Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Half Hour to Curfew

Why is it...that on nights I can stay up late....
Nothing happens?
But as soon as I have to go to bed Early....
That's when the party starts?
I really don't know.
It's like a temptation.
"Stay up late and have fun!"
Or "Go to bed early and actually be awake for Work."
Responsible as I am...I go to bed.
But still...
Why must the party start then?
I want to have fun! :) lol
I kinda compromised last night.
As LaKai came home and complained of hunger, but not wanting to eat anything at the apartment she asked what restaurants there were to eat at.
So I listed off a bunch.
And ended with Olive Garden.
So off we went a haring at like 9:30 at night to Olive Garden.
Where Kikay, LaKai and I proceeded to eat lots of bread sticks, good food, and goof off. :)
Yah... I had a 10pm bedtime.
I ended up going to bed at 10:30.
But it was worth it. :)
Being able to just goof off, laugh our heads off, make fun of each other....
Ah, it was like a breath of fresh air compared to the dour mood of our place this past week due to finals.
I wish it could have lasted far into the night.
Perhaps it did.
I wouldn't know ;) lol I was asleep. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I'd gone into work, to prepare for the impending regional vp's visit, and Reth was being a bit confusing on what she wanted so I went to take a break...and discovered that my Itouch had cracked further. And not just had cracked like the jagged pieces of a broken heart you draw. I thought it couldn't be bad...but it was...through the whole device. It was broken in two, but I hoped that it would be fixable, that I would still be able to use it though it looked like a useless endeavor.

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