^^;; It was touch and go there, but I survived my all nighter. :) Before promptly coming home and crashing for six hours afterwards lol.
I basically spent all night...putting stickers on everything. Weeeeee lol.
Anywho. It's the last day of the year! We survived 2012! Now to 2013! :)
And...because I'm still a bit foggy from the all nighter.... Here, as usual, are some highlights of Conference. :)
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Church Is on Course
We have moved without hesitation when there is well-established policy. Where there is not firmly established policy, we have talked with the President and received his approval before taking action.
Can there be two separate bodies with equal authority, without confusion? Yes.
"The duty of the Twelve Apostles of the Church is to preach the gospel to the world, to send it to the inhabitants of the earth and to bear testimony of Jesus Christ the Son of God, as living witnesses of his divine mission. That is their special calling and they are always under the direction of the Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when the presidency is intact, and there is never at the same time two equal heads in the Church--never."
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you."
I am confident that no man was ever called as a General Authority of this Church, certainly none I have known, who did not get on his knees, confessing his weaknesses and pleading with the Lord to safeguard him against temptation and any wrongdoing, and asking for the strength and the wisdom and the inspiration to perform well that which he is called upon to do.
It is unique in its organization. It is a system under which, if one man is unable to function, the work does not stumble or falter.
Richard G. Scott -Healing Your Damaged Life
Instead of enjoying the countless edifying experiences, precious wholesome relationships, and the wondrous beauties of the earth the Lord has given for our happiness, do you pursue excitement beyond the bounds He has set? Do you seek transitory stimulation, even recognizing that it is always followed by powerful negative feelings?
Though you publicly defend strongly your actions, privately in moments of sober contemplation you may have recognized that you are in trouble.
You may be tired of others trying to run your life--always telling you what to do. After all, you have the right to make your own choices. That is correct. You have that right. It is your agency. The secret to solve problems in your life will be found in understanding and using the eternally beneficial interaction of your agency and His truth.
"Light and truth forsake that evil one."
One must use his agency to obey truth.
No one can change truth. Rationalization, overpowering self-interest, all of the arguments of men, anger, or self-will cannot change truth.
Satan strives to persuade us to live outside truth by rationalizing our actions as the right of choice.
We do not have the right to choose the consequences of our acts.
Please understand, no one has the privilege to choose what is right. God reserved that prerogative to Himself. Our agency does allow us to choose among alternate paths, but then we are bound to the consequence God has decreed. Later, if we don't like where the path takes us, the only out is through repentance.
Satan removes the power of truth from one's life so he can take that soul captive.
"The best way out is always through."
You must face the challenge and conquer it.
He will help you when you do it His way.
It takes time to build a reputation that overcomes the effects of past deliberate decisions to deceive and to take advantage of others--but it is worth it.
A true friend is not one that always encourages you to do what you want to do, but one who helps you do what you know you ought to do.
May he give you the courage and strength to begin to be healed now.
Marion D. Hanks -A Loving, Communicating God
Our Heavenly Father desires that all mankind be led by the light, but that blessing will not be imposed upon anymore. Christ stands at the door and knocks; those who wish to have him enter and sup with them must hear his voice and "open the door."
We must choose; we are the decision makers, and he will not relieve that responsibility.
If we find truth in broken fragments through the ages, it may be set down as an incontrovertible fact that it originated at the fountain, an was given to philosophers, inventors, patriots, reformers, and prophets by the inspiration of God.
"Vital religion cannot be maintained and preserved on the theory that God dealt with our human race only in the far past ages, and that the Bible is the only evidence we have that our God is a living, revealing, communicating God. If God ever spoke, He is still speaking. He is the great I Am, not the great He Was."
Much that happens to us in this life we cannot control; we only respond.
If we endure and remain faithful and put our trust in him and are courageous, the Lord will visit us in our afflictions, strengthen us to carry our burdens and support us in our trials. He'll be with us to the end of our days.
"To believe in God is to know that all the rules will be fair, and that there will be wonderful surprises."
Neal A. Maxwell -"Settle This in Your Hearts"
Being "valiant" in one's testimony of Jesus includes striving to become more like Him in mind, heart, and attributes.
One common characteristic of the honorable but slack is their disdain for the seemingly unexciting duties of discipleship, such as daily prayer, regular reading of the scriptures, attendance at sacrament meeting, paying a full tithe, and participating in the holy temples.
Friends who would hold us back spiritually are not true friends at all.
"Some do not understand duties which do not coincide with their natural feelings and affections. ... There are duties which are above affection."
Some would never sell Jesus for thirty pieces, but they would not give Him their all either!
Others find it easier to bend their knees than their minds.
If we are too easily contented, God may administer a dose of divine discontent.
Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!
Consecration is the only surrender which is also a victory. It brings release from the raucous, overpopulated cell block of selfishness and emancipation from the dark prison of pride. Yet instead of striving for greater consecration, it is so easy to go on performing casually in halfhearted compliance as if hoping to "ride to paradise on a golf cart."
Heavenly Father is only asking us to lose the old self in order to find the new and the real self.
Increased consecration is not so much a demand for more hours of Church work as it is for more awareness of whose work this really is! For now, consecration may not require giving up worldly possessions so much as being less possessed by them.
Thomas S. Monson -Miracles--Then and Now
"Where was a protecting angel?"
I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.
Their victories, however slight, strengthen the boundaries through which the history of future generations must pass.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the poetess, wrote: It is easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is one who will smile, When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always comes with the years, And the smile that is worth the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through tears.
To all who have suffered silently from sickness, to you who have cared for those with physical or mental impairment, who have borne a heavy burden day by day, year by year, and to you noble mothers and dedicated fathers--I salute you and pray God's blessings to ever attend you. To the children, particularly they who cannot run and play and frolic, come the reassuring words: "Dearest children, God is near you, Watching o'er you day and night."
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream Not surprisingly...I dreamt about placing more stickers on items at the store.
