Saturday Morning
Dallin H. Oaks
- Giving to those in need is a principle in all Abrahamic religions and other religions as well.
- Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will.
- When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the fellow service of your God.
- God is using more than one people for the accomplishment of his great and marvelous work.
- We need to be more aware and more appreciative of the service of others.
- Everything that is good and entices to do good is inspired of God.
- We believe all are one. We are children of one God. We are here to serve all humanity.
- You don't need to wait for others to organize or direct you in order to find ways to help those in need around you.
- We should be doing more to recognize and support the good done by others.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Let not your heart be troubled.
- Christ won't make excuses for your mistakes. He wouldn't minimize them. He would ask you to repent. To change. To let him forgive you.
- With Christ's help there are no limits to what you can accomplish.
- You are here to learn, to grow, to progress, to learn of everything your Father in Heaven has created for you.
- At the heart of God's plan, for your happiness, is your power to choose.
- Sometimes, here on Earth, it seems more complicated than it should be because we don't always see things as clearly as we'd like to.
- When you earnestly seek the truth, your choices become much clearer. You will still have temptations and trials. Bad things will still happen. But you can manage when you know who you are, why you are here, and when you trust in God.
- They who wait upon the Lord will be renewed with His strength.
- The best Guide you can have for making choices is Jesus Christ.
- Would long lists of what you should and should do/see/say/watch really help you in the long run? No.
- Teach them correct principles and they will govern themselves.
- Watch yourselves, your thoughts, your words, and deeds.
- Is it wrong to have rules? Of course not. We need them. Is it wrong to focus only on rules instead of focusing on the Savior? You need to know the whys and the hows before you consider the consequences of your choices. Put your Trust in Christ and his ability to lead you the right way.
- The Lord is not saying "Do whatever you want." He's saying "Let God prevail." "Come follow me." "Keep my commandments."
- If the Savior among us, today, he would express his endless love and confidence in you. He would tell you "You can do this!"
Tracy Y. Browning
- As we seek for blessings and knowledge in our lives we'll be able to see things as they're meant to be.
- Our focus must be on the Savior and his Gospel. We must strive to look unto Him in every thought.
- Fix your focus on Christ. He will lead and guide you if you will make time for him in your life each and every day.
- Where we look for Christ we will Find Him. Each and Every Day.
Dale G. Renlund
- Pilots operate within a framework. No matter how brilliant or talented they are, the pilots can only safely unleash their potential within a framework to ensure everyone makes it through the flight safe.
- With the help of the Holy Ghost we can transform our divine nature into our eternal destiny.
- We need to understand the framework within which the Holy Ghosts functions in order to have Him provide Personal Revelation.
- Do not be deceived. Do not allow yourself to crash and burn.
- Doctrine, Commandments, and Revelations for the Church come through the Prophet. That is his Runway.
- Personal Revelation belongs to individuals. You can personally receive revelation for your own life. But that doesn't mean you can receive revelations for others or guide their lives. Personal Revelation is for you and your life.
- When we ask for Revelation for something God has already given clear revelation for we open ourselves up for misunderstandings in trying to hear what we want to hear instead of what God has already said.
- Do not let yourself be under the influence of a False Spirit.
- Exceptions do not negate the Rules. Personal Revelation will be in harmony with God's commandments.
- If God has answered a question and the circumstances haven't changed...why would we expect the answers to be different if we ask again?
- You know how God feels about this if you've asked him for revelation and received it. But you also have your agency to listen and follow what is revealed or to go your own way.
- Few of life's destinations are reached in a single nonstop flight. Personal Revelation can shift as the journey continues.
- Have the confidence to claim personal revelation for yourself.
Rafael E. Pino
- We all have customs and traditions that are personal and come with the community in which we love and we hope to keep those that align with the principles of the Gospel.
- What is normal for us may be abnormal for others because our customs and traditions are not all the same.
- Let the normal things in our lives be those that let us keep the covenant paths.
- Be steadfast and immovable. Always abounding in Good Works.
- The things that become normal in our lives are the things that we repeat again and again and again.
Hugo Montoya
- We are willing to help each other because we love each other. Our needs become their needs and their needs become our needs.
- We love each other because we are children of the same Father in Heaven.
- Let us take advantage of every opportunity to help our neighbor even if we only see them once in our lifetime.
- Happiness does not depend on the circumstances but our attitude towards those circumstances.
- Bless your children whether they are five or fifty years old. Be there for them.
