Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Just Another Test...Right?

Its hard to take a test I've never taken before seriously.
Even when its a serious test.
I halfway go into the testing area...with a 'I'll do my best' attitude.
Some days there's more confidence in that statement.
Other times its more of a hopeless statement of "well here goes nothing!"
Yet I've taken on the attitude of "I don't know how this first test will go so I'll study like so and hope that I do well and if I don't I know what to do for the next test next time."

I think the only time I took a test...somewhat seriously and went through the effort of getting testing materials and using them as guidelines for my test.... was the first time I took the ACT. I used the practice test to give me a better idea of what I would be facing.
The second time I took the ACT  (To try and get one score higher then my first score so I had a better chance at getting the scholarship I wanted) That didn't work out. Because the practice test....was the test from the first ACT I took. And once I've seen the answers to doesn't feel like studying, just the second ACT I reversed...taking a more laid back approach then the first test. -I did get one point higher.

Yet other tests...not so much.
Tomorrow....I have a Certification Test. To get a Certificate of "Hey! You CAN do this! Use this to show proof you can and get a job!' Certificate.
I'm actually not that worried about it.
I generally don't take the attitude of "My life is SO OVER!" if I do badly on a test. I am usually like " Y_Y *sniff* Hmmmm :( :) Okay...well I'll try something different and take the test again!" type of attitude.

-Unless its Anatomy.....I basically gave up on trying to do better....there would always be some question on those quizzes that I wouldn't know even if I studied more then I did. -Passed the class though. :) yay!

But this test....I guess it feels like an accumulation of the past 4 years of college.
All my classes relating to this Certification Test....have prepared me for it.
I've done the stimuli. I've interned in real life situations. I've basically been practicing and 'studying' for this test for a while.
Hence....why I'm not that....worried about it. I know the stuff!

What I am worried about is why I'm not worried about it.
And I think its because I have the attitude of "I've done the real life thing! wasn't perfect. But we made everyone understand in the end!" lol
I don't have to be the perfect best.
But I do need to be good.

So here's to hoping that me thinking 'this won't be too bad' is actually true for the test tomorrow. lol :)
And that I can keep the excited butterflies in my chest excited and not worried. :)
Ooo This is going to Be FUN!!! ;) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I walked into a car lot, that was like three houses up from my house and spoke to this tall gangly dude with lighter brown colored hair. I told him that I wanted to buy a car. A Ford Explorer. So he took me out onto the lot and showed me their newest Explorer, it was a silver colored car. Kinda like an SUV. I basically said "I'll take it!" and paid for it, signed the paper work. Paid the money. And thought to myself...wait....that's not what I wanted to do! But I had already bought the car. And the salesman was kind enough to walk me to my home. The carsman dude wasn't that excited about me buying that car either, so he said that I could return it tomorrow if I wanted for the full 12500 cost. Because he wanted me to get my money back and he didn't want to have to finance this car....because I had no job to pay for the car..I'm not sure where i got the money from. But it seemed like he was going to be like a 'bank loaner' and had me out on a 'car loan' and he wasn't anxious to do that, so he said I could return my car if I wanted to. Since I didn't really want a silver car...I was actually considering his offer,

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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