I've often claimed to be a night owl. There comes a point in the night that I just wake up and I can stay awake until the early hours of the morning. Yet, I haven't had much of an opportunity to let my inner night owl out as most of my work shifts involve me getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning. Which means if I'm to get at least six hours of sleep....I can't stay up past 11. Of course, knowing that I have to go to bed early I kinda give myself the mindset of "I'm getting tired, now its time to go to bed." So it's not that difficult. And knowing how late I can stay up...makes it so that most of the time I can stay up that late without getting tired. So on my days off...I usually end up staying up later.
Tonight though...should be interesting. Working at Starsmet, I'm basically in charge of taking care of the animals. Yet, on occasion I get scheduled to do other things in the store. Cashiering for one. Stocking/Pricing for another.
I usually don't mind it....even if I wish I'm in Petcare the entire time I'm doing something else, lol. I think it is a good idea to have me do other things, as it helps me get to know the merchandise of Starsmet, where things are and such, and it helps me to be more 'rounded' in the store so that I can help more customers if they come to me with a question.
In any case. I've been glad that I'm not a stocker. As they've been asked to come in super early in the morning. And coming in at 5 is about as early as I want to come in.
Ha. Well, 'tonight' I get to have a taste of the stocker's life. Work starts at 2:30am and I don't get off until half an hour after the store opens.
So what am I going to do? Basically stay up all night. Yah...you can call me crazy. I'm already thinking that I am lol. Especially since last night, I kept tossing and turning so I didn't get such a restful sleep. Of course I took a long nap earlier today. But I am wondering how well I'll be able to function with no six hours of sleep before going to work.
I'm not worried about functioning. I've gone to school and such on little to no sleep due to a) not feeling well b) a headache or c) lots of homework. So I know I can get the job done. lol. I just hope that I can be wakeful during this.
I'm not quite sure though. Working with the different animals gives me a variety of tasks to do that helps to wake up my brain, and I'm constantly moving around so my body is being active which also wakes me up. For this 'early morning shift' I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. Something with pricing as for the New Year we're making sure all our prices are right....I don't quite know for sure, I guess I'll find out when I get there to get a clearer idea of what I'm going to be doing.
lol Needless to say two things.... One, I'm glad I'm not a couple of the managers who will be at the store all night it sounds like. and Two, that once I get home I can crash. That should be interesting. How long will I fall asleep for? Dunno. Guess I'll see tomorrow after my shift lol. :)
In any case. :) I hope all you who get to sleep tonight sleep well! For I shall be staying up! :D Yay for a chance to be a night owl! :D I hope I don't regret this in a few hours lol. :)
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I only really remember the first dream I had as it woke me up like an hour after I went to bed....the rest kinda faded. But this one...I was trying to wake myself up for some reason. My room was dark and I found it difficult to move about. I managed to push myself up and got one of my hands to turn on the light switch. Yet I couldn't see the light turn on. :S I tried to force my eyes open and I saw...white light, but being momentarily distracted I would realize that my eyes were once again closed and I was in darkness when I wanted to be awake and see where I was. I also felt like my jaw was clenched tightly shut, like super tight and I knew that wasn't good to do and I didn't want to hurt myself or lock my jaw. Yet every time I reached to my mouth to open it...my jaw was already open, like I was silently screaming. Every Time. Even though I couldn't see my own face, I felt like my head was just a black skeleton mummy thing and my jaw had been frozen into the open scream position. I could feel my jaw was closed, yet it was open when I'd feel it.
Finally I managed to chase away the dream, and the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away... and I became myself again...freaked out from that odd...dream, that didn't give me a sense of comfort as well.
A guy came in a bit ago....I don't remember how long....one week...two weeks.... A bit ago. I remember him because he entered right as the doors of Starsmet opened. In a little baggy he held two African Dwarf Frogs. He was returning them both because One had a leg that wasn't working right, it moved oddly. And the second because that fella didn't have a leg at all. He wanted frogs that were healthy and whole. So he returned them, and got one frog instead that was whole, as we were low on African Dwarf Frogs at that point, and we ended up not getting a shipment last week of them, but we did this week. In any case. I put the two frogs in the back tank to Isolate them.
I halfway consider that tank to be the tank of 'no return' as often...the fish we put in there are already sick...and most of them die. Unfortunately the frog with the leg not working right didn't make it. And I kinda assumed that the other one died as well. >.> For it was that kind of iso tank at the moment.
So I kinda forgot about the three legged frog in back. Yet yesterday...I think it was yesterday, I noticed that he was still alive. And today...he was still alive. We couldn't sell him because he only had three legs -he only has a stump for his front left leg- so we put him up for adoption (meaning that he was free to a good home.) Anyway, the little fella was on my mind as last night I dreamt about frogs. and today he was there...in the tank, with some other fish that weren't doing that great. I didn't want the poor guy to be back there forever more. And once I got home from work I thought :Why not? I sent a text to Kikay saying basically "Hey we have a three legged frog up for adoption do you want him?" I wasn't sure what she'd say, because we already have two African Dwarf Frogs. One we started off Fostering for one of her friends as their apartment complex didn't allow them to have any pets whatsoever, but we could have a fish tank here. His name is Horatio. And we've had him for like two years now.... the other we named Tiana (from Princess and the Frog) and I think Kikay got her as a buddy for Horatio. She is also nearly two years old, probably a year and a half. I'm really not sure lol. I didn't know if Kikay wanted to add a third frog to the mix right now though.
We'd talked about it, because unfortunately Horatio is pretty old, and he's not doing that great. So we talked about getting another frog when he passes on. Horatio is still here, but that three legged frog...needed a home. I didn't want to leave him in that tank any longer in the back room.
