It's been a little while since we've had a truck go completely AWOL on us.
I mean our Friday trucks have been struggling for the last...well forever really...pandemic arrive on time. To the point where the truck will show up anytime between Friday morning and like...Sunday morning.
Pretty sure half the issues is a driver shortage....I can't imagine why else they'd struggle to get our shipments to us on a consistent basis. Especially considering our Tuesday Trucks usually show up on time....
In any case.
Our Friday truck was late.
Like super late.
When we checked the tracking on the website it showed our Truck all the way up in Montana.
Which considering the Truck should be coming to us from was a bit concerning that it wasn't even in Nevada yet.
Of course, the tracking hasn't been that reliable either. Especially if the drivers forget to turn on the tracking system.
And with us trying to track down the truck we got everything from. "Oh that's yesterday's tracking for a different route" to "oh no it's accurate." to "Well the truck should be elsewhere, but it broke down somewhere so for sure don't expect it to show up today but we'll get it to you by tomorrow.
In any case.
It was promised that our truck would be showing up today at 10 am.
And I was asked to work a slightly earlier shift so that I could be on hand to assist the morning manager with unloading the truck as they changed the system to where we have to scan every pallet we unload and it goes faster if there's one person scanning and one person unloading.
I showed up at 10 am and there was no truck.
Checking the showed that the truck was now in Nevada...but off route from the route it should be taking to get to us.
Next check showed it in Elko.
Next check showed it at Winnemucca. the opposite direction where it should have been going. The truck should have been heading East. Not West.
But apparently the truck hadn't YET picked up our load from the DC in Nevada. So it was making it's way there first to grab our stuff and then would be returning along the same route to give us the shipment.
But by the time I was off today....the truck hadn't left Winnemucca.
Which meant it was still an hour or so away from picking up our shipment.
And a full days drive away from dropping it off to us.
So like...they say it should be showing up by 11:30ish am tomorrow morning.
but considering the truck should have picked up the load at 2:32pm today and it hadn't yet made it to the DC....
I highly doubt we're going to see the truck. If it shows up it'll probably be tonight.
Or tomorrow morning.
Or never.
Which is frustrating. Extremely so.
Because Friday shipments are when we get in our fish for the week.
And if all goes to plan the fish should be picked up Thursday and then dropped off to us Friday.
Yet here we are heading into Sunday. And no fish.
Which means for ALL of Friday and ALL of pallet of fish has been sitting somewhere in the DC.
I'm assuming it's been loaded onto the truck.
But that truck inside where it's cool? Is it just sitting in the dock? In the middle of the parking lot? In the middle of the sun? Did they even remember that there are fish on this truck and that the AC needs to be turned on within to keep the fish from baking alive?
I'm expecting a shipment of dead fish is what I'm expecting.
And it sucks. Because like....we could have saved most of those fish...if they'd arrived on time.
but now? Who knows how many will live when they've been in the boxes at least two days longer than expected?
*exhales* Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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