually tried that before. Not with guns. But hung out by the knives and such as I like knives. They're useful tools. 

And guess what?

Not. A. Single. Guy. Approached.

*shakes head*

Of course this was like ten years ago. So who knows if guys have changed since then.

But it stands.

If I've been vocally anti-gun....why in the world do you think its a good idea to try and have me meet guys who have an interest in things that I have absolutely no interest in? 

It doesn't make sense beyond the fact that "You're still single, let me help you find a guy. This is how you can do it!" 

Ha. It doesn't matter that I'm apparently "really beautiful." 

Like....how beautiful can I actually be if I'm still single? Obviously there's something off putting about me? Obviously there's something wrong that keeps the guys from coming to me.

But I'm not going to try and find a guy in a sports store by the gun counter to date.

Especially not here. In my state. Where the surge of anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, pro-orange cheeto, crazies are out in full force.

No. If a person is buying a gun or showing an interest in guns at this point in time it's more than likely because they have a vested interest in a political field that I am on the opposite side of. 

And if someone actually cared about setting me up with a guy.

They should at least make an effort to give us a common interest to bond on. A common hobby.

Like I get it. My interests aren't that interesting to a lot of people. My interests are inherently more introverted which means I don't end up hanging out in places where people who may share those interests may congregate. 

I get that I won't find my future husband if I only ever hang out at home all day after getting home from work.

But like...we're still in the middle of a pandemic. I'm not that willing to hang out in public places just yet to try and meet anyone because I've worked Retail during this whole pandemic and I have seen just how awful people can be.

So no.

I won't find a guy anytime soon.

But I do wish that if people consider setting me up with someone that they would make more of an effort to have us connect on topics that I'm interested in.

And not things that the person setting me up is interested in.

If you're interested in said person for the thing that you find interesting then YOU go date them. 


Yah. Rant over. Kinda. Maybe. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 14, 2021


 Had a little bit of a...scare? Not quite scare. But...surprise coming back from Lake Tahoe today.

In that we were driving down the freeway when suddenly we hear this loud BANG come from the car.

And at first my brother thinks that one of the kayaks -as he'd tied kayaks on top of the car to bring to and from the Lake- had come loose. Broken free.

But then in one of the side mirrors he's sees something black flapping as he's pulling over to the side of the highway and he's had the thought that maybe the tire had exploded/gone flat.

Which would have been bad since they were new tires.

But it wasn't.

No the plastic rim over the tire. A kind of shield guard? had come halfway loose and had been flapping in the wind.

It was something that my brother was aware of when he bought the car (as it was used) but it hadn't been an issue...until just then.

In any case...we didn't really have anything available on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere to keep the rim thing on the car.

So my brother pulled the rest of it off.

Leaving the tire more exposed.

And placed the piece in the back to reapply later when he got back home. 

Thankfully the rest of the trip home was uneventful.

But yah.

Still not fun to hear random loud noises while you're speeding down the highway.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 13, 2021

Beach Side

 One thing about Lake Tahoe that my family and I hadn't been expecting...was how busy it was.

Like...it's a huge lake. It's the middle of summer. People are restless and wanting to be on vacation after a year and a half of pandemic related stuff.

So obviously it should be busy.

Yet at the same time...we expected it to be less...crowded. 

Not that the place was packed.

It just...made getting to some areas or parking in some spots more difficult because all the parking spots were already full.

....In the morning.

Apparently the best time to go to the lake is in the afternoon.

After everyone who showed up in the morning has left for the evening to go grab dinner. 

As it was our last day in the area, and having discovered a couple days ago how busy the mornings were at the Lake...my Sibs and I decided that we would have a late start.

We would sleep in.

Then go to IHOP for lunch and then to the beach to go kayaking and play in the water for the rest of the day until the sun set.

And it was nice.

Because we were able to easily find parking spots. And easily find spots on the beach to set down our stuff.