Kikay texted back "YES!" lol ^^ We love the gimpy animals. Kikay especially, when I raised guppies she would take all the ones with crooked backs and place them in her tank calling them "Funny Weirdos" So I thought she'd like him. I mean I liked him. He's sweet. lol I hadn't even gotten him from the store yet, I was still driving there when Kikay texted me "I shall call him Legolas"
I was like O.o Kikay don't name him yet! What if he's not even there anymore! Alot could happen in the hour I hadn't been at work. :S But I went into the back, and he was still there. *Sigh of Relief* He was still alive. *Bigger Sigh of Relief* So I went to go find Reth cus I knew she'd be there. And asked her if it was alright if I'd take the three legged frog in back. "Oh yes! Wait, let me go check and see if we have any gimpy frogs in our display tank and you can take them as well or choose from them." Ha. I was like "Oh no. The one in the back is good." -I think Reth wanted to give me a healthy gimpy frog to adopt, but I knew the guy in back was healthy he'd just been back there because he was a return. She was like "Are you sure?" I was like "Yah, my sister has already named him, Legolas." It was unthinkable to get a different frog when the one I was getting already had been named. :S I wanted Legolas, he was coming home with me no matter what, the other gimpy frogs -if we have any I have no idea if we do- can go to other homes. I want this guy as he'd been back there ownerless for like two weeks now. So Reth said "Okay." and I went in back to fish him out. Lol....I wonder what the other customers thought about a 'customer' disappearing into the 'employee only doors." It's kinda weird to not be in uniform at work.. In any case. I got in back and... Legolas wasn't there! I mean he was gone! ()_()! NO! NO! NOOO!! Where'd he go! I saw him like 15 minutes ago! -I had to wait for Reth to get done with a customer before I could ask her. I took the net, checking all the plants, and the rock where he'd been hiding before. Nothing. Nothing. Where was he! Did he get out? Was he adopted out while I wasn't looking? It was impossible! Reth came in back -possibly wondering what was taking me so long. (She needed the container I borrowed to move the frog to fish other fish out for customers) And I was like "I can't find him! I know he's in here but I can't find him!" Then I moved the rock for like the fourteenth time. And there he was. He'd apparently been clinging to the rock or something. *Big Sigh of Relief* I fished him out, and bagged him up -the customer watching me probably thought I was crazy for bagging up a frog when I wasn't in work clothes. And took him home. Little Legolas is ours! Ha! Our newest pet. Heh. He's like a David to the Goliath that Tiana is as she's full grown and he's just a youngling. Horatio is basically as big as Tiana, but skinnier because he hasn't been feeling well. It's so weird to see how small Tiana and Horatio used to be and how big they are now.
^^ I'm glad they seem to be getting along though the three of them. And Legolas doesn't seemed phased at all about not having a leg. He's just as able to cling to the side of the bag and resist getting placed in the tank as the other two are.
Heh. I find myself continuously checking in on the three of them. Worried that the two may be picking on the new guy. -I've been around the Hamsters alot and when we try to introduce new hamsters into a cage with other hamsters, just to see if we can make room elsewhere, we have to watch them to see if they fight or not. Sometimes they do....sometime they don't. It depends. I guess frogs are different lol. They're all doing great. ^^
Welcome to the family Legolas. :D
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
It involved our two frogs. I think for pieces of it I was the same size as the two frogs, but I was trying to keep them safe in their tank from a big orange tabby cat, while also trying to convince the cat not to chase me around as well. I think I was trying to move the frogs to a new home, but it was difficult as the cat would chase me around the house and outside around our lamp post. It was crazy and afterwards I ended up on a ship....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.... and I became myself again. :)
McDonald's. I love the place for their french fries. So super good. And I guess that's why I love their hash browns as well because they are potatoes as well.
Well...I've been branching out a bit this past couple of days. For my coworker Tawl has gone to McDonald's the past two mornings, and brought food for us morning workers. He's such a generous guy to do this for us. ^^ Lol the first day I had...a burrito of some kind...eggs and sausage. Today I had an egg and sausage sandwich. Surprisingly both were really good. And I think it's because the food was a gift, given in a spirit of giving and not 'because I had to' It tasted good because Tawl cared enough to stop at a McDonald's twice, when it was snowing to bring us food. It makes the effort doubly awesome because the roads have been snow covered the past couple of mornings, to the point where I put my own car into four wheel drive to make sure I didn't lose control of the car for my own minute drive, and his drive is like 30 minutes and with the first major snow storms of the year, traffic can be hectic, dangerous and slow.
So I'm super grateful that through all the dangers Tawl took the time to think of others, and give me a bit of a pick me up so I had the energy to work. Especially since I have been 'put to work' as Reth had me do two bedding changes yesterday -Reptiles and Birds- and more bedding changes today to make up for not being able to do them Monday and Tuesday. I don't know if I could have been as quick without those eggs and sausage in my tummy to give me that energy to do two jobs as quick as I did. :)
So, even though he doesn't read this blog. Thanks Tawl! You're the best! :)
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
One of my favorite sports stories has to do with Roger Bannister, who many years ago participated in the Olympic Games as a champion in the one-mile race. He was supposed to win, but he wound up finishing in fourth place. He went home from the Olympics discouraged, disillusioned, and embarrassed.
He had his mind set on giving up running. He was a medical student at the time, and his studies were so demanding. He decided that he'd better get on with life and devote all of his time in preparing for medicine and forget his hopes about running the world's record in the four-minute mile. He went to his coach and told him, "Coach, I'm through. I'm going to devote all my time to studying." His coach said, "Roger, I think you are the man who can break the four-minute mile. I wish you'd give it one last try before you quit."
Roger didn't answer him. He went home knowing not what to say or to do. But before the night was over, he had convinced himself that he would develop an iron will before he quit running. He was going to break the four-minute mile.
He knew what this meant. He would have to set a pattern and live by it. He realized he would have to study seven, eight, or even nine hours a day to get through medical school. He would have to train for at least four hours a day.
Also involved was running continually to build up his body to the peak of perfection. He knew he would have to eat the best foods. He knew he would have to go to bed early every night and sleep nine or ten hours, to let his body recuperate and constantly build up for the great day. He determined within himself that he was going to follow the rigid pattern he and the coach knew was necessary for victory and achievement.
On May 6, 1954, the four-minute-mile barrier was broken by Roger Bannister--a tall, stooped Englishman with a big-boned, angular face and a ruddy complexion-- a man committed to a winning pattern which would bring him recognition worldwide.