- We are eternal beings living temporary experiences.
Ronald A. Rasband
- We need to renew our commitment to the Book of Mormon.
- With each reading of the Book of Mormon you can be filled with a love for the Lord and his Teachings.
- The Truths of the Book of Mormon have the power to heal, comfort, restore, and enlighten our hearts and souls.
- You do not need to carry printed copies of the Book of Mormon with you. You can always share it via the Gospel Library App on your Phone.
- We need to act now.
Russell M. Nelson
- No matter what happens in your life, your greatest strength comes from the Lord.
- With the dedication of each new temple, more Godly power is welcomed to the Earth.
- Any kind of abuse to anyone is an abomination to the Lord. He grieves whenever anyone is harmed. He mourns for each person who has fallen to abuse of any kind.
- Be alert to anyone who might be in danger of being abused and act promptly to protect them. The Savior will not tolerate Abuse and as his Disciples neither can we.
- God is the source of ALL truth.
Saturday Afternoon
M. Russell Ballard
- As we follow Christ, with footsteps of faith, there's hope.
- There is hope and peace in Christ. He can carry us today through difficult times. He did it for our ancestors, and He'll do it now for each one of us.
- Your footsteps of faith today will bless your posterity in the future.
- Take charge of your testimony. Work for it. Own it. Care for it. Nurture it. So it will grow. Then watch for Miracles to happen in your life.
- Christ will come to us in our trials. He will not leave us comfortless.
- We have trails to walk. Mountains and hills to climb. Though the challenges today are different from those in the past, they're no less challenging for us.
- Keep your feet firmly planted on the covenant path of faithfulness.
- Do not allow Satan to dull our commitment and our love for God and Christ.
Kristin M. Yee
- Forgiving can be one of the more difficult things we ever do but one of the most divine things we ever experience.
- We're not left to deal with the consequences of others actions on our own. Christ is there to help us.
- The Lord requires us to forgive for our Own Good, but does not ask us to do it without his help, his love, his understanding.
- Forgiving someone doesn't mean you put yourself in a position where you continue to be hurt.
- You cannot erase what has been done, but you can forgive.
- Christ can heal the sinner and those who have been sinned against.
- We can offer Kindness for Cruelty, Love for Hate.
- To give what you have been denied is a divine quality to have in your life.
- God can make good come not only from our successes but also from our failures and our pain.
Paul V. Johnson
- We cannot save ourselves, no matter how capable, educated, brilliant, or strong we are, we cannot cleanse ourselves from our sins, change our bodies from our mortal state, or exalt ourselves. It is only possible through our Savior and His Atonement.
- Humble yourself. Put your Trust in God. He can then Change your Heart for the Better.
- We have the ability to choose who we follow. When we follow Satan, We give Him power. When We follow God, He gives Us power.
- We should not assume that we should do what only the Savior can do when it comes to our progress towards perfection.
Ulisses Soares
- Marriage should be a partnership.
- Our spouse should walk shoulder to shoulder with us in full partnership.
- We are all considered equal before God. Man or Woman it does not matter. All are equal.
- There's no superiority or inferiority in a marriage partnership.
- Love is not a possession but a participation in an equal partnership of marriage.
- We should strive for a United Marriage.
- Nuturing and Presiding are interrelated and overlapping responsibilities and wife and husband should share the responsibilities between them equally.
- One person may have a responsibility for something, but may not be the only person doing it.
James W. McConkie III
- If you Love the Lord....Spend time with Him.
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of Transformation. It takes us as Men and Women of Earth and transforms us to be Men and Women of the Eternities.
- Do we see the unexpected events in our lives as an interruption or as a teaching moment?
- In order to bring others to Christ we must all carry our corner of the burden placed on each of us.
- We each have a role to play in the Kingdom of God.
Jorge F. Zeballos
- Earthquakes will occur in our lives no matter what we do. But we can design 'structures' in our lives that can resist the effects of said Earthquakes with minimal or no damage.
- We can construct lives that are resistant to temptation. Resistant to Sin. That allow us to find eternal happiness.
- Fasting can bring us spiritual strength and increase our resistance to the trials in our life.
- The Lord will never tempt us beyond what we can resist.
- The Lord always provides us with an escape when we face adversity.
D. Todd Christofferson
- The gospel net gathers from every nation and every people. Zion is being established simultaneously on every continent and every neighborhood.
- We cannot premit racism or other divisions to exist in the Church of Jesus Christ.
- Be One. If you're Not One. You're Not Mine.
