One of the thoughts I had while watching General Conference this past weekend is that I should probably get back into reading the scriptures.'s been...well years since I've actually studied them. Read them. As I've been more focused on reading all the available conference talks on the app instead.'s been since before the pandemic that I actively read through the books. I think even before the Come Follow Me program started. Like I remember starting the Come Follow Me books that first year when we were supposed to read...the Book of Mormon I think? But it ended up falling by the wayside like a lot of things did during the pandemic.
But it's been a thought for a bit....that maybe I should try and read the scriptures again. Do the whole highlighting and note taking and thought jotting thing.
Only like...the idea of opening the scriptures I already had at home was rather....unappealing. As I've already marked those up. And I really liked the idea of, well, a fresh start.
So I figured on Saturday between sessions I would drop by the Deseret Book and buy myself at least a new Book of Mormon to mark up and read since the regular book shouldn't cost that much there.
However. Turns out that Deseret Book, at least the one I went too....had closed Saturday. For Conference. lol In made a lot of sense for the Church owned store to be closed during the Church's General Conference.
Go figure.
In any case. Monday, after a bit of dithering/arguing with myself because I was TIRED after the little sleep I got from stressing too much Sunday night....I ventured over to nearby D.B. after work to try my luck again.
Good news. They were open lol.
And I found the little blue book Book of Mormon that I'd been thinking of Saturday easily enough.
And I was RIGHT! They weren't expensive. Only like $4ish which is amazing for a book! lol.
However, I also noticed that there were other styles of the scriptures available, so for funsies I decided to take a closer look at those to see what was up.
And I discovered something amazing. Something that's probably been around for a good long while, but since I haven't actively searched for new scriptures in like....a decade....I would have remained well unaware of.
They had JOURNAL versions of the scriptures!!!
Which they're just the scriptures. Your good old Old Testament and New Testament and Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants.
The margins were like two to three times as wide along the sides. Giving you much more room to write down your thoughts on the sides of the scriptures.
Like my handwriting isn't the greatest. But it's even harder to read when I'm trying to smush a ton of words in a itty bitty space. So to have MORE space to write in?! Genius!!!
Lol I ended up buying all 4 books (OT, NT, BoM, PoGP/D&C) then and there -after more dithering on what colors I wanted the covers to be lol.
But yah! Went from wanting to buy a simple blue cover book of mormon to like getting an entire new set to write in!!
I'm so excited!
But I'm also in a bit of a dilemma as to where to start as I don't want to overwhelm myself first thing.
And like in the Come Follow Me....we're apparently studying the Old Testament this year. But since I have not been following that at all during the pandemic....
I'm not sure if I should just jump into the end of Isasiah where the Come Follow Me indicates we're studying this week, or if I should just start at the beginning of the Old Testament, or since the new year is literally only like...3 months away maybe I should start on the New Testament and get a head start on that. Or maybe I should just stick with the original plan to read the Book of Mormon and do that instead. Or since I am trying to get to church more often....maybe I should just jump into the middle of Isaiah and start there instead.....
So yah. I haven't decided what to do yet now that I have the books with me. But I'll figure it out soon soon as I also decide what type of pen/marking tools to use lol.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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