Friday, December 14, 2012

An Institute Letter

People come to me for advice pretty often.
On a variety of topics.
It still leaves me rather confused, cus I often don't think I have the right authority to give advice.
Yet....I actually do think I give good advice....even to myself.

You see, yesterday I received a letter in the mail.
It had my name on it, and it looked familiar.
Well. It was a letter to myself, written by myself to my future self.
lol I'd written it at the beginning of this semester in my institute class.
As Sister T wanted us to write down goals for our semester on what we would do. my response.

Dear Sarnic;
So its the end of the semester. Strange how four months can pass so quickly. Its actually hard to focus right now as I barely got to class on time as I- we've just been hired at Starsmet! Woot! Its odd to think that I'm just starting training and now you feel like you've been working there for forever. I hope that the job remains exciting and that you've helped to improve and brighten the work area there. This is such a great opportunity to meet new people everyday and work with animals! Got to love those snakes and rats ;) Soo apparently I'm supposed to talk about goals. What a boring topic. In any case I hope by this point -four months later- that I've made more friends as at the moment I don't really have anyone to call and hang out with now. I hope you're brave and make new friends this semester via institute and work.
Okay. Business Goals. There is always so much to want to do. Right now.
1. Keep the job, love the job, love the people.  -Shouldn't be that hard ;)
2. I hope Institute continues to work out and that I'm able to stay in all four classes. Work first of course for now. But Institute is a high second. :) <3
3. Find time to sign. Practice Practice and hopefully our test in December goes well. After all my goal is to become an interpreter and pass that dumb performance test. I hear that there are deaf people/clients at Starsmet hopefully you've used them to practice and not been shy.
4. Work on the piano. At the beginning semester time I'm working on relearning songs so I can enjoy playing.
5. Write! By now I should be in the habit I hope besides taking time to read After work I'm taking time to write and not only for writers group.
6. Again make new friends. Keep being your smiley self and hopefully a boyfriend is on the horizon ;)
I know myself well enough that not every goal I make I follow through with.
Especially with writing. Don't continue to let yourself be intimidated by the unknown or the fear of failure. Its fun to go out on a limb I mean I'm going out on a limb by getting a job. Just compare it to things already known. It helps to keep the fear back and hidden curled up in a tiny corner. I mean work is just like that internship right? don't be afraid to fail. Keep your head high. Your spirits up. Your smile bright and always the Lord at the forefront of your thoughts. Conference talks in the mornings can help with that. Also don't be afraid to ask for help/advice with anything. You don't have to do it alone. Afterall your eternal someone won't leave you so accept help when its offered. Let the guys help. :) They like that and it gives you an excuse to chat with other people. Also let your talents shine :) by working on your talents -reading, writing, signing, piano, fencing. Life isn't about work only or lazing about on the computer watching TV. Continue to work on things you like to do. :D There will always be someone better at what you do, but your light can shine just as bright as theirs. don't hide who you are. Let confidence be your guide and tell yourself you can do it. You know life isn't easy, its odd to be out of college, yet life doesn't have to be hard either. Keep it easy going. Be supportive and help out where you can. To me, if my goals only last a couple more days I won't be disappointed. When it matters I will make it happen. I'm tenacious like that. :) Perhaps telling yourself "it's a calling" will help. I am strongly dedicated to Institute even when I'm no longer a co-chair. Like your job you can be responsible and dedicated to other things. Dedicate yourself to talking to people. Dedicate yourself to reaching out to friends -fencing nights anyone? - Dedicate yourself to signing, to writing to whatever you may have your attention now. :) Afterall dedicating yourself to finish another episode of case closed or finish another book isn't that hard. Your other goals should receive the same amount of dedication.
In any case I'm super proud of you and all you've done this past four months. Keep your head up. Keep the faith, keep the standards and STAY DEDICATED!

Love you lots Sarnic. You are my favorite person on any day. :)

Sincerely Sarnic.

lol strangely enough, this letter gives me such a boost of confidence. a "YAH LETS DO THIS THING!" sort of feeling.
I'm glad I wrote this to myself. ^^ lol I even made myself smile! :) haha.

And in case your curious about my goals here's an update.
1. Check! LOVE MY JOB!
2. Unfortunately I had to drop out of the class that I wrote this letter in. :( My work always scheduled me for during that hour, but I managed to keep my other three institute classes going and worked to make up days I missed when I was able to by going to other classes the teacher taught.
3. This goal dropped by the wayside. The test for December has been put on the back I really just enjoy being where I am right now and I'm not quite sure....signing is what I want to do with my life anymore. I had a conversation with a fellow signer the other night where he works as an interpreter...and I found myself glad that I wasn't in his for now, back burner. We'll see where it ends up in the future. :)
4. This goal also dropped by the wayside a couple of weeks after my letter. But I think I will make it my goal next semester. Go to the Institute and practice the piano. :)
5. Writing. Well good news. This is a goal I've kept to. :) I've been working on writing, finding my groove of things lol. Right now I have three different stories I switch between in writing depending on which one catches my attention, but I am writing little bits and pieces and slowly piecing each story together at least every other day. :)
6. Making new friends.....I haven't really made any. I do talk to people and I love being around most of my co workers. But...still don't really have anyone to hang out with after work/institute. Soo a continuing goal for next semester.
lol and boyfriend yet either. :)

Like I said. :) I knew I wouldn't keep all of these goals, but the ones that really matter to me, I've kept. ^^ WOOT! lol :)

I hope you found some good advice in what I wrote to myself. :) lol I found some good advice in there as well strangely enough...its like I knew just what to say to myself or something. :) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had a couple come in wanting me to take their three hamsters as they couldn't care for them anymore. I knew policy stated that I couldn't take in any of the animals because they couldn't be guaranteed to be healthy and stuff like that, but I came up with a solution, if they take three other hamsters, I could take these ones and nobody would even known the difference. So I made my mark on the hamsters and took them in.
Then I was in my parents home, and we discovered...rattlesnakes inside. At least three. And we were working to get all three out of the home without any of us getting bitten.
I then ended up on a playground, and I was wondering aimlessly around when these couple of kids came up to me and asked if I would help their group with a project. Where I would need to pretend to be a dog. We got to the sandbox where there was already a dog and a cat chained up to the swing sets. I rescued the cat from the dog, and the teacher came up to the kids and said that she thought we were going to find another dog or cat, not a person to play the I wasn't quite sure if I should be there....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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