- We need one another.
- A sense of belonging is important to our spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being.
- The Lord looks on the Heart. He cares about our desires and what we want.
- None of us wants to experience the feeling of isolation.
- Let us leave judgement in the Lord's hands and be content to treat and love each other the best we can.
- Much of our belonging comes from our service. The sacrifices we make for others and for the Lord.
- Belonging comes not as we Wait for It but as we Reach Out to Help one another.
- Sometimes we must abandon the comfortable and begin again in order to progress.
- We don't join the church for fellowship alone, we join it for redemption through Christ.
- The Church is the custodian for the covenants and expectations of exaltation.
- Each one of us can affirm that Christ died for me, he thought me worthy of his blood, he loves me and makes all the difference in my life.
Saturday Evening
Gerald Causse
- 1. The Entire Earth and everything on it belongs to God. 2. As Stewards of God's creations we have a duty to honor and care for them. 3. We are invited to Participate in the work of Creation.
- Every man is accountable as a steward of his earthly blessings.
- We should care for the earth and preserve it for future generations.
- The greatest gift of love we can give to our fellow man is to share with them the Joy of the Gospel.
- Life is sacred.
- Great spiritual blessings are promised to those who love and care for the Earth and their fellow man.
Michelle D. Craig
- Stand fast and find peace.
- 3 Ways to Grow: 1. We can keep our covenants even when it's not easy. 2. We can act in faith. 3. We can be whole hearted and joyful in our devotion.
- Expect troubles. Troubles are part of the plan. They do not mean you've been abandoned. They mean you are His for He is a man of Sorrows.
- Heavenly Father is more interested in our Growth than our Comfort.
- Living in Convenience does not bring Power.
- What would have happened had you just opened the door. Would you realize you aren't alone. That you are really loved.
- What you see isn't always a reflection of the way things are.
- Sometimes you just need to Do something. To Act in Faith.
- If the thought of taking action in the midst of pain seems impossible, please, let your action being reaching out to someone for help. So they can become your hope.
- Trials do not mean that The Plan is failing.
Kevin W. Pearson
- Is our own spiritual foundation built solidly on Jesus Christ?
- The principle of willingness won't trend the same way with social media trends.
- The church is a gathering place for imperfect individuals who love God and are willing to follow His Teachings.
- Our willingness is directly proportionate to how much time we spend with God and his Church.
- Are we willing to put forth more than a superficial effort in Christ, His Church, and His Work?
- Faith in Christ is a Choice.
- Willingness is the Catalyst to Faith.
- The covenant path is not a simple checklist. It is a commitment to a lifestyle and a choice to hold onto it.
- Our determination to center our lives on Christ should be consistent. Not conditional or situational.
- The companionship of the Holy Ghost is Priceless.
- The most powerful spiritual influence for a child is their parents and grandparents.
- What changes in your personal life would help you have the influence of the Holy Ghost in your life more consistently?
Denelson Silva
- A simple act can have profound significance to another's life.
- We must not only defend the truth but also proclaim it.
- Doubt our doubts before we doubt our faith.
- There are so many people you can meet so many experiences you can experience if you get out of the house instead of staying home.
- We always defend the truth when we proclaim it. Defending the truth should never be done in an aggressive manner.
- The knowledge of the truth does not make us better than other people but teaches us what we must do to return to God's side.
- By living the Truth you will find comfort and peace.
- The challenges of life can knock us down, but when we exercise our faith in Christ he can help us stand up and stand steadfast.
Neil L. Andersen
- As Evil increases in the world, our spiritual survival and the survival of those we love, we must take action to nurture our Roots in Christ. We must be rooted, grounded, in the love of our Savior in our determination to follow him.
- Having Faith in Christ and being a True Disciple is more than a one time decision or a one time event. It is a sacred and ongoing process as we learn and grow through the seasons of our lives.
- 1. Immerse ourselves more completely into Christ's life. 2. We desire to promise the Savior our allegiance and Trust. 3. We treasure, protect, defend, and safeguard the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- With every righteous movement to Him we see Him more clearly.
- God will not abandon his relationship with those who have forged a bond with him.
- We are a light to the world and when necessary we willingly choose to be different from others.
- Do you Dare to be Different?
- You are living in the world, but you have different stands than the world, to help you avoid the stain of the world.
- You can stand strong in your faith without having to isolate yourself from those who believe differently.
To watch/read/listen to these sessions in their entiritey please visit:
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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