Friday, January 13, 2012

A Cheesy Moment

I guess you could call me a Natural Flirt.
So Natural infact, I don't often realize that I'm flirting.

There are a ton of situations that I'd be in, and I'd walk away from....
and somebody I'm with will tell me. "You were totally flirting with him!" or "He was totally flirting with you." And I'd be like O.o really?

Yah...I'm clueless lol.
Sometimes I try to flirt...I take it as a 'teasing' aspect. Where I tease the boy.
I don't know if its flirting or not, but hey...its fun to do.

I ended up sitting next to a cute guy.
It wasn't really on purpose right away.

I had been enjoying the $2 Lunches my Institute offers on Thursday. It was Pizza.
Anyway, as I was sitting in the chair, my Institute Teacher Advisor came and sat perpendicular to me in a two seater chair in the main commons area of the Institute.
We talked for a bit about this and that. You know. Publicity Stuff.
and the Teacher said that I should change the electronic sign.

-Side Note: lol. The first thing that the people in the office said when I walked in the door after Christmas break was "Are you here to change the sign?! Guys! She's here to change the sign!" 
Haha. It was still saying "Merry Christmas! Good Luck with Finals! Happy New Years!"
And it was like January 6th or something.
Apparently they didn't know how to change the they were happy when I was able to.

So anyway. I went and got the remote to change the sign.
And my Teacher got up and offered me his seat in order to give me a clearer 'electronic' path so that the Remote would work for me without me having to sit in a weird position.
So I plopped on down.
Next to a cute guy.
Dun Dun Dun.
I basically said "HI!"
And we started off a conversation as I worked to change the sign.
You know the typical things. What's your name, what's you're major, Where are you from, how long have you been here? What institute classes are you taking?
It didn't take that long to change the sign, and we kept talking.
And eventually I made the statement.
"Well, you could take such and such a class, because I'd be in there, and you know...a lot of other girls are in this class." got awkward after that...just a little. Basically it was time for us to go to our different classes at that point. lol.

So we left.....
And I didn't really expect to see him again.
Failed attempt at being funny and teasing. Check.

Well hours later.
I was sending out texts.
To remind my Committee people that our meeting had changed times due to something else coming up for my co chairs and myself.

I also was texting the new people. The ones who joined our committee this semester.
And there was this one name named TyMor
I didn't think much of it.
Its just another name.

Until he texted me back asking:
"Is this the Sarnic I ran into earlier today?"

I looked at the name again. was possible.
"Is this the TyMor that I sat next to while I changed the electronic sign?"

"Yah! Wow. Crazy world."


lol he didn't respond after that.

So I was thinking....."You know....he probably thinks I'm crazy, awkward, weird." haha. He may even be like "Crap...what did I choose this committee to sign up for? I could have picked another one!"

In the meantime...another guy name also texted me back.
And it was like the same deja vu moment.
But I didn't recognize the name right away.

-Half of this problem results from me not knowing last names....and multiple people with the same name...sooo I took me a bit to realize who else I was talking to.

But anyway.
Today....I had the meeting. He didn't show up. lol. I hadn't thought he would.
But a little bit later. While we were all doing Publicity stuff.
He texted me to see if we were still meeting.
I said "of course!" and he came and helped out for a bit.

lol apparently he decided to give the committee a chance. ;) lol
Even with me on it lol.

We'll see if he keeps coming.

The moral of the story.
I can be cheesy. ;) haha

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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