On a dreary, cold, wet, and windy day, he went to the Oxford university track to put his theories and skill to the acid test. His parents and a few hundred others were present. The rest is history. Running strictly according to his charts and pattern, he ran the miracle mile in 3:59.4. He became the first man in recorded history to speed across this distance in less then four minutes. He had proven that man could run faster than was thought possible. He paid the price and reaped the rewards of following the proper pattern. Today in England he is a doctor in his own right. At the time of his victory over the one-mile barrier, he became an international hero in all the record books. The four-minute-mile barrier is broken constantly these days, but Roger Bannister set the pattern many years ago and followed it with total commitment, self-discipline, and a will of iron.
-Marvin J. Ashton -A pattern in All Things - October 1990 General Conference
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
This is weird. It's the day after Christmas.... And the radios contain....No Christmas Music. O.o What madness is this? It seems like Christmas music stays on the air until the end of the year. I'm sure it usually does.... But this year....No. Weird. And I'm not sure I like it. It's so strange to have no Christmas music on the air. Odd. The radio seems louder, and not as...peaceful as when Christmas music is playing.
I wonder if people were complaining about an overload of Christmas music so the stations decided to not play anymore after Christmas day finished. It might be the reason why a couple of the stations slowly immersed themselves into Christmas music where they started with one Christmas song for every four other songs played, and then slowly increased the amount of Christmas music until they were playing it 24/7.
Yah... It's weird. No more Christmas Music....but still alot of snow that makes me think it should be playing lol. :)
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was doing an investigation of a death of an infant while at a...girls camp and in one of the cabins...trailer type things was where the infant had been sick, where there was just like a bad...breath to them? And the couple who had lost their child wanted to know why and if it was safe for the others. While in the middle of that investigation a young man came up and wanted us to help him investigate the death of another person, possibly a...mother figure. We agreed to help out and looked about while in the middle of camp and the girls there doing this that and the other....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.... and I became myself again. :)
Contentment. The ability to just sit by a fire and relax. Going through your gifts, Spending time with family. It's amazing. And I'm grateful that my stay at home has been extended an extra twenty-four hours.
For I wasn't looking forward to having to head back to my apartment tonight. Because it's Christmas. And for as long as I can remember, I've had the day before and after Christmas to relax and spend time with family. Yet, my work had scheduled me to work tomorrow morning, Soo I was procrastinating leaving as much as I could.
And for once.... Procrastination paid off. For about an hour after I should have left, but an hour before I was planning to actually leave. I got a text from a co-worker, asking if I still wanted to switch shifts with her. -She has Wednesday off while I have Thursday off. I'd left a message for her....a few days ago, asking if she would be willing to switch shifts with me, so that I would be able to spend three days as a whole with my family, instead of having to go back to work for a four hour shift. And... She said yes! So I didn't have to drive home tonight. ^^ It was a great present to receive and I'm grateful that she responded back before I'd made my journey back to my apartment. :) YAY!
And so I can relax, and enjoy the rest of the evening reading and listening to a last hurrah bash of Christmas Music.
Merry Christmas! May your Day (Night) Be Merry and Bright! :)
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
I've realized something. Out of all the things I've asked for for Christmas.... I don't think I've ever asked for a Pet.
For some reason this strikes me as odd. I mean my home has always been full of animals, so why not get a Pet for Christmas, be it a fish, dog, cat, or hamster. I think it's because we've always had so many pets around, that it probably didn't make sense to ask for one at the time. Though I bet there's been a time or two when I've wished for another cat or something. idk.
It was just brought to mind today as it is Christmas Eve, and I had to work. And I helped a lot of people pick out pets for Christmas. Mostly Hamsters, but some Guinea Pigs, Reptiles and Birds also made their way out the door. And it made me curious... How do you wrap up the animal? I mean in the movies the animal is always in a box that's all wrapped up. Of course, now that I think of it...I think the box is usually open already...or it has a lid that's easy to take off. But how would you make the animal stay in the box? Would you make air holes for it? Do you wrap it already in the cage? Or keep it in a different room for later? Or bring the kids to the house that the pet's been 'hiding out' at for the past little while? It seems a bit complex to me lol.
I don't know if I'd be scared or excited to pick up a box and feel something moving inside. Hmm...I think I would go for excited, unless it hissed at me, or made some noise to startle me I suppose.
I hope it's a good Christmas for those kids getting live animals this year. ^^ I had fun with the parents helping them to gather all the supplies and pick out which animal their son or daughter would see tomorrow. I'm also rather glad that we had the animals in stock to be able to give to parents, as I would hate to have to deal with an angry adult who waited too long to buy their gift and we ran out or something, But our back rooms are pretty full, I doubted we would have sold out completely. We might have run out of certain breeds...but I doubt we ran out of hamsters. lol I just hope that the Day After Christmas we still have animals, for those parents who decided to let their children pick out their own pets after they open the cage. If not...we'll for sure have more on Saturday lol. :)
In any case. I'm happy to be home this Christmas Eve, with my cat and dog nearby, watching the snow fall, as my family listens to Christmas music by a roaring fire in our fireplace. ^^ Good times good times.
May your Christmas Be Merry and Bright! -And that the animals are an awesome gift! :D
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was helping my dad with a fish tank, catching fish I think, but I was having difficulties or..the fish kept morphing and I was trying to catch tetras but they kept turning into hatch fish....then I had other people at the store wanting my help, with finding bread, as the bread section of the grocery store was between the fish tanks and the...small animal cages...I think. So I grabbed some bread for a guy who wanted them, and then was over at small pets helping customers there, worrying all the while about the birds and what I was going to do with them....
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.... and I became myself again. :)
Happy Christmas Adam Everyone! (You know...cus Adam came before Eve...) As Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I've decided to forgo posting the conference talks highlights tomorrow and will instead post them tonight. :) Hope you don't mind. :)
Dallin H. Oaks -Bible Stories and Personal Protection
Joseph was unjustly sent to prison. But even there he excelled, and the Lord blessed him.
"Though comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel."