Compared to the stress of the rest of the trip. It was honestly the first day that felt...relaxful. Where we could just let down our guard and have fun.

It was a good last day at the Lake and I'm glad my sibs and I were able to go and have fun there.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Sometimes...usually when I'm on vacation going on a shopping trip for souvenirs...I wonder just how many people actually buy clothes while on vacation. Like obviously there are vacationers that love to buy shirts, hats, jackets, pants, etc with the name of the place emblazoned on it. Pretty sure my parents have done it multiple times and even I've bought an item or two over the years.

But considering how many stores focus on selling clothes....there has to be a good chunk of the vacationing population that just...loves to buy them.

I mean we went souvenir shopping and out of the good twenty places we visited...probably at least 12 to 15 of them had clothing available within the store. 

And it's rare that I want a clothing item.

I'm more into the knick knacks or the other fun random small things one can find. The more unique things.

So yah...shopping around today was slightly disappointing. 

But at the same time. Despite the smoke in the air. It was fun to go shopping with my sibs and my nephews and just...see what everyone else was interested in. To see which stores drew their eyes -leather works, candy shops, toy stores etc. 

It was fun getting a glimpse into their interests and to see what they would get excited about.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 You know...there's something awe inspiring about like....being in a forest surrounded by trees.

Especially if said trees are super tall.

Like...in my home state I'm used to being around trees that reach certain heights.

Do I know how tall they are? Nope. Not a clear. But like...the trees only get to be so tall in my area. 

But here. Out in Lake Tahoe. Out in The West Coast area?

The trees are so much taller.

So. Much. Taller.

And it just leaves me a bit awed.

Like we're not even into proper redwood terrain.

But these pine and cedar trees are just sooooo tall. 

I'd forgotten that trees could be that big.

And it makes me wonder just how tall the redwoods are.

Because I know they're massive.

But I don't think I've seen redwoods since I was like...twelve maybe. It's been a good decade or so since I've seen them and being shorter back then...of course the trees seem humongous. 

Now as an adult...I want to see them again. See how huge they are.

Because if I can be awed by the cedars and pines here in central california....I can only imagine how awed I'd be seeing the redwoods again.


I love trees.

The forests here are so amazing. I could stare into them for ages. It's just the right mixture of trees and rocks to make it feel magical.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sensing Danger

It's a well known thing -at least with my family- that I like to take pictures of the sunset and post them to the Social Medias just to show people. 

It was something I had started as a whim a few years ago. Kinda an instagram project where I was going to take a picture of the sunset everyday for a month.

It was supposed to be just a month. But I had enough positive feedback, especially from Mother Dearest, that I decided to continue doing the sunset pictures.

And after Mother Dearest passed....well I kept doing them. Taking time out of my day to go look outside and appreciate the beauty of wherever I was and the ending of the day.

Though these past couple of months...I've kinda fallen off the wagon. Mostly because I've been working more in the evening which means I'm not always outside at the right moment to take a picture of the setting sun....that or all the evening storms we've been getting have denied me any sunset pictures.

And I wasn't sure if I was going to make the effort to take pictures of the sunset while we were on vacation.

Mostly because like...we're in the mountains, but not quite at the 'top' of the mountain. So the sun disappears behind the tip far earlier than normal sunset time.

BUT. I discovered that if I went around the bend of our condo complex and climbed the hill a little bit. I could get a nice view of the sunset over Lake Tahoe. 

Which when you can actually see the lake (as it's been quite smokey out with all the fires burning around the state) it's quite pretty. 

So the past couple of evenings I've taken Kikay with me to go take sunset pictures. 

Mostly so I can get said sunset pictures. 

But it also gives us some breathing space away from the rest of the family to just have...well Sister Talk. Where we talk about everything and nothing.

And yesterday we ended up heading back to the condo before the sun had fully set. 

