Spring Semester.
For me, it just started.
Yet apparently for other colleges/universities....spring semester doesn't start until March or April for them. So right now, in January they are in Winter Semester.
But I am in spring semester. That's the name of the semester and I'm sticking to it.
Lol but it also creates a bunch of confusion when I say "spring semester" because it seems like everyone else thinks it should be winter semester now, or they're used to it being winter semester....
I do admit I found it odd that my school has Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters....but no Winter.
But I had the thought process of this:
The main months of "winter" would be January and December.
Though I would consider the winter season to be November-February. The main winter months are January and December.
However... Fall semester starts near the end of August or Beginning of September. And Fall is basically September to November.
(While Spring would be March-June and Summer would be July to September...)
Anyway... Fall semester falls within the Fall semester. But...we get out of school midway through December. And return at some point in January.
Soo...basically the 'winter months' are already gone by the time the new semester starts back up.
That means that 'Spring' is on the way. Feb to April are more springy months.
That's why its called spring! haha :)
Yah...that's my logic....
Though i do realize its kinda odd...I know that Summer semester has two...'blocks' to it. The first half of summer from May to...sometime in June? and then the Late summer from...like July to August...
I don't know... But that's my thought on winter semester.
Mostly I think everyone wants my school to be like the rival school up the road from us.
It seems like everything we do 'copies' them.
Which I think is sad and so unoriginal.
Even our fight song is basically their tune with different words added in.
We're not a little 'up the roader school!"
-I think we might have started as an offshoot but we're totally different!
Or not.
I found out that this semester the school is trying a different thing out.
One that was stolen from the rival school up the road.
>.< We can be creative without copying!! Gah!
But the concept is this:
This semester we have a bunch of no school days. Spring break is a whole week. We have a couple of mondays off.... perhaps some other holiday out there somewhere...
But the main thing is....
the MWF classes end up getting like 5 days taken from them because alot of the holidays end up on a MWF.
While the TR only miss out on two days due to spring break. (that I'm aware of)
So, the school is doing a thing where the President's day holiday in February...happens on a Monday.
But its Tuesday classes that end up getting the hit.
Apparently Its a switcharoo happening.
So that Monday classes are transferred to Tuesday so Tuesday will be like Monday class wise...
and Tuesday becomes Monday and ends up being skipped.
At first I thought. "Oh...that's interesting" But the more I think on it...
The more stupid I think this idea is.
I mean people pick the classes they do for a reason!
Suddenly transferring a Monday class day to a Tuesday....does not work.
Sure it works for those people who just go to school. ( like me)
But what about the others who have jobs?
Perhaps they have work on Tuesday Thursdays and can't miss that.
I just think that this whole idea doesn't work.
Why in the world would I want to go to my MWF classes two days in a row?
that would mean homework assigned on 'monday' *coughtuesdaycough* would be due on Wednesday. The next day!
I also don't like this idea because I love my Tuesday Thursday classes this semester.
And I don't want to miss any of those because management decided that missing too many Mondays was bad.
If they were 'so' concerned about it....they would take away a holiday day and make a different holiday break longer so that a Thursday class would be missed along with a Friday class or something.
This whole...Monday switches up with Tuesday plan.... Is dumb.
I don't like it. Its inconvenient. (mostly because I have a MW class I don't like and I would have to go to that class twice in a row...pure torture!)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
There was a race I was in. A race to get a doll, and I had to fight a few men off and hide in a couple of spots so that they wouldn't find it or me. But they were closing in.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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