- Mourning is one of the deepest expressions of pure love.
- As seedlings of God, we barely blossom on earth; we fully flower in heaven.
- We are responsible for our own spiritual survival or death.
- The Lord who created us in the first place surely has power to do it again. The same necessary elements now in our bodies will still be available--at His command. The same unique genetic code now embedded in each of our living cells will still be available to format new ones then. The miracle of the resurrection, wondrous as it will be, is marvelously matched by the miracle of our creation in the first place.
- Marriage in the temple was my most important accomplishment.
- We must not lose the spirit of sacrifice.
- "Everyone here knows who [she] is and what God expects [of her.]"
- Knowing and remembering who we are and whose we are, we become guided by a force affecting our attitude and our conduct. We draw close to our Father in Heaven through sacred ordinances and covenants available only through His restored church.
- "You shouldn't be alone... you are not alone."
- "If I ever have a chance to work with young people again, I will be so much more patient, so much more gentle, and so much more loving."
- "Somebody does care about you. It may not always be the people you want to have caring about you, but there is always someone who is there and who cares."
- "Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."
- Growing up does not take place without a work effort.
- Confidence will grow quietly from within as we work and gain experience.
- Sometimes we make the mistake of feeling we are alone just because we are not getting recognition. Only a small part of what we do takes place in a public setting. The rest takes place in small and often unseen deeds. When you add the small deeds together, however, they are a thousand times greater than those receiving public recognition.
- Compare the public deeds to the small, private ones they are "like the foam on the waves of a deep ocean."
- Encourage them in their work efforts. Recognize them for the good things they do. They need our support, and we need theirs.
- During the desperate times of difficulties and throughout the war, I wandered to the very edge of my life and felt most helpless.
- His love of God and his love for me formulated many miracles in my life.
- Recently we moved and found ourselves in new surroundings. Several days later I was talking to Aaron, one of the twins, and inquired about the big bump he had on his forehead. He described it this way. "Well, Dad, Lincoln [who is his older brother] was chasing me down the hall. I ran around the corner, and I saw my twin brother, Adam. now, I knew I could outrun Adam, so I just kept running." It turns out he ran into a full-length mirror!
- Life provides for each of us a full-length, wide-screen panorama of opportunities to run into ourselves. The eminent philosopher Pogo expressed it this way. "We have met the enemy, and he is us!"
- As we look into the mirror at the accumulation of bumps and bruises that evidence our weaknesses, may we be reminded that there are two great stabilizing forces that can anchor our souls.
- We came expecting to comfort and strengthen, and we left humbled, buoyed, and blessed by her wonderful expression of faith.
- If a wife worries and concerns are the determinative factor for assuring the success of a talk in general conference, then I'm happy to say I've got it made, for the amount of worries and concerns generated by my wife is more than enough to assure the success of not only my talk, but also all of the talks that have been given and will be given from this pulpit at this conference. What a blessing to have a wife who worries for you and over you.
- "No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."
- The burden of proving our discipleship--in other words, what we are willing to do for Him--rests squarely on our shoulders.
- We can fill our lives with good, leaving no room for anything else. We have so much good from which to choose that we need never partake of evil.
- Though we live in the world, we must not be of the world. For members of the Church, seeking the good is more than a lofty ideal. It is an obligation we accepted when we entered the waters of baptism; we renew it each time we partake of the sacrament. We must remember: "The Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.
- Those who are good neighbors will have good neighbors.
- "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
- Serving others should become a natural part of the life.
- We should seek to become self-reliant, so far as possible, rather than depend on someone else to provide for us.
- Of course, society must care for some of its people, but the general population should get away from the idea of depending on the government for things they can provide for themselves and their families.
- "Of all people, we as Latter-day Saints should be the most optimistic and the least pessimistic."
- I believe happiness comes from a clear conscience and from being without guile or deception.
- We need not feel depressed or discouraged about conditions in the world. for the Lord will help us find the good that will lead us to happiness.
- Especially in an election year, as we have in the United States this year, we should seek to support those we believe will act with integrity and carry out our ideas of good government. The lord has said: "When the wicked rule the people mourn."
- The Church maintains a policy of strict political neutrality, favoring no party or candidate, but every member should take an active part in the political process.
- No work is more spiritual than temple work.
- This is our great mission--to bear witness to the world, both with example and precept, of the living reality of the Son of God, the resurrected Lord, who is our Redeemer and our Savior.
- May the Lord smile with favor upon you that there may be peace in your homes. May you return safely to those you love, and may the remembrances of this great occasion be sweet and fruitful.
Elaine L. Jack- "Charity Never Faileth"
- Relief Society is 150 years old. But today, we feel new and vibrant.
