Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Clearing Breeze Through The Mind

Kikay is more prolific then I at writing.
I really can't understand how she does it.
The words just seem to fly onto the page via her fingers.
While for me....hours will pass and I'll only get half a page written.

I know we use different methods.
For me...I think I'm a bit more...idk I want to say methodical, but it's more of the sense of "I plod along" trying to make every sentence sound right, every conversation flow the first time. So I often stop to think, consider and figure out what actually is happening.
But at the same time....I don't.
I've been trying a new writing style where I just write down the scenes in my head.
It's more difficult in some ways as I fell my writing is a bit flat, the scenes can't fully be fleshed out until the moments that happen before are written.So I have a cross between methodical writing and then a slash and dash style where I jump from scene to scene.

While for just flows.
At least it appears to.
I know there are times when she too has to figure out what happens next and needs to stop and think.

And one thing she's told me with writing...
is that if a scene isn't working...perhaps you're missing a piece or something needs to change.

I hadn't really considered it before now.
I mean I've thought about it.
but I already know I have lots of holes in my stories.

I think I'm seeing pieces of that.
At least...that something needs to change.
You see before this past semester of school started,
I'd been working on writing a story.
But I joy in writing it.
I could get it briefly.
But the missing pieces made it hard to make the story flow.
Plus I complicate things by alot most of the time. Wanting to include too much information, or too many character viewpoints.

In anycase.
I rather dropped the story.
For one...I wasn't sure how to end the story.
For two...I didn't know my characters as well as I wanted to.
Pieces were missing. I needed to know what they could do.
I still don't know what they do.
But last night I had a moment of insight to this story I've had on the back burner.
And it deals with relationships.
I was trying to force certain characters together...but they were like magnets placed together so that they oppose each other rather then snap together.
Yet...on a random thought.
I paired a different character with the main character....
and suddenly the story makes sense again.
This relationship works. it flows. I can feel the story writing itself in my head. (now to get it on paper...)
And the other characters are content with the rearrangement.
Yes...I can be rather stubborn in wanting things to happen a certain way in my stories.
Yet this new idea has me excited all over again for this story.
A new beginning, a new relationship. A scope that isn't humongous. I can feel the weight of history behind the main character, yet...this story isn't focusing on that.
The focus has moved elsewhere,
and I like it.
The pieces mesh.
It flows.
I need to write it down. ^^
So exciting. :) lol

Oddly though...this happy moment for me....came from some rather sad news.
It's been in the atmosphere, even the earth is weeping from the tragedy that happened yesterday morning in Connecticut.
As a way to try and work out the grief I feel at so many lights being blown out at once...
I started working out a scene. I just let the images flow into my mind.
If a gunman appeared....who would be the saving angel? What would they do? Who would the target of the gunman be? Why?
And into my head flowed the main character from this story I'd put on the back burner. They would be the rescuer. They would do this. Because this person was in danger, because this person had this problem and decided to end it violently.

It may be a different way to deal with the news elementary shooting.
Yet, I feel a fresh breeze blowing through my mind. The foggy cobwebs are clearing and a story is emerging.
How it will end is  yet to be decided.
But, good always comes from bad.
Good will triumph in the end.
And that, is the message I want to bring to this back burner story.
Peace even in the midst of tragedy.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I didn't sleep well last night, possibly due to the news of the shooting. I had a dream where I was in a tower with a spiraling staircase. There was a woman with me, frightened and we were trying to get out. To survive, but this evil witch -like from the story Hansel and Gretel- wanted to eat us. I even saw a pancake shaped pale blood that she called 'ham' that she wanted us to eat. And I was trapped. She had killed so many others already and she was going to kill us, but she had a grip on some unexplainable means that prevented me from doing anything against her, even though this frightened woman was going to die. I felt helpless. I could do nothing....
yah....not a dream to want to remember.....


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