"This day will the Lord deliver thee into mind hand; and I will smite thee:
At times all of us must stand against those who mock and revile. Some of us, sometime, will face some earthly power as mighty as Goliath.
During the life I have had many experiences of being guided in what I should do and in being protected from injury and also from evil. The Lord's protecting care has shielded me from the evil acts of others and has also protected me from surrendering to my own worst impulses.
I am grateful that the Lord gave me the vision and strength to refrain from trusting in the arm of flesh and to put my trust in the protecting care of our Heavenly Father.
Dean L. Larsen -The Lord Will Prosper the Righteous
And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.
It has always been so. when the lives of the people are in harmony with the Lord's will, all of the essential factors that produce the blessings God deigns to give to his children seem to come into line. Love and harmony prevail. Even the weather, the climate, and the elements seem to respond. Peace and tranquillity endure. Industry and progress mark the lives of the people.
"And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid."
Perhaps the greatest tragedies of all time have occurred when people have received the promised blessings of the Lord and then have forgotten the source of their good life.
We must be better than we have ever been before.
Gary J. Coleman -Jesus Christ Is at the Center of the Restoration of the Gospel
Upon asking God if the things of this gospel are true, I have received a witness more powerful than sight, more soul-assuring than words. The sweet witness by the power of the Holy Ghost that the truths of the restored gospel are upon the earth today has come to me.
Not only must we build upon the sure foundation of Jesus Christ, but the prophet Jacob identified Him as the "safe foundation"! This stone, he said, shall be "the great, and the last, and the only sure foundation."
Christ is always the rock upon which each of us must build, even the rock of revelation.
There truly is a strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life by following the Savior and the living prophets. We must accept them as the inspired trainers for our race of life.
There are obstacles strewn in our path upon which we may sprain an ankle or stub a toe. But we must keep going.
"I've fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."
John B. Dickson -Nobody Said That It Would Be Easy
Brethren, i want you to know that having one arm for nearly thirty years has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. It hasn't been my greatest challenge, but it has been a great teacher to me, teaching me to be more patient and tolerant with others as I have had to learn to be more patient and tolerant with myself. It has helped me to understand the necessity of our having challenges in life to help develop our character and stamina, helping us to become what the Lord ultimately wants us to become.
The Oyster: There once was an oyster Whose story I'll tell, Who found that some sand Had worked under his shell. Just one little grain But it gave him a pain, For oysters have feelings That are very plain. Now did he berate This working of fate, That left hi in such a Deplorable state? Did he curse the government, Call for an election, And say that the sea Should have some protection? No! He said to himself As he sat on the shelf, "Since I cannot remove it, I think I'll improve it." Well, years passed by, As years always do., Till he came to his destiny, Oyster stew! But the small grain of sand That bothered him so Was a beautiful pearl All richly aglow. Now this tail has a moral, For isn't it grand, What an oyster can do With a small grain of sand? And what couldn't we do if we'd only begin With all of the things That get under our skin?
Thomas S. Monson -The Priesthood in Action
Every call to serve is a human drama in the life of the recipient.
"I would never do it differently. We could never have been as happy otherwise."
"The door of history turns on small hinges," and so do people's lives.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Building Your Tabernacle
Each of us is a distinct individual, but we are all of one mind, of one purpose, of one faith.
Be strong!
Be strong--be strong in the discipline of self. How many otherwise good men squander their strength and dissipate their will and literally destroy their lives because they have not the power of self-discipline.
There is neither happiness nor peace to be gained from surrendering to the weakness of indulging in these things which degrade and destroy.
There is too much of good to see; there is too much of wonderful reading to be experienced to waste time and destroy character and willpower in submitting to such destructive rot.
Be strong--in standing for the right.
Be strong, my brethren, in the quality of mercy.
"Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God will a recompense; he will come and save you."
Be strong, my brethren, with the strength of simple honesty.
Be strong--in the faith by which you walk and in the Church of which each of us is a member.
"Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might."
"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against ... the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Be strong in your testimony of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the chief cornerstone of this great work.
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I dreamt...I was driving on the freeway, in a snow storm and the guardrail suddenly got too close, I tried to avoid it, but over corrected. I was skidding...crashing and all I could think was "Please Heavenly Father, protect me, help me make it out of this alive and well."
Then the holy tones of daylight pulled me away.... and I became myself again. :)
So, today at work, I was going about helping customers right? Right. I was focused on bagging the goldfish a customer wanted, but also thinking about how I only had like an hour left of my shift. Then I could go home. When this guy in sunglasses and a white jacket came up to me and asked "Excuse me, but what kind of fish is this?" He had a deeper voice, but I didn't think much of it. "That's a goldfish" I said. "Are you sure?" he asked taking off his sunglasses. "Yes." I turned to gesture to the wall of fish, these are all goldfish. I turned around to see this stranger staring at me wide eyed with a foolish grin. I kinda stared back thinking 'This guy is kinda being creepy, is he slow of thought or something?' And then it clicked. He wasn't slow of thought. I was. For before me...stood.... My Brother.
lol it's pretty sad that I didn't recognize my own brother when he dropped by for a visit. lol. He and Kikay cracked up laughing when they saw the lightbulb flash in my eyes. -Kikay had hidden out of sight. -and Meralto had changed his voice to sound more 'important' so I didn't really get that it was his voice. ^^;; Oops. lol. "At least you do know your fish." My brother laughingly said as I gave him a hug. heh. I have to say...I think his hair cut threw me off. He got it cut really short, almost like a buzz. He called it a "missionary haircut." So...you could say his 'disguise' completely fooled me lol. As the last time I saw him he had it a couple of inches longer.
That...and I really don't expect to see my brother at my work since he doesn't live nearby. I had known that he was coming down to visit and do stuff with Kikay, but I didn't think to see him until after work. lol. And what I don't expect to see....I really don't see. That or I can say...I'd been up since 4am and it was past lunch time...so I was hungry and tired.... Yah...whatever the reason...I didn't recognize him.
