Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Sometimes...usually when I'm on vacation going on a shopping trip for souvenirs...I wonder just how many people actually buy clothes while on vacation. Like obviously there are vacationers that love to buy shirts, hats, jackets, pants, etc with the name of the place emblazoned on it. Pretty sure my parents have done it multiple times and even I've bought an item or two over the years.

But considering how many stores focus on selling clothes....there has to be a good chunk of the vacationing population that just...loves to buy them.

I mean we went souvenir shopping and out of the good twenty places we visited...probably at least 12 to 15 of them had clothing available within the store. 

And it's rare that I want a clothing item.

I'm more into the knick knacks or the other fun random small things one can find. The more unique things.

So around today was slightly disappointing. 

But at the same time. Despite the smoke in the air. It was fun to go shopping with my sibs and my nephews and just...see what everyone else was interested in. To see which stores drew their eyes -leather works, candy shops, toy stores etc. 

It was fun getting a glimpse into their interests and to see what they would get excited about.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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