-Which is when we encountered that lady yesterday who later last night told us she'd nearly encountered a bear on the mountain the same area we'd been at earlier for the sunset pictures.....and then we later saw bears walking down the same path Kikay and I had walked down hours earlier to go check out the dumpsters in the parking lot of our condo.

So tonight.

We were a bit more alert when we went to take the sunset pictures.

Like. We weren't overally concerned because we'd been told that the bears didn't come out until nightfall. And it had been a bit after 10pm when we spotted the bear last night. 

But that didn't mean we weren't keeping an eye out as we settled on a flat rock on the hillside, watching the red sun set -and taking the occasional picture- as we vented about today's various frustrations....because our planned adventure of the day with the family didn't go...quite as planned. (not surprising) and we were just talking through things and enjoying Sister Bonding time.

And this time...we let the sun set.

Because we weren't that anxious to head back to the condos today. We were enjoying the peaceful nature and energy and sister bonding time.

And like the sun hadn't even been set for like 5 minutes when Kikay suddenly tensed beside me.

Which had me automatically tensing too. Like i jumped and totally went into the whole heart pounding adrenaline rush because I automatically knew something was wrong.

And Kikay was like "I saw something. It was big and black."

Big and Black? Automatic thought is Black Bear because well...that's what we'd seen yesterday. 

But at the same time she wasn't sure. "There was a lighter face and I think I saw hands come up. So it might have been a guy wearing a hoodie."

....We don't think it was a guy wearing a hoodie now. 

But in the moment we were like "Oh yah, it's probably a guy because the sun has only just set. The bears shouldn't be out yet." 

Still. We both had been spooked enough by what Kikay had seen. (As I didn't see anything, but at the same time I wasn't looking that hard as I wasn't expecting there to actually be anything.) That we quickly slipped off the rock we'd been sitting on and headed right back to the condo where we were sure we'd be safe. 

Probably a good thing we did....as apparently at dusk...the bears do come out.

Though it feels like...we saw different bears than last night.

Last night was a mother bear and her two cubs.

Tonight we saw multiple bears of various sizes. Only one cub with one bear. But a couple other single bears. Daddoo thinks we may have seen up to 5 different bears tonight wander by the dumpsters. :S

In any case.

Tonight the family decided to have a "Bear Party" where they would pop popcorn and sit out on the deck and watch for bears.

We weren't expecting to see anything for a while though.

After all last night the bears had come after 10pm.

But around like...9:20ish?

We saw the first bear at the dumpsters. 

And Kikay was like ()_() "Oh man...I think I may have actually seen a bear earlier." 

Because black bears...have lighter faces...and lighter pads on their paws.

So the "man in a black hoodie with lighter hands" totally was more than likely a bear.

And we saw the first bear leave...and then another come back...and then it leave...and then another come back....

It was cool...but at times rather intense.

Because like...some of the family decided to approach the dumpster after the bears had left....only for us on the balcony to shine a bright light on the hillside and see a bear just standing there between two trees looking down at the dumpster and the family members who were there.

And then while later standing on a car....Brother and Brother-In-Law may have had a Black Bear stalking them. As they were focused on watching the hillside when Brother was like "Hey....is that black patch darker than other black patches?" pointing to an area down hill from them and when Daddoo shined a light on Meralto and Bro-In-Law there was a black bear there.....like in a stalking position....but we couldn't tell if it was stalking the boys....or had sensed a Mama bear that was up on the hill as us on the balcony had seen something moving above...and we saw a bear cub climb up one of the trees before a mother bear came down...and she ended up Charging....and for one heart stopping moment I thought she was going to rush the Bros....but instead she darted after the Bear that had been stalking the Bros....

It was just. Intense. So intense. Like adrenaline rush all the way. 

I never would have thought we'd see bears here. And ones so close to civilization as well as this place is like...covered in Condos...so it's crazy to see Bears able to just...flit in and out and the only reason why we'd know they were in the area is the trail of garbage they leave behind from dumpsters not properly locked...or if you happen to be outside and looking in the right direction when they're come by. 