I really have no idea what clued me into me recognizing him... I think he smiled or something and the pieces fell into place, or I saw Kikay...No I think I saw Kikay afterwards. Perhaps he started laughing or something. lol. In any case...he got me. I'm glad he took it well. I think he got a kick out of it actually. Being able to fool his own sister...
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
I didn't think the day would be different from any other day. It was the usual drama, I had to open almost all of my department...by myself. Along with finishing the Reptile Bedding changes as well. The morning started out well enough. I got three sections done, and I'd almost finished with the reptile cages. -I only had one left to finish. When... They attacked. Like a swarm, they descended on the animals. Wanting birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, bearded dragons, fish, crickets, geckos, Chinese water dragons. Whirlwind after whirlwind I helped customer after customer after customer. As the last reptile cage remained mid change. The birds hadn't been fed, the small pets hadn't been fed, the fish hadn't been fed, or the dead cleaned out, the crickets hadn't been fed or bagged..... It was CRAZY! I'd never seen Starsmet so busy in the MORNING. Usually we get our rush in the afternoons/evenings. Not so yesterday. Basically from the time the store opened...I was helping customers. I had an eight hour shift, and I managed to finish the last reptile cage, feed the birds, and small pets in that time. I even had help come in halfway through. And we still didn't get everything done. The fish hadn't been fed or the dead cleaned out, the other worker was just starting to bag crickets... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was SUPER CRAZY! I felt a bit like a spun top. It was halfway between lunch and dinner... and the tasks that can usually get done at least an hour or two after the store opens.... Didn't get fully done. Possibly until late into the evening.
I thought it was the beginning of the 'panic' of 'last minute Christmas shopping' but No...today...was like any other morning. A couple of customers here and there, but not the swarm that descended on us out of the blue. Perhaps it had something to do with the 12.21.12 "End of the World" that was supposed to happen today. People wanted to buy pets on the 'eve' of it....for who knows why. Most of them said it was for Christmas... Perhaps because the kids are now out of school....they decided to go shopping? Seems a bit backwards to me...don't you want to do your present shopping when the kids are at school? Who knows. All I know is that we were superbly weirdly busy and I was at my wits end by the end of the shift.
You can tell how frazzled I was because I accidentally put out some hamsters...that we'd just gotten the day before and we keep them in the back for three days to observe them and make sure they're fine. And I put them out onto the floor...luckily nobody bought any and I realized the mistake before the end of my shift so I switched them out...but that just shows how at wits end I was lol.
Oh man. I remained hyped up for hours afterwards. I came into Kikay's room like a hurricane because I was soo...riled up? It's surprising that the pictures in Kikay's room didn't go flying off the wall. Needless to say... I'm glad today wasn't that busy as I don't know I could handle that two days in a row. Which I might have to...as Christmas gets closer. We'll see if the weekend and Christmas eve brings in more morning swarms. :) lol.
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream Not surprisingly after the day I had yesterday...I dreamt about being at work.
Many of us take the blessings of the gospel for granted. It is as if we are passengers on the train of the Church, which has been moving forward gradually and methodically. Sometimes we have looked out the window and thought, "That looks kinda fun out there. This train is so restrictive." So we have jumped off and gone and played in the woods for a while. Sooner or later we find it isn't as much fun as Lucifer makes it appear or we get critically injured, so we work our way back to the tracks and see the train ahead. With a determined sprint we catch up to it, breathlessly wipe the perspiration from our forehead, and thank the Lord for repentance.
While on the train we can see the world and some of our own members outside laughing and having a great time. They taunt us and coax us to get off. Some throw logs and rocks on the tracks to try and derail it. Other members run alongside the tracks, and while they may never go play in the woods, they just can't seem to get on the train. Others try to run ahead and too often take the wrong turn.
I would propose that the luxury of getting on and off the train as we please is fading. The speed of the train is increasing. The woods are getting much too dangerous, and the fog and darkness are moving in.
Although our detractors might as well "stretch forth [their] puny arm[s] to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream" as try to derail this train, they are occasionally successful in coaxing individuals off. With all the prophecies we have seen fulfilled, what great event are we awaiting prior to saying, "Count me in"? What more do we need to see or experience before we get on the train and stay on it until we reach our destination? It is time for spiritual revival. It is time to dig down deep within ourselves and rekindle our own light.
Glenn L. Pace -Spiritual Revival -October 1992 General Conference
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
It got loose. Happens to everyone eventually, if the work there long enough. But. It. Got. Loose. What was it? A Green Parakeet.
For you see, I was doing my regular shift at Starsmet, and I noticed in the back room that there was a cage of Green Parakeets that could go out onto the floor as the blue and green parakeets had been separated into different cages and there were only three greens out on the floor at the time.
It didn't seem that difficult.... Okay, so I had to catch the birds and tolerate their pinching long enough to transfer them from one cage to another, but I'd done it before, so no big deal. Well... One of the birds freed itself from my grip and flew behind the transfer cage and into one of the shelf things in the enclosure. It's a super tiny space, really with only room to open up the bird cages so they can be fed and watered and if the bird gets out...it's only in that small space and easily caught and transferred back to the cage it escaped from, and not the rest of the store. Well...it's rather hard to catch a parakeet when it's under something and the metal cage it came in, was in the way. So. I tried to get the cage out of the way. By opening up the door and setting it outside and closing the door so I could grab the parakeet. ...If the bird hadn't moved...it should have worked. In hindsight...I probably could have scooted the cage over or something so that I could contort myself to get the bird....or something. But yah. It escaped. Out into the store. Flying up to the rafters and disappearing somewhere up there. I didn't see it for the rest of my shift. Somehow it got caught, as there were 9 birds there when I went in the next time. Cinres mentioned putting down birdseed or something... I have no idea how it's caught. LaKai mentioned that they once used a shopping cart to catch a different escaped parakeet -before I started working at Starsmet.
