I have found a new word that I really don't like to read anymore.
What is this word?
It is not Whom. Which I dislike to read because I just dislike it.
Yep. I've decided I don't like it.
...At least in stories.
I finally finished the Inheritance book by Paolini last night.
It usually doesn't take me 4ish days to finish a book.
Especially an 850 page one. At most it should take me '2' days if I'm busy.
But no. This one took me like 4 days....
Yes I was busy.
But the other reason why it took me so long to get through it was....
All those Thens!!
It was driving me absolutely crazy.
I got to the point where I was tempted to post on facebook "Who is willing to give me a nickle for every 'then' I find in Inheritance?" I was like on page...idk...300 or so? maybe less...I think it was in the 200s...
I was so tempted to wait for somebody to say "i will!"
And then I'd say "Great! you Owe me $25.00" :D
No I didn't post that on facebook, but i was sooooooo tempted to.
Because there were alot of thens.
Almost every page had the word at least once on it. Many had it twice or three times.
Perhaps 50 out of the 850 didn't have any thens...those were my favorite scenes ^^ (not because of the lack of thens, they were just super cool!)
I just know...there were alot of them.
And...I really don't like them. -the Thens
Because it shows 'play by play' action.
Then I did this, and then we did that, and then we had a whole lot of fun.
Its dry.
Its boring.
Its Journal Entry type of talk.
With the use of thens it seems like its not so much that the author is telling the story...but is instead summarizing the story.
Just glossing over details.
And Not Going Into Those Details.
That is not good in my book.
Because I'm details kind of girl.
In other words.
I'm Nosey.
I want to know every little thing that happens in the book.
And the "Then" speak means...I do not get every single little detail in the book.
Instead I get summarizations where I'm told things happen....but its left vague enough that I have to guess for myself what kind of things happen.
It was literally driving me crazy.
But I can't hate the book that much.
Though there were alot of Thens.
I did like it.
....well enough.
It seemed more like a 'beginning writer' book. I think there might have been a step backwards somewhere between book 3 and 4 of the Inheritance cycle.
Because I didn't notice as many 'thens' in book 3 as I did in book 4.
Ugh. Summarizing.
Not. My. Thing.
Because I was caught up in the Thens
I found it hard to immerse myself in the story.
(I like to immerse myself)
I would get to the point where I was like "yes! this is really gooo---oh wait there's a then."
This makes me sad. :(
For it is a good book. (besides all those thens giving me a headache)
Lots of battles...lots and lots of those. Which were fun to read...except when the Then speak came in.
But overall besides the thens... I liked it. There were some cool ideas and I totally want to know what happens next...only there is no 'next' :( sadness.
But anyway....good ending. Not how I would have ended it but good ending.
I just need to get myself out of 'obsessing' over Thens.
Its gotten to the point where I wince when I hear myself say it out loud. That "then" word.
I guess typing so many 'thens' in this post is bugging me as well...
I think I'm getting a headache...lol.
The good news is....
I was able to pick up a book right after Inheritance.
And it only had TWO 'Thens' in it!
That's right TWO!
ah...such a relief. It was a good 380page book. :) I read it in...3 hours? :)
Its called Cinder by Marissa Meyer.
I was hooked from the first couple of pages. Which means...its a good book.
(Eragon did that when I first picked it up years ago by the by)
Like the title suggests (and the cover), Cinder is a....I would call it a variation of the Cinderella story.
There are lots of elements similar to the old fairy tale.
Stepmother, Stepsisters, a ball, the prince, Cinderella having to work.
But its way different as well.
A plague that needs curing, people on the moon, a lost princess....and....
Cinder...the main character. Is a Cyborg.
She's part robot!
Dun Dun Dun.
Usually I don't get into the scifi cyborg/alien type of fantasy stories.
But man. Cinder has me hooked.
Its cool, different, relaxing but thrilling at the same moment.
And at the moment I'm annoyed.
Because I finished the book!
But...:( its a part of a series.
So the ending...was such a cliff hanger ending....that i was literally turning the last pages of the book over and over again saying "Come on! There must be more! You can't leave me at this point without there being more!!"
Oh yes....there's more.... but it won't be available until like 2013 when book 2 comes out.
>.< That is annoying.
I hope the world doesn't end, otherwise....I'll need to hunt down this Marissa Meyer and 'kindly' ask her what happens next.
:( *sniff*
Good book! Come to me!!
:) lol.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Involved bits of the Cinder story. Me making new laws..new laws being put into place dealing with cyborgs, and half humans, and other non full humans. I remember green meadows as well.... probably some Inheritance scenes were in there as well....I can't recall exactly :(
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