Monday, December 17, 2012

October 1992 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

Gordon B. Hinckley -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Marvin J. Ashton -A Yearning for Home
  • We let ourselves become homesick for love, acceptance, security, understanding, and guidance that generally are taught and shared there. Home should be the place in which a person can unburden his soul and find renewed strength to face the world, where there is comfort, joy, and understanding, where best friends live, and where we can learn to be our best selves.
  • Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love. Home should be where life's greatest lessons are taught and learned.
  • It revitalizes President Benson to go back to his roots, to go back to the land that nourished him and built character i him and provided him the sacred beginnings of a life devoted to God, family, and country. Truly, President Benson loves his childhood home.
  • A proper yearning for home can prevent our getting lost in detours or paths that lead us away.
  • But I've come to see that being homesick isn't all bad. It's natural to miss the people you are closest to. It's normal to long to be where you feel secure, where those  you love have your best interests at heart. It's understandable to want to return to the place where you learned how to walk and talk, where you felt loved even when friends turned away, ,and where you were accepted, regardless of the situation. there's no place on earth that can take the place of a home where love has been given and received.
  • May our yearning for home be the motivation we need to so live that we can return to our heavenly home with God our Father.
Lino Alvarez -"Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother"
  • Understand in your mind and in your heart what I will try to say.
  • Trust them completely.
Dallas N. Archibald -"Born of Goodly Parents"
  • The instructions are clear. we must teach, and we must be an example of those teachings; but many times in our zeal to persuade others to righteousness we begin to use force, which results in rebellion. tempting to force others to accept our way of thinking will cause them to close their minds to our teachings and ultimately reject our words. They have their free agency.
  • We must always teach, lead, and guide in a way which will create high levels of self-esteem in our children and others.
  • It is impossible to emphasize the good in others if negative words or phrases are readily available on the tips of our tongues or expressed through our gestures.
  • The please behind the words "Walk beside me, Help me find the way" is this: "Lift me. Strengthen my feeble knees. Let me know that I am important and capable."
Merrill J. Bateman -Coming unto Christ by Searching the Scriptures
  • In order to come unto Christ and be perfected in him, each person needs to receive a testimony of the Lord's words. some individuals falter because they fail to open the books, others because they read casually. AS one would expect, there is a difference between diligent searching or "pondering over the scriptures" and casual reading.
  • A casual, infrequent exposure to the scriptures will generally not open the door to the whisperings of the Spirit or provide insights into the Savior's life and character.
  • One who studies the scriptures every day accomplishes far more than one who devotes considerable time one day and then lets days go by before continuing.
  • He was spiritually unarmed.
  • Changes in the heart and soul occur as a result of planting and nourishing the seed. Scripture study, prayer, obedience, and service are key elements in building faith in Christ.
C. Max Caldwell -Love of Christ
  • The phrase "love of Christ" might have meaning in three dimensions: 1. Love for Christ 2. Love from Christ 3. Love like Christ
  • Thins we don't enjoy must not overshadow our reasons to maintain our love for the Savior. otherwise we may lose our perspective or become bitter, and our love for Christ may be lost.
  • It may be of some significance to note that the word charity does not appear in a single verse in the Old Testament.
  • Individually and collectively, we can experience the peace and happiness.
M. Russell Ballard -The Joy of Hope Fulfilled
  • "Be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass."
  • The Lord is in control.
  • "Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope."
  • Never give up! Regardless of how desperate things may seem or how desperate they may yet become, please believe me, you can always have hope. Always.
  • No matter how lost you feel, no matter how low you may have sunk, there can be forgiveness and peace.
  • No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.
Joseph B. Wirthlin -Spiritual Bonfires of Testimony
  • Many years ago, large packs of wolves roamed the countryside in Ukraine, making travel in that part of the world very dangerous. These wolf packs were fearless. they were not intimidated by people nor by any of the weapons available at the time. The only thing that seemed to frighten them was fire. Consequently, travelers who found themselves away from cities developed the common practice of building a large bonfire and keeping it burning through the night. As long as the fire burned brightly, the wolves stayed away. But if it were allowed to burn out and die, the wolves would move in for an attack. Travelers understood that building and maintaining a roaring bonfire was not just a matter of convenience or comfort; it was a matter of survival.
  • Unfortunately, some in the Church may believe sincerely that their testimony is a raging bonfire when it really is little more than the faint flickering of a candle. Their faithfulness has more to do with habit than holiness, and their pursuit of personal righteousness almost always takes a back seat to their pursuit of personal interests and pleasure. With such a feeble light of testimony for protection, these travelers on life's highways are easy prey for the wolves of the adversary.
  • As He knew Peter, the Lord understands you and me when our testimonies may not be the brightly burning bonfire you may think they are or want them to be. Perhaps in some cases, that testimony is constructed unwisely, built on  social foundation of programs and personalities instead of the sure rock of  personal revelation. Or perhaps you have allowed your testimony to flicker gradually through the years of disuse and spiritual complacency.
  • You need to do everything in your power to be absolutely certain that your spiritual bonfire of testimony is burning brightly enough to keep the wolves of darkness away. You can always use more dry kindling. As the Apostle Paul taught, each of u has "com e short of the glory of God." None of us has progressed so far in this life that we do not need to continually fortify our testimonies.
  • The more sin is rationalized, the greater the possibility of destruction by Satan's wolves.
  • Even though we could never in this life measure up completely to His standard of excellence, our attempt to do so will lead us to do far better than otherwise.
  • Firm, secure testimonies will be the difference between faithfulness and disaffection.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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