- We are women who have become a mighty force for good in a world that needs our understanding and our spirituality.
- They were resolute, often sharing their hearts and hands in lonely moments when nothing else would lift the pain.
- And such faith. Despite trails, worldly confusion, and caustic voices, we can trust in the Lord and go forward with happy hearts, knowing that with every challenge or problem, there's the strength to go on. Why? Because we know His promises are real, that He does know us by name and has a plan for each of us. He will help us learn what it is and give us joy in doing it.
- Women's lives are full of small and simple things.
- Small and simple things that define relationships and build testimonies. Small and simple things that grow strong men and women.
- As sisters in Zion, we have added to the strength of each other.
- The mission of Relief Society is founded in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and women throughout the world are responding increasingly to his teachings. Their faith elevates their lives, and as their testimonies grow, they lift and teach those around them. This society's aim is to include them all and to bless their lives.
- His invitation was clear; the initiative was hers. Freedom from past acts was within her reach through her vision of his merciful love. Regardless of what had brought her to that point, a life of dignity and service, of righteousness and happiness was possible.
- In 150 years, when the sisters look back in their own season of celebration, I hope they will say, "The year 1992 was a year when the angels could not be restrained from being the associates of those women."
- Kigatsuku means "an inner spirit to act without being told what to do."
- Are you hearing me in English or in Tagalog? It doesn't matter. Hear the words of my heart. Feel the power that can come from your own desire to do good!
- "Verily, I say, [you] should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of [your] own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
- "For the power is in [you], wherein [you] are [an angel] unto [yourself]."
- You are powerful!
- Sense within yourself that strength to choose!
- "That when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
- Whether we are physical mothers or not. We toil. We encounter conflicts. We strive for faith. We "[suffer] all things."
- I also see how far you've climbed already and what dazzling heights you've attained.
- "You mean 18,000 groups of Relief Society women are going to do something in their local communities? Then you'll change the world."
- We will build the kingdom of God by lighting our homes with faith, whether we live alone or with a house full of family.
- For many of us, the most rugged mountains we tackle are within the walls of our homes.
- "Turn your back on the problems and look for the light."
- Sisters, as we climb the mountains, especially those in our own backyards, let us look to the Lord, who is the light. Show that light to your family and those who feel like family, for the brush at our feet will snag us, and obstacles will surely bruise us. But warm and steady, the light beckons us on. Follow it, knowing the challenges are real, but so is the Lord. Light a torch of faith at home and keep it burning brilliantly, even when the night is long and the journey difficult.
- A. Every woman has been endowed by God with distinctive characteristics, gifts, and talents in order that she may fulfill a specific mission in the eternal plan.
- B. The priesthood is for the benefit of all members of the Church. While women do not hold the priesthood, men have no greater claim than women upon the blessings that issue from it.
- C. The home is the basic organization to teach an individual to walk uprightly before the Lord.
- D. Compassionate service and a sensitivity to the needs of others are the principal purposes for which a woman's program was organized.
- First: Share your talents.
- Second: Sustain your husband.
- Third: Strengthen your home.
- Fourth: Serve your God.
- Expand your knowledge, both intellectual and spiritual, to the full stature of your divine potential. There is no limit to your influence for good.
- Too frequently, women underestimate their influence for good.
- In a Latter-day Saint home, children are not simply tolerated, but welcomed; not commanded, but encouraged; not driven, but guided; not neglected, but loved.
- "Rings and ... jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only [true] gift is a portion of thyself.
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Tocc called me, saying that he had found an old letter I'd written where I'd requested to have later hours. He said that since I'd been doing such a good job, that they would switch my work hours from 7am to 12pm everyday and he hoped that was alright with me. I said it was...but after I hung up I thought to myself. "Wait...I don't want that anymore. I like the shifts I have."
But then...a new rider came into town. He was handsome, dark haired, and proclaimed that he wanted to try for being the new 'champion.' Another man came out, he was white skinned compared to all the other's darker skin and wore white with red lines as well as a white feather cape. The official took two feathers from each shoulder -the marks he was the champion- and the competition began. There was a wooden wall...like a ladder, and all the men would line up along it with axes and other sharp objects to help them climb. The official started the competition and everybody was off. The guy made it to the top. Winning the title of Champion...or so he thought. The guys all jumped down and ran to another similar wooden wall to climb again. And again. And again. The guy kept winning...until the last one where he tied with three other men. The official said that these new guys were the winners, until he pipped up saying "Hey..I tied with these guys too." Then the whole village seemed to turn on him and he had to run for his life, running into a guy kinda like Dilbert from Treasure Planet and a woman dressed in more 18th century clothes, taking shelter with them.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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