Thursday, August 5, 2021

Needy Customer

 That moment when the last customer you help of your shift has to be a 'difficult' customer.

So it was an older lady.

One that I've interacted with in the store before as she was a customer who wanted to buy society finches even though she'd never had finches before and hadn't ever seen society finches in person only the picture of the birds on the tag on the cage we had for society finiches....

And like...she wanted me to call her when we got more in. Which I did. And then she ended up not buying them. *shakes head*

In any case. 

She'd come back into the store again. Looking for things to put into the bird cage she had bought from us for the bird I think she'd got somewhere else.

And like. I had a migraine. I was tired. I wanted to go home.

And she was being extra super needy. Wanting to know how various products worked and if they would 'fit in her cage' like varous cuttlebone holders and millet holders and the like. 

Which lady. I just sell the stuff. I don't use it. I don't own birds. I don't know if it will fit or not I'm just assuming it will but I barely ever see the bird cages outside the box and I haven't seen any of the new brand of cages we got in during the pandemic out of their boxes so I don't know how anything will fit with it.

And the last straw with her was she wanted to know if a bird bath would fit in the cage.

Which no it wouldn't 'hang' in the cage but 'yes' it should fit in said cage.

Like judging by the type of door on the cage even if it didn't fit perfectly perpendicular through the door you could always tilt it to make it fit and then fill it with water later on.

*exhales* But she didn't like that answer.

She wanted me to 'measure' the bird bath. Like give exact dimensions of said bird bath. Which I'm like trying to eyeball it and think mathy things when my head is pounding from a migraine and she's like "don't you have a measuring tape?" 

Which yes. Technically I do. But No I couldn't find it (I went and looked) but like why would you expect us to have a measuring tape in the first place in a PET store? Seems more like a hardware store type of thing.

In any case. Since I couldn't find a measuring tape she was like "Just hold it up to the box and tell me if it will fit through the door pictured there."

Like...lady. The bird door isn't to size on the box.

She insisted it was. 

It wasn't.

So I was desperately trying to calculate how wide the door might be judging by how long the box said the cage was and gah.

I was like "It looks like it will fit."

and she had the gall to say "or else I can tip it. I guess I'll try it."

Like lady.


I told you that in the BEGINNING. Why did you insist on needing specific details if you were going to be fine with tilting it in the first place? Gah. 

I hate conversations like that. Where I give the answer right up front but the customer doesn't believe that that can be the answer and so we have to go the long circular route of information to get back to the original answer.

So. Frustrating.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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