Monday, October 10, 2022

To Count Again

Yesterday was that semi-annual time of year at work where I have to go in after we close and count all the animals in the store.

You an official animal count or whatever.

Despite the fact that we're supposed to be counting the animals weekly anyways.....

Like I get it. Not every store is on top of keeping track of their inventory, especially with the animals.

But it is a bit frustrating to have to come in and spend a couple of hours counting moving creatures. Especially the ones in the fish tanks since like, with the feeder goldfish, there could be up to 300 or so fish in a tank. *shakes head*

I've done it often enough over the years that it doesn't really phase me to have to come in to do it. I mean, I get to avoid talking to customers and I don't have to wear a uniform since I came in after we closed.

But still. I don't like when the live pet inventory comes around because that usually means that I end up going into work 6 days a week instead of 5 which makes it feel like I don't have a normal day off. is only for a couple of hours. So like I have the entire day to myself until closing. 

It's just the anticipation of having to go do a task makes it difficult to focus on other tasks you'd like to do when you're more relaxed.

In any case.

The counting went well enough, though my coworker was more off than usual on their counting of the fish.

As we have two people count the fish in each tank and write down the numbers there and then take the average of the two numbers and mark that as our inventory number.

And it's usually pretty's a check just to make sure the numbers aren't too off.

But it doesn't work that well when the other person barely tries counting in tanks with a ton of fish.

Like the feeder goldfish tanks.
My coworker was putting numbers like "60, 75, 83, 30, 40, 42" 
And when I got to those same tanks it was like 120, 130, 110, 60, 75, 60

So like twice as many fish were counted when I counted as opposed to when my coworker counted them.

Granted I do have the experience of having to count a ton of moving creatures quickly. Been doing it for 10 years after all.

But normally this coworker isn't that badly off in the counting. So I'm guessing they were dealing with a headache or something as they did comment at one point about too many fish in the tank.

But least we finished earlier than planned. So yay for that!

And I don't have to worry about doing it again until next year. Like in April probably *shakes head*

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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