Wilford G. Edling -The Church Audit Committee Report
Russell M. Nelson -Listen to Learn
- Learn to listen, then listen to learn.
- "I do a greater amount of good when I listen to my children than when I talk to them."
- To rule children by force is the technique of Satan, not of the Savior. No, we don't own our children. Our parental privilege is to love them, to lead them, and to let them go.
- The time to listen is when someone needs to be heard.
- Parents with teenage youth may find that time for listening is often less convenient but more important when young people feel lonely or troubled. And when they seem to deserve favor least, they may need it most.
- Children honor your parents, even when they cannot give a satisfactory explanation for their feelings.
- Even with normal hearing, some couples seem not to listen to one another. Taking time to talk is essential to keep lines of communication intact.
- Gratefully we thank God for a prophet to guide us in these later days. But many turn a deaf ear to his teachings, oblivious to his prophetic position.
- "We do not lack a prophet; what we lack is a listening ear."
- "It would not hurt us, either, if we paused at the end of our prayers to do some intense listening--even for a moment or two."
- Of course the greatest trial I have is that I cannot her, but I have so many blessings I cannot complain.
- Carefully listen to learn from the Lord through the still small voice--the Holy Spirit-- which leads to truth. Listen to learn by studying scriptures that record His holy mind and will. Listen to learn in prayer, for He will answer the humble who truly seek Him.
- "When the servants of the Lord determine to do as He commands, we move ahead. As we proceed, we are joined at the crossroads by those who have been prepared to help us."
- "It is as though someone knew we would be traveling that way. We see the invisible hand of the Almighty providing for us."
- Yes, the invisible hand of the Almighty is providing for us, and we should live and act to merit a continuation of His help and blessings.
- The members of the Twelve strive to live according to the promptings of the Spirit. They speak their mind. However, they are also good listeners and speak when moved upon by the Holy Spirit.
- These men, from my close observation, live close to the Lord.
- I hope that each person who attends will be welcomed at the door.
- We should feel wanted, valued, and accepted at these meetings. No one should feel like a stranger.
- There are many ways to find joy in sacrament meetings.
- First, come with an attitude of worshipping the Lord.
- Number two, teach your children the significance of the worship service.
- "Little children do have words given to them many times, which confound the wise and the learned." They can be very sensitive to the Spirit.
- Number three, sing enthusiastic praises to God.
- Number four, when you speak to the congregation, include scriptural references, your testimony, and the Savior in your talk.
- Don't be afraid to include your personal feelings about the Savior, his gospel, and instances when you've felt the Spirit.
- We should not feel pressured to say things that do not truthfully express our experiences. We should not be ashamed of what we do know, whatever stage our testimony may be in. Share it with others.
- And finally, remember the Savior as you partake of the sacrament.
- While we honor and revere Joseph Smith as the Prophet of the Restoration and seek to emulate his qualities of character, we adore and worship the Savior. That adoration is shown at each sacrament service when we covenant to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember him, and to keep the commandments which he has given to us, that we may always have his Spirit to be with us.
- I realize that as with watches, there are differences in youth. Some need to be wound up, while others are automatic because of important decisions already made.
- I commend you who are automatic, who have committed to be true to the Lord and to live by faith when you cannot see the end from the beginning. When faced with choices, you select the path consistent with the teachings of the Savior. I know you are sometimes criticized by those who call you fanatical, who cannot understand why you don't do what the crowd does. Hold fast to your principles.
- Your quiet, uncompromising determination to live a righteous life will couple you to inspiration and power beyond your capacity now to understand.
- The first principle: Place the Savior, His teachings, and His church at the center of your life. Make sure that all decisions comply with this standard.
- Upward growth occurs in cycles that build upon each other in an ascending spiral of capacity and understanding. They are often not easy, but they are always beneficial. As you walk the paths of righteousness, you will grow in strength, understanding, and self-esteem. you will discover hidden talents and unknown capacities. The whole course of your life may be altered for your happiness and the Lord's purposes.
- The next principle: Recognize that enduring happiness comes from what you are, not from what you have.
- When the things that you acquire are used as tools to help others, they won't rule your life.
- And now the last principle: Stay morally clean.
- When you find yourself in the battlefield of life, don't change your standards; don't abandon them no matter how you feel, no matter what pressure is applied.
- Love, is defined by the Lord, elevates, protects, respects, and enriches another. it motivates one to make sacrifices for another.
- Be surrounded by true friends who accept you the way you are and leave you better because of their association.
- Consistently live the truth you already know.
- You will learn that the restraints provided by the teachings of the Lord actually form a platform to greater freedom. If they are hurriedly dismantled in the misuse of increased personal choice, there will result binding chains of transgression.
- Go to your Father in Heaven. He wants to help you, but because of your agency you need to take the first step.
- When all the challenges pour down on you, you will have a quiet inner feeling of support. You will be prompted to know what to do. You can live in a world of turmoil and great challenge and be at peace. you will be inspired to know what to do and to have the power or capacity to do it.
- As you live high standards publicly and privately, and even under great pressure adhere to them, you raise the vision of others, helping them realize more of their divine capacity. like a worthy magnet, you will draw others to a higher standard of life.
- The power of your worthy example is increased as you help others caught in the web of transgression and guide them into a harbor of safety where there is parental strength and priesthood inspiration, where they can repair through repentance the strained and damaged parts of their character.
- Many yearn to overcome transgressions that bind them to a path they really don't want. While public actions denounce any desire to change, privately they want to change but don't know where to begin. Be that saving influence in their lives. Help them.
- We operate on light and need a constant renewal of that light. If we drift into a path where there is darkness, it can be extraordinarily difficult to come back. You will not have that challenge because you will live in the light of truth.
- In the scriptures, peace means either freedom from strife, contention, conflict, or war, or an inner calm and comfort born of the spirit that is a gift of God to all of his children, an assurance and serenity within a person's heart. The dictionary definition states that peace is a state of tranquillity or quiet, freedom from disquieting thoughts or emotions, and harmony in personal relations.
- The value of peace within our hearts cannot be measured. When we are at peace, we can be free of worry and fear, knowing that with the Lord's help, we can do all that is expected or required of us. We can approach every day, every task, and every challenge with assurance and confidence in the outcome. We have freedom of thought and action, freedom to be happy. Even those incarcerated for lengthy periods of time as war prisoners can be at peace in their own minds. many of them have learned from their captors that they cannot deprive them of freedom to think, even when the most harsh limitations are imposed. Few, if any, blessings from God are more valuable to our spiritual health than the reward of peace within. In modern-day revelation the Savior said, "But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come."
- Despite dismal conditions and in the world and the personal challenges that come into every life, peace within can be a reality.
- "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
- No man is at peace with himself or his God who is untrue to his better self.
- "Like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest. ... there is no peace, saith ... God, to the wicked." If we damage or violate our conscience by ignoring it, we can lose that gift because we no longer are sensitive to it. We will be beyond feeling, beyond the influence of that Spirit.
- One habit that prevents inner peace is procrastination. It clutters our minds with unfinished business and makes us uneasy until we finish a task and get it out of the way.
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
i was in a cave where there were these monster type creatures like from "Where the wild things are." and I was trying to get away from them. Also...somewhere in the dream I was playing with a cat....
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