Still...I'm glad that the bird is back safe and sound where it belongs. And I know....under no circumstances to open that door when there's a bird loose. :)
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Kikay and I were in a classroom, when a young gunman with black hair, around our own age came into the room brandishing his weapon. I think he might have shot one girl and she collapsed to the ground. Then he rounded up the rest of us. I looked towards the doorway hoping to leave, but he notice the look and had Kikay and I step forward to be his hostages. However, Kikay moved right on by him and disappeared out the door. The others followed her and I did as well because the gunman didn't have power over us anymore, however....I hesitated...and turned back. The poor gunman was going to be by himself, and since he wasn't a threat anymore, I wanted to help. So against my better judgement I stayed with him and told him I was going to help him get to where he needed to be. My family was going the same direction and I could meet up with them later after I drove him to wherever he was going. He took me to this big old grey black suburban -It reminded me a bit of the one my neighbors used to have when I was growing up. I got into the big car, managing to find everything and adjust my seat. The car started with no problem, but as I talked with the gunman, I realized I was getting tired, and that was because I was alternating between hitting the gas and the brake, kinda like I was peddling the car along the highway. I also realized that the music we'd been listening to had disappeared and all these different types of cars, horses with carriages, and small construction vehicles were passing us by. I pulled over to the side of the road, and realized that the battery had died. The gunman confirmed this by saying it was an old car. But when I turned off the car and then turned it back on again, it started like normal and we were able to continue driving, still with me doing the peddling thing...which I recognized wasn't right, but it was the only thing that seemed to keep the car working, and I noticed that whenever we had to go up a hill, that was when the car would die and I would have to keep it moving via peddling power until I could stop and turn the engine on and off again. At some point...I realized something happened with my family, I had been trying to text them while driving, but that wasn't working as the car required alot of attention -I also remember trying to read a book and drive at the same time, I knew that was dangerous so I stopped doing that. Anyway, we pulled off an exit with the intention to turn around and go back, but we ended up at some restaurant sort of place, which turned into a classroom, and the set up of the classroom reminded me of the portables they use for classrooms at school, and inside the dark room, was a...presentation of sorts going on. The teacher was going around the room leading a discussion, while a cameraman and crew went through the crowd getting camera angles and view points as the class participated and gave their own thoughts. At one point Kikay -I was sitting next to her- got up to say her piece and gave a spiritual discourse involving a rock...where the top of it flashed a bright neon green, but when I looked at the egg shaped rock, it was a...lime colored thing speckled with black dots. She said that her dad had given this to her one day when they were having a spiritual conversation, and that it helped her alot. I don't remember exactly what she said, but as she presented the egg to the camera to see and talk to the teacher, you could tell that she really believed what she was talking about. When she was done, the teacher thanked her for the insight. Kikay nodded and then went to the back table which was full of different desserts. The teacher said that she could take the edge piece of a big white cake that had swirls done in the frosting, looking magnificent, and stated that none of the other students had wanted to eat that part as they didn't want to ruin the masterpiece. I joined Kikay as she cut a section from that part of the cake revealing dark chocolate cake on the inside. I too took a piece and scoped out the other goodies people had brought. Oatmeal chocolate cookies, frosted sugar cookies -for a moment I thought one of them had the initals S.N.D on them and wondered if the gunman had made these, but then I realized the letters spelled out a different three letter word...maybe DADorMOM but I can't remember. I took a sugar cookie anyway, and a couple other desers, but noticed alot of them remained untouched as many people didn't want to ruin the displays. There were also two diarama scenes of snowmen made from marshmellows doing different things. I remember one was in a long line in a mountain area and I wanted to take one, but I didn't want to ruin the picture so I didn't....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.... and I became myself again. :)
This settles it. Kikay has no choice in the matter. For if I decide to go see Rise of the Guardians again (which is very likely) she is coming with me. Whether she wants to or not. :D Why?
Well...besides the movie being SUPER AWESOME! Ah. I've seen it three times now, and I still love it to pieces! Soo good and I still can't pick out a favorite part. :D Anywho. You may or may not know that Jack Frost is like the main character of the movie. The guy who gives you that cold burst of wind, or a blizzard. Yah him. :) He 'nips at your nose.' But the main thing is that he can basically control snow/ice etc.
Well. A bit ago, I took Kikay to go see the movie with me (for my second time, her first). Imagine our surprise when after watching a movie full of snow, that we walk out of the theatre to...SNOW! It was only a light flurry. :( Nothing stuck for long. But it was snow! It was like Jack Frost was right there continuing the magic of the movie.
I thought it was a cool coincidence and it made me smile.
So, yesterday, I took Kikay to go see Rise of the Guardians again. :D Why? Well. It's an inspiring movie, and I wanted something to cheer me up. And that movie definitely did that despite the young ones in the theatre who tried to distract from what was going on.
lol you can see where this is going right? Right. I was laughing with Kikay as we headed for the exit. I looked out. And what did I see? A BLIZZARD! It was snowing BIG WHITE FLUFFY FLAKES! And it was STICKING TO THE GROUND! Jack Frost strikes again! YES!! lol I positively skipped out the door to twirl in the snow. (I love snow)
That more then anything else. Jack Frost's snow storm, brought the Spirit of Christmas blazing into my being. I loved last night and I didn't want it to end. It was like Christmas Eve for me. I couldn't sleep. Because I knew it was finally snowing a good old fashion snow storm. One where we finally get snow on the roads. The snow plows had to come out. Everything covered in white.
IT'S AWESOME! I feel like I haven't seen this much snow in two years. Because last winter....was like nonexistent. It hardly snowed at all. So this year I hope makes up for it.
Jack Frost. Continue to LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW!!!
And I'll be sure to bring Kikay along, as you love to make it snow when she's with me. ;) lol.
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Sustaining of Church Officers
Marvin J. Ashton -A Yearning for Home
We let ourselves become homesick for love, acceptance, security, understanding, and guidance that generally are taught and shared there. Home should be the place in which a person can unburden his soul and find renewed strength to face the world, where there is comfort, joy, and understanding, where best friends live, and where we can learn to be our best selves.
Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love. Home should be where life's greatest lessons are taught and learned.
It revitalizes President Benson to go back to his roots, to go back to the land that nourished him and built character i him and provided him the sacred beginnings of a life devoted to God, family, and country. Truly, President Benson loves his childhood home.
