Monday, December 10, 2012

October 1992 General Conference Saturday Morning

Gordon B. Hinckley -Sin Will Not Prevail
  • "This is the last and great dispensation in which the great consummation of God's purposes will be made, the only dispensation in which the Lord has promised that sin will not prevail. The Church will not be taken from the earth again. It is here to stay."
Russell M. Nelson -Where Is Wisdom?
  • "Intelligences ... were organized before the world was."
  • Our personal intelligence is everlasting and divine.
  • I believe that in the pursuit of education, individual desire is more influential than institutional and personal faith more forceful than faculty.
  • Knowledge acquired here will be ours forever.
  • Measured by this celestial standard, it is apparent that those who impulsively "drop out" and cut short their education not only disregard divine decree but frustrate the realization of their own potential.
  • "It all depends," I would respond. "Preparation for your career is not too long if you know what you want to do with your life. How old will you be thirteen years from now if you don't pursue your education? Just as old, whether or not you become what you want to be!"
  • Choose what you will learn and whose purposes you will serve. But don't place all your intellectual eggs in one basket of secular learning.
  • Individuals with malignity of purpose often wear the mask of honesty. So we must constantly be on guard.
  • We may know so much, yet learn so little. "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? Again I ask, Where is wisdom?
  • Wisdom is to be found in pure intelligence--in that divine light which can guide people in all countries, all climes, and all continents.
  • Where is wisdom? It pulses and surge with the Lord's light of truth!
James M. Paramore -"By the Power of His Word Did They Cause Prisons to Tumble"
  • Our Father in Heaven loves each one of us. And though we sometimes walk into prisons of our own making, He is there with keys to unlock the doors that bind us.
  • As difficult as a physical captivity or prison is, there are other captivities or prisons even more devastating. They are very subtle and take various forms in life, like (1) taking advantage of another; (2) bearing false witness to get gain; (3) knowing things to be true and not defending them; (4) stealing the morality of another; (5) destroying the innocence of a little child; (6) being captive to alcohol or drugs; (7) or financially digging a pit for another, causing hardship and destroying his ability to take care of his needs and so on. There are many prisons which come form our sins or the sins of others "according to the captivity and power of the devil" who leads us away.
  • Prisons often cause the offended to lose faith, hope, and even the ability to care for their own.
  • Years ago, an acquaintance of mine was captive, for over twenty years, to a serious alcohol problem, which bound him every day. He would leave work, buy his alcohol, drive into the countryside, and drink until he could barely find his way home. He truly was under the captive spirit of the devil and lived in hell. A faithful home teacher loved this brother, saw him often, taught him to pray for help, and prayed for him often. One day while he was driving his pickup truck into the countryside to begin his daily alcohol ritual, he felt a powerful influence to stop his truck, walk out into a field, fall to his knees, and plead for help from his Father in Heaven. Later, he tearfully testified that as he arose from his knees, the desire to drink alcohol had completely left him. He had been delivered from a twenty-year prison. God heard his prayer, felt the desire of his heart, and opened the prison doors that bound him.
  • Certainly, a Latter-day Saint will demonstrate the freedom he has received by walking in all morality and all honesty, as taught by the Lord. For his word is his bond--sacred and honored. his life becomes the testament that it is all true--every principle and every word that proceeded from the mouth of the Savior and His prophets. By living these cardinal principles, we are truly free and we become the witnesses of His word.
  • "My brother, you belong no more to evil, but to good. It is your soul I am buying for you, and I give it to God."
  • "When you find THE WAY, you will be bound--it will become an obsession--a magnificent obsession."
  • May we live our lives so we will all be free with no prisons for ourselves or others, only a magnificent obsession filled with freedoms and blessings ahead.
Glenn L. Pace -Spiritual Revival
  • The time has come for all of us to feast on the fruit of our own testimony as opposed to the testimony of another person.
  • This is not a time to panic, but it is definitely a time to prepare.
  • You will remain much safer and infinitely happier if you will place your energy into current obedience rather than saving it for future repentance.
  • Into each of our lives come golden moments of adversity. This painful friend breaks our hearts, drops us to our knees, and makes us realize we are nothing without our Lord and Savior. This friend makes us realize we are nothing without our Lord and Savior. This friend makes us plead all the night long for reassurance and into the next day and sometimes for weeks and months. But, ultimately, just as surely as the day follows the night, as we remain true and faithful, this strange friend, adversity, leads us straight into the outstretched arms of the Savior.
  • The challenge for each of us, in order to prevent having to receive constant wake-up calls, is to remain obedient once we have turned upward.
  • While the world is in commotion, the kingdom is intact.
Robert L. Backman -The Golden Years
  • Keep expanding our minds, for they require exercise as surely as do the muscles of our bodies.
  • One of the dangers I see in retiring is that we withdraw from the world. We turn inward as society seems to say, "We have no more use for you." With the aging of our society, more and more of us are going to retire.
  • There is no retirement from the service of the Lord. We believe in eternal progression. We should continually grow spiritually throughout our lives. The gospel challenges us to endure to the end.
  • So many of us are afraid to leave our "comfort zones" and thus cheat ourselves of some of the greatest adventures of our lives.
  • Some have an idea that as we get older we can't learn languages. That is not true.
  • I pray that you and I might wear ourselves out in the service of the Lord so that at the end of our useful, productive lives we can exult with Paul: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."
  • Every blessing I have in my life, everything I hold dear and precious in m heart, I can trace to my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to my love of the Lord, to my testimony of his divine gospel, and to the responses I have made to the opportunities for service.
L. Tom Perry -"Behold, the Lord Hath Shown unto Me Great and Marvelous Things"
  • I guess one of the greatest mysteries of mortality is why mankind fails to learn from history.
  • "We are here a repository of old-fashioned values, an American success story."
  • "If religion, as Karl Marx once wrote, is 'the opium of the people,' in Utah it is the amphetamine. Thanks largely to the influence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ... Utah has become the envy of its neighbors."
  • Clearly, the members of the Church face tremendous challenges in the latter days. We must not only resist, but mount a counteroffensive against the temptations of the world and its teachings, if we are to preserve our uniqueness.
  • Despite the challenges we face, I plead with each one of our to stand firm in your convictions.
Howard W. Hunter -The Beacon in the Harbor of Peace
  • "In ... [any] tempestuous sea of uncertainty, the pilot must be one who through the storm can see the beacon in the harbor of peace."
  • At such times when we feel the floods are threatening to drown us and the deep is going to swallow up the tossed vessel of our faith, I pray we may always hear amid the storm and the darkness that sweet utterance of the Savior of the world: "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid."
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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