Sunday, August 15, 2021

No Connection

 You know the frustrating thing about people trying to set you up with guys to date?

It feels like they never take into account your own interests when trying to set you up with them.

No it's always "He's nice." 

Or "He's this thing or that thing." said things being things I have no interest in whatsoever.

Like. Sure. I get it. My future husband isn't going to be me but in male form.

But like...I would like some aspects of him to coincide so that we would have something to talk about. To connect on. 

You can't really fall for a guy that has nothing in common with you. 

And it...bugs me. When there's attempts to set me up with people who have interests that I have a vehement disinterest in.

Like guns.

I don't like them. I want nothing to do with them. I don't want them in my home. I don't want them anywhere near me.

And yet it was suggested to me that the best place to 'find a guy' would be to hang out at a sports store or someplace that sells guns because the guys would just 'flock to me.' 


You know...I've actually tried that before. Not with guns. But hung out by the knives and such as I like knives. They're useful tools. 

And guess what?

Not. A. Single. Guy. Approached.

*shakes head*

Of course this was like ten years ago. So who knows if guys have changed since then.

But it stands.

If I've been vocally anti-gun....why in the world do you think its a good idea to try and have me meet guys who have an interest in things that I have absolutely no interest in? 

It doesn't make sense beyond the fact that "You're still single, let me help you find a guy. This is how you can do it!" 

Ha. It doesn't matter that I'm apparently "really beautiful." beautiful can I actually be if I'm still single? Obviously there's something off putting about me? Obviously there's something wrong that keeps the guys from coming to me.

But I'm not going to try and find a guy in a sports store by the gun counter to date.

Especially not here. In my state. Where the surge of anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, pro-orange cheeto, crazies are out in full force.

No. If a person is buying a gun or showing an interest in guns at this point in time it's more than likely because they have a vested interest in a political field that I am on the opposite side of. 

And if someone actually cared about setting me up with a guy.

They should at least make an effort to give us a common interest to bond on. A common hobby.

Like I get it. My interests aren't that interesting to a lot of people. My interests are inherently more introverted which means I don't end up hanging out in places where people who may share those interests may congregate. 

I get that I won't find my future husband if I only ever hang out at home all day after getting home from work.

But like...we're still in the middle of a pandemic. I'm not that willing to hang out in public places just yet to try and meet anyone because I've worked Retail during this whole pandemic and I have seen just how awful people can be.

So no.

I won't find a guy anytime soon.

But I do wish that if people consider setting me up with someone that they would make more of an effort to have us connect on topics that I'm interested in.

And not things that the person setting me up is interested in.

If you're interested in said person for the thing that you find interesting then YOU go date them. 


Yah. Rant over. Kinda. Maybe. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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