A proper yearning for home can prevent our getting lost in detours or paths that lead us away.
But I've come to see that being homesick isn't all bad. It's natural to miss the people you are closest to. It's normal to long to be where you feel secure, where those you love have your best interests at heart. It's understandable to want to return to the place where you learned how to walk and talk, where you felt loved even when friends turned away, ,and where you were accepted, regardless of the situation. there's no place on earth that can take the place of a home where love has been given and received.
May our yearning for home be the motivation we need to so live that we can return to our heavenly home with God our Father.
Lino Alvarez -"Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother"
Understand in your mind and in your heart what I will try to say.
Trust them completely.
Dallas N. Archibald -"Born of Goodly Parents"
The instructions are clear. we must teach, and we must be an example of those teachings; but many times in our zeal to persuade others to righteousness we begin to use force, which results in rebellion. tempting to force others to accept our way of thinking will cause them to close their minds to our teachings and ultimately reject our words. They have their free agency.
We must always teach, lead, and guide in a way which will create high levels of self-esteem in our children and others.
It is impossible to emphasize the good in others if negative words or phrases are readily available on the tips of our tongues or expressed through our gestures.
The please behind the words "Walk beside me, Help me find the way" is this: "Lift me. Strengthen my feeble knees. Let me know that I am important and capable."
Merrill J. Bateman -Coming unto Christ by Searching the Scriptures
In order to come unto Christ and be perfected in him, each person needs to receive a testimony of the Lord's words. some individuals falter because they fail to open the books, others because they read casually. AS one would expect, there is a difference between diligent searching or "pondering over the scriptures" and casual reading.
A casual, infrequent exposure to the scriptures will generally not open the door to the whisperings of the Spirit or provide insights into the Savior's life and character.
One who studies the scriptures every day accomplishes far more than one who devotes considerable time one day and then lets days go by before continuing.
He was spiritually unarmed.
Changes in the heart and soul occur as a result of planting and nourishing the seed. Scripture study, prayer, obedience, and service are key elements in building faith in Christ.
C. Max Caldwell -Love of Christ
The phrase "love of Christ" might have meaning in three dimensions: 1. Love for Christ 2. Love from Christ 3. Love like Christ
Thins we don't enjoy must not overshadow our reasons to maintain our love for the Savior. otherwise we may lose our perspective or become bitter, and our love for Christ may be lost.
It may be of some significance to note that the word charity does not appear in a single verse in the Old Testament.
Individually and collectively, we can experience the peace and happiness.
M. Russell Ballard -The Joy of Hope Fulfilled
"Be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass."
The Lord is in control.
"Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope."
Never give up! Regardless of how desperate things may seem or how desperate they may yet become, please believe me, you can always have hope. Always.
No matter how lost you feel, no matter how low you may have sunk, there can be forgiveness and peace.
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.
Joseph B. Wirthlin -Spiritual Bonfires of Testimony
Many years ago, large packs of wolves roamed the countryside in Ukraine, making travel in that part of the world very dangerous. These wolf packs were fearless. they were not intimidated by people nor by any of the weapons available at the time. The only thing that seemed to frighten them was fire. Consequently, travelers who found themselves away from cities developed the common practice of building a large bonfire and keeping it burning through the night. As long as the fire burned brightly, the wolves stayed away. But if it were allowed to burn out and die, the wolves would move in for an attack. Travelers understood that building and maintaining a roaring bonfire was not just a matter of convenience or comfort; it was a matter of survival.
Unfortunately, some in the Church may believe sincerely that their testimony is a raging bonfire when it really is little more than the faint flickering of a candle. Their faithfulness has more to do with habit than holiness, and their pursuit of personal righteousness almost always takes a back seat to their pursuit of personal interests and pleasure. With such a feeble light of testimony for protection, these travelers on life's highways are easy prey for the wolves of the adversary.
As He knew Peter, the Lord understands you and me when our testimonies may not be the brightly burning bonfire you may think they are or want them to be. Perhaps in some cases, that testimony is constructed unwisely, built on social foundation of programs and personalities instead of the sure rock of personal revelation. Or perhaps you have allowed your testimony to flicker gradually through the years of disuse and spiritual complacency.
You need to do everything in your power to be absolutely certain that your spiritual bonfire of testimony is burning brightly enough to keep the wolves of darkness away. You can always use more dry kindling. As the Apostle Paul taught, each of u has "com e short of the glory of God." None of us has progressed so far in this life that we do not need to continually fortify our testimonies.
The more sin is rationalized, the greater the possibility of destruction by Satan's wolves.
Even though we could never in this life measure up completely to His standard of excellence, our attempt to do so will lead us to do far better than otherwise.
Firm, secure testimonies will be the difference between faithfulness and disaffection.
Until you next see these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
As I recall, Last year I shared a few of my favorite Christmas Songs that I like to listen to. :) But...I think I missed this song last year. And it's been a favorite song of me and my sibs for a while now :) lol Funnily enough it came from the CD -A Rosie Christmas. Which I discovered this year....had a burn mark in it, that made it impossible to play in my laptop so I couldn't download the songs of that CD! The one I was after was 'Do You Hear What I Hear' that Rosie and Elmo sing in particular. Oh boy...downloading that song...was a trial as my Internet connection was being flimsy at that point. But all the songs were downloaded! And I discovered to my surprise how many songs on this CD are favorites of mine. Each one brings back memories. ^^ Ah. Such good times. I've listened to this CD more then the other ones I downloaded as it makes me smile :)
But the song that I'm glad I got is this one: Santa On The Rooftop
^^ Love this song. It makes me want to sing and dance around. Or as Kikay put it "Jump up and down on our beds in excitement because she saw Santa on the Rooftop!!!" LOVE this song. ^^ And for this Christmas season, it's been my theme song. One that I will sing when I don't know what else to sing. :) Hope you enjoy it!!
Until you next read these words; I'll be watching the leaves. Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream....involved me working again...weird how I tend to keep doing that while I'm sleeping....