You know.....when sitting in church.....
trying to pay attention to the lesson or talk...
the mind tends to wander every now and then.
Onto strange paths....
Where when you think back on don't know how you got on this tangent.
Or...more commonly, when you're startled out of your then go... Now what was I thinking about before this point?
And you come up blank.
Well...not today. :)
I ended up thinking about apples.
Calling them the 'most precious fruit' in my head.
Which I thought was odd...
I like pears.....
And then I got to thinking.
I used to have this huge pair sitting in the fruit bowl in the kitchen.
It was BIG!
Awesomely goodness looking!
And....ended up getting tossed into the garbage.
(sorry parents...I ate one of the two! :( )
Because....well it rotted. Y_Y
And I've decided....that's the problem with waiting...
Waiting for the 'perfect moment'
You end up getting busy doing something else,
Totally forget about this one thing.
And by the time you get back to it....
Its rotted.
Now fruit. You just stare at it. Its shiny luster, or its size and think:
Man...that fruit is just soo beautiful! I can' I can't eat it just yet.
One more day, and then its yummy lusterness will be in my tummy.
But for now...I don't want to go through the effort of cutting it up.
Then....its forgotten.
And yesterday....or maybe it was the day before yesterday.
You go to eat that delicious apple....
or like the pear I had...months upon months ago.
To find it all....rotting and not very nice feeling or....*shudders* well i can just picture what eating it would have been like.
Soo that was like a missed opportunity.
There was so much potential in that fruit.
And was wasted.
Now to make a far fetched connection....
Because I do that. ;) lol
Just like the rotting fruit.
There is a certain time span to 'do' things.
You can't plant your garden three weeks before the end of fall.
you can't register for classes two weeks after the deadline.
And....for me....I shouldn't just sit around waiting for the 'perfect' time to work on writing.
Because as I 'wait' for that perfect time...
I end up doing something else.
And end up missing that 'time frame to write'
And what happens?
The 'fruit rots.'
Or in other words....bed time comes and I can't stay up all hours of the night writing....cus of school in the morning.
Sooo I need to work on 'eating the fruit when its ripe.'
And not finding it 'after its rotten.'
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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