So. Crazy.

But note to self...if I go take pictures of the sunset tomorrow...leave before the sun sets. No need to take risks. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 9, 2021

There Be Bears In These Woods

 So when we first showed up at the condo a couple of days ago, we were told that Bears had been sighted in the area.

And that meant that we needed to be careful if we were wandering around at night and ensure that all trash was placed in the dumpsters and that we didn't leave any food in our cars for bears to try and get at. 

Because they don't want to encourage the bears to stick around the area and don't want to have to deal with potential damage caused by said bears to other people's property.

And me and my family were like "Oh. Okay. That's nice." And moved on with our lives because like...who actually ever sees a bear while staying at a condo?

I mean, there's people all over the mountain. Why would bears venture here when people are all over?

Of course.

Us people tend to stay inside and not venture out unless it's in specific areas.

So like...maybe there are bears ghosting around the fringes and such.

In any case. 

We woke up yesterday morning to find that someone hadn't listened to the people in charge of the condo and left their trash out where the bears could reach it.

-Apparently the dumpster was a) full or b) too complicated to open for the person or c) both.

And there was trash spread out all over.

Which okay.

That might have been bears.

Or you know, could have been raccoons or chipmunks or something. 

But probably bears.

And we're like "Huh." but didn't think much of it.

Until tonight.

When this lady comes running up to us as my family and I are sitting out on the deck area chatting in the dark.

Said lady my sister and I had encountered earlier around the bend from the condo towards sunset as I wanted to try and get a picture of the sunset over the lake and we ran into her as we were coming back down the trail to go back to our condo.

IDK if this lady had been wandering around for like the 3 hours after that point.

But she was definitely the same lady we'd encountered earlier.


So for funsies my Dad wanders over to the other side of the balcony to where we can see the dumpsters more easily. Just to see if he can see the bears you know.

And what do you know?

Like two minutes later my dad is beckoning us to come to him. (Lady on the ground freaks out and vanishes) 

Because over by the dumpsters there is a Mama Bear and her 2 cubs.


Like...you hear about there being bears in the area. But actually seeing black bears? Never would have thought we'd have the opportunity.

But there they were trying to get into the dumpsters but they ended up getting startled away. So we only saw them for like maybe a minute before they vanished into the night.

But it was soooo cool! Like you don't expect it. But there it was.

So cool.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Tokyo 2021

 Normally I'm more on top of following the Olympics than I was this year.

There were a variety of reasons why I didn't quite keep up....most of it dealing with my TV being dumb and not getting the proper channels. 

But I did try to watch what I could via like...Youtube and such. 

And I just wanted to say Congrats to all the Athletes that made it to the Olympics!! I hope that it was a good overall experience for everyone especially with the pandemic making it a slightly different Olympics than expected. 

And as per my usual Olympics thing...here are the final medal standings. ^^;; Congrats again to everyone. 

