I made pepperoni crescent rolls today.
Which normally isn't really a notable thing to blog about.
So. My sister has been working on creating a family cookbook.
It's been a 4 year task -one that she started right after Mother Dearest passed away- with a lot of stopping and starting and stopping again.
But she's finally gathered enough reciepes and organized them and got everything formatted enough to have our Family cookbook be sent to print so that each family member can have one.
And for the past....couple weeks or so? She's been giving us little check ins.
Letting us know the progress and such.
And like all last minute things....there were a few last minute recipes that other family members realized that they wanted to be placed in the cookbook.
Mostly it's Daddoo's recipes that he's recently found and such.
But the most recent 'is this all the recipes you want' check ins.
Daddoo mentioned to Kikay that he'd found a list Mother Dearest had made at some point of some of her favorite family meals. And he wanted to make sure all the meals listed on her list had made it into the family cookbook.
And one of those meals was my Pepperoni Crescent Rolls.
Which it's just a simple meal of Pillsbury crescent roll dough with pepperoni and cheese and some parmesean cheese rolled up together and cooked.
Nothing too crazy meal wise.
But it was one of the first recipes that I created on my own after I'd moved to college.
Which means Mother Dearest made this list probably in the first year or so of me being at college as other later creations of mine that I knew she liked weren't on my list.
In any case.
It just....it was just...heart warming in a bittersweet way to know that she loved my little crescent roll creation enough to put it on a list of her 'favorite meals' as I hadn't realized she'd loved them that much.
I mean....it didn't even have any pizza sauce lol since I can't stand red sauce on pizza.
Just cheese bread and pepperoni. Like....it's such a simple meal.
And yet she singled it out as one of her favorites.
And I never realized she liked it so much.
So yah. It was a bit...nostaligic making the crescent rolls today for lunch as I haven't made them in a while....but they've been on my mind since Kikay brought up that they were on the list.
....yah. Kinda has me missing mother dearest a bit more today.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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