Its hard to write this post without sounding...umm bitter.
But I'm going to try to anyway! :)
Without the bitterness.
I don't like getting headaches.
I think most people will agree on that point.
Headaches are no fun.
And its rather....annoying when I get them.
Especially the night ones.
Because then...I end up not sleeping. :(
Which means I get fragmented dreams of oddness.
And songs or phrases stuck in my head.
And basically its restless.
I know the cause of my headache.
It was from forcing myself to stay up a bit too late last night.
Maybe not drinking enough water...
Mostly its the staying up too late.
I admit that.
Yet...still I have to wonder.
If an earlier event of yesterday might have set the trigger.
(This is all hypothetical, and I don't really believe it myself lol)
You see yesterday at noon.
I learned.....
How to Breathe Properly in DaBo's class.
We laid on the ground, put a book horizontally on our stomachs.
And focused on moving the book up and down.
Because we get the most air in our bodies when we use our stomachs.
Because its the Diaphragm that helps us to breathe.
We did that for 10 minutes.
To teach ourselves to use the stomach muscles for their intended purpose.
Because we spend way too much time holding in our 'gut' in order to look good.
I didn't think much of it. It was breathing. Not hard. When it was time to get up I popped right up on my feet.
While others complained on feeling dizzy...I felt alright.
But DaBo warned us. That some of us would get sick later on that day. Others may get headaches, others would feel the strain of the muscles afterwards due to not using them.
I felt fine though.
So I didn't think much of it.
I worked on drinking water. Breathing. What DaBo told us to do.
Then I went an did some exercise.
Ice Skating!
I didn't die! :) lol
But 'potential' doom probably came from staying up til 2 am watching a movie.
When I was already tired from breathing and doing exercise.
So walla.
Breathing gave me the awful sleep turning headache that lasted for twelve hours. ;)
Note to self:
Don't do what DaBo tells us to do next Friday in the name of 'living healthier'
A headache isn't worth that. ;)
I'm totally kidding.
But I'll be a bit more wary with DaBo's Friday exercise.
I don't want something as simple as 'breathing' to have me moaning on the couch for half of the day again. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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