United States:         Gold 39     Silver 41      Bronze 33     Total 113
China:                     Gold 38     Silver 32      Bronze 18     Total 88
Japan:                     Gold 27     Silver 14      Bronze 17      Total 58
Great Britain:         Gold 22     Silver 21      Bronze 22      Total 65
ROC:                      Gold 20     Silver 28      Bronze 23      Total 71
Australia:                Gold 17     Silver 7       Bronze 22       Total 46
Netherlands:           Gold 10     Silver 12     Bronze 14       Total 36
France:                   Gold 10     Silver 12      Bronze 11       Total 33
Germany:               Gold 10     Silver 11      Bronze 16       Total 37
Italy:                       Gold 10     Silver 10      Bronze 20      Total 40
Canada:                   Gold 7       Silver 6        Bronze 11       Total 24
Brazil:                     Gold 7       Silver 6        Bronze 8         Total 21
New Zeland:           Gold 7       Silver 6        Bronze 7         Total 20
Cuba:                      Gold 7       Silver 3        Bronze 5         Total 15
Hungary:                Gold 6       Silver 7        Bronze 7          Total 20
South Korea:          Gold 6       Silver 4        Bronze 10        Total 20
Poland                    Gold 4       Silver 5        Bronze 5          Total 14
Czech Republic:     Gold 4      Silver 4        Bronze 3          Total 11
Kenya:                    Gold 4       Silver 4        Bronze 2          Total 10
Norway:                  Gold 4       Silver 2       Bronze 2           Total 8
Jamaica:                  Gold 4        Silver 1       Bronze 4          Total 9
Spain:                       Gold 3       Silver 8       Bronze 6           Total 17
Sweden:                   Gold 3       Silver 6                                 Total 9
Switzerland:             Gold 3      Silver 4        Bronze 6           Total 13
Denmark:                 Gold 3      Silver 4        Bronze 4           Total 11
Croatia:                    Gold 3      Silver 3        Bronze 2           Total 8
Iran:                         Gold 3      Silver 2        Bronze 2            Total 7
Serbia:                      Gold 3      Silver 1        Bronze 5            Total 9
Belgium:                   Gold 3      Silver 1        Bronze 3            Total 7
Bulgaria:                   Gold 3      Silver 1        Bronze 2            Total 6
Slovenia :                  Gold 3      Silver 1       Bronze 1            Total 5
Uzbekistan:               Gold 3                          Bronze 2            Total 5
Georgia:                     Gold 2      Silver 5        Bronze 1           Total 8
Chinese Taipei:          Gold 2      Silver 4       Bronze 6            Total 12
Turkey:                       Gold 2      Silver 2       Bronze 9            Total 13 
Greece:                       Gold 2      Silver 1       Bronze 1            Total 4
Uganda:                      Gold 2      Silver 1       Bronze 1            Total 4
Ecuador:                     Gold 2      Silver 1                                  Total 3
Ireland:                       Gold 2                         Bronze 2             Total 4
Israel:                          Gold 2                         Bronze 2             Total 4
Qatar:                          Gold 2                         Bronze 1             Total 3
Bahamas:                    Gold 2                                                     Total 2
Kosovo:                      Gold 2                                                     Total 2
Ukraine:                      Gold 1       Silver 6     Bronze 12            Total 19
Belarus:                       Gold 1       Silver 3      Bronze 3              Total 7
Romania:                     Gold 1       Silver 3                                  Total 4
Venezuela:                   Gold 1       Silver 3                                  Total 4
India:                           Gold 1       Silver 2      Bronze 4              Total 7
Hong Kong:                 Gold 1       Silver 2      Bronze 3              Total 6
Philippines:                  Gold 1       Silver 2      Bronze 1              Total 4
Slovakia:                      Gold 1       Silver 2      Bronze 1              Total 4
South Africa:                Gold 1       Silver 2                                  Total 3
Austria:                         Gold 1       Silver 1      Bronze 5              Total 7
Egypt:                           Gold 1       Silver 1      Bronze 4              Total 6
Indonesia:                     Gold 1       Silver 1      Bronze 3              Total 5
Ethiopia:                       Gold 1       Silver 1      Bronze 2              Total 4
Portugal:                       Gold 1       Silver 1      Bronze 2              Total 4
Tunisia:                        Gold 1        Silver 1                                  Total 2
Estonia:                        Gold 1                          Bronze 1              Total 2
Fiji:                               Gold 1                          Bronze 1             Total 2
Latvia:                          Gold 1                          Bronze 1              Total 2
Thailand:                      Gold 1                          Bronze 1              Total 2
Bermuda:                      Gold 1                                                      Total 1
Morocco:                      Gold 1                                                      Total 1
Puerto Rico:                  Gold 1                                                     Total 1
Colombia:                                       Silver 4      Bronze 1             Total 5
Azerbaijan:                                     Silver 3      Bronze 4             Total 7
Dominican Republic:                     Silver 3       Bronze 2             Total 5
Armenia:                                        Silver 2       Bronze 2             Total 4
Kyrgyzstan:                                    Silver 2       Bronze 1             Total 3
Mongolia:                                       Silver 1      Bronze 3              Total 4
Argentina:                                      Silver 1       Bronze 2             Total 3
San Marino:                                   Silver 1       Bronze 2             Total 3
Jordan:                                           Silver 1       Bronze 1             Total 2
Malaysia:                                       Silver 1       Bronze 1              Total 2
Nigeria:                                         Silver 1        Bronze 1             Total 2
Bahrain:                                        Silver 1                                    Total 1
Saudi Arabia:                                Silver 1                                    Total 1
Lithuania:                                     Silver 1                                    Total 1
North Macedonia:                        Silver 1                                    Total 1
Namibia:                                      Silver 1                                     Total 1
Turkmenistan:                              Silver 1                                     Total 1
Kazakhstan:                                                        Bronze 8            Total 8
Mexico:                                                              Bronze 4             Total 4
Finland:                                                              Bronze 2             Total 2
Botswana:                                                          Bronze 1             Total 1
Burkina Faso:                                                    Bronze 1             Total 1
Cote d'lvoire:                                                     Bronze 1             Total 1
Ghana:                                                               Bronze 1             Total 1
Grenada:                                                           Bronze 1              Total 1
Kuwait:                                                             Bronze 1              Total 1
Moldova:                                                          Bronze 1              Total 1
Syria:                                                                Bronze 1              Total 1

