Sometimes I feel like food shouldn't go bad.
Like if you stick it on your shelf it should stay good to eat until you're ready to eat it. No expiration.
Of course...that's because I have this bad habit of sticking things towards the back of the shelf...and loosing track of it....or else getting far too many take out meals in a row with leftovers and I can't eat all the leftovers in time so they just go bad....
But in any case....
I did a bit of 'spring---' Okay a bit of "Fall" cleaning today in the kitchen.
As it's been a hot minute since I've gone through my share of our various shelves.
I won't say it was bad....but it wasn't good....considering I threw away a good 3 garbage bags of food that had expired.
Most of it was shelf food, so lucky me I found ony rotting thing in the fridge. Whew. Still stinky though.
But yah.
It's impressive how much food I just had shoved in the dark corners of my shelves that just.....sat there. Untouched....because I bought them with good intentions to eat them...eventually.
Truthfully....a lot of the food I tossed away was things I'd probably bought at the beginning of the pandemic when everyone was panicking and looking to 'stock up' on food.
As a lot of the 'best buy' dates were dated in 2020. So yah. It's been a while since I've done a DEEP clean of my shelves. *shakes head*
But yah. A lot of the food was just things that I'd bought and never ate because they were for when 'things got bad' with the pandemic.
Which truthfully...with the way I eat....I never really was low on things I liked to eat so therefore the things I 'sometimes am in the mood to eat' never got eaten.
Part of me feels bad for wasting the food. Never touching it.
But the rest of me....the rest of me is just relieved to finally throw it away and get it off my shelves and out of my sight.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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