So. I had this lady come into the store the other a week ago maybe? Not sure.
But she came in with 7 dead fish. Which is a lot of dead fish to bring in all at once.
So I asked her how big her tank was as I was marking up her receipt so that she could exchange out the fish for some others.
And she was like "Oh it's a 15 gallon tank."
....And she had given me 2 receipts to look at. Said receipts had a good SEVENTEEN fish listed on it.
Like lady. No wonder you lost SEVEN of them the tank is too small to have that many fish in there.
But nooooo she wouldn't listen to me. Explained how she'd gotten a better filter and done things to get the ammonia levels down and such and that her fish had 'plenty of room' to swim around.
*exhales* Like...2 of those fish were bala sharks. Bala sharks get fourteen inches full grown. They do best in large 40 gallon size tanks and your tank is just under half that size. It's not gonna work especially with FIFTEEN other fish in that tank and ALL of them are larger fish.
*exhales* Still I can't 'deny fish sales' to customers per the DM's orders so I resold her more fish after explaining why this wasn't a good idea.
And no surprise when she showed up today with four more dead fish and mentioned the other fish had once again 'vanished' in her tank.
Like lady. It's because you have too many freaking fish in your tiny tank.
But since this was the Second time she was returning dead fish in a row. I did warn her that we only guarantee the fish 3 times. So if she brings back more dead fish within the 14 day period...her next batch won't be guaranteed.
So if she has more fish die...she can't replace them. She'll just have to buy new ones.
And the lady legit was like "But if I don't have fish die in the 2 week period and I come in and buy more fish sometime after that point will they have the guarantee?"
Like yes. Because you won't be returning dead fish for the third time.
But lady. Lady. LISTEN TO SARNIC.
Having so many fish in a tiny tank is not going to go well. You're going to constantly be replacing fish because you're trying to overstock your tank and it's not going to end well.
Thankfully next week I'm on vacation so hopefully I don't have to deal with her again, but we'll see if she brings more dead fish in in the future.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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