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Smoke Everywhere


We had a mountain of smoke descend upon us yesterday in Happy Valley. Across the entire state really.

Which was so weird because I'd been driving around for work earlier that morning and the skies were partly cloudy but overall clear.

And then like 2 hours later I look over and it's all....smoke. Smoke so thick I was like "Is there a fire nearby?" because it was HEAVY.

A customer mentioned that in some places they were driving the smoke was thick enough that they could barely see 10 feet in front of them. :S

And it turns out....we were just experiencing the smoke from the California Wildfires. 

Which it's one thing to know that the smoke is from California.

It's a completely other thing to discover just how...encompassing the smoke cloud is.

Because I spent all day driving today (yay for vacation) towards the fires as my family and I are staying out of state for a week at a condo.

And I kinda just expected the smoke to....vanish.

Like I knew we were driving towards the source of the fires.

But I'd had half hopes that the fires had gone out enough or the wind had shifted enough that the smoke would fade and vanish the further west we drove.

No such luck.

The same cloud of smoke remained present the entire drive to the condo and like...is still heavily present here at our vacation spot.

And like....it sucks to be stuck in a cloud of smoke when you're trying to 'get away' from things and just relax.

I can only imagine what the people in Cali have felt having dealt with this for much longer than my state has as we've only had it for a dayish now. 

Hopefully a good wind will blow in. Or rain will come. Or the fires will get under control or all three so that we all can experience clean air again. 

Time will tell. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 6, 2021

Masks Again

 I'm not surprised it only lasted a month.

I mean with the surge in the Delta Variant of COVID....I figured it would only be a matter of time before we needed to wear masks again even if we were vaccinated.

And last night, my Head Manager sent us word that corporate is once again requiring all workers to wear masks at work regardless of vaccination status.

Like I said. 

Not surprised.

And like I have been debating about going back to wearing a mask the past week or so just because I have seen us increasing in COVID cases again and I know having the vaccine decreases my chances of getting it but it's not a 100% guarantee...

So being told I have to wear a mask at work is kinda a relief. Like it's not gonna be fun with it still being hot outside.

But it will be nice to hide most of my face again as I did kinda miss that.

But yah.

Masks are a thing again for us and we're going to 'strongly recommend' that customers wear their masks too.

Though honestly...in my state that's hardly likely going to happen. *exhales* But one can hope. We'll see. 

But kinda crazy to think I only went without a mask a work for like...6 weeks before we had to go back again. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi