Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Was Just Thinking Of You

You haven't talked to them in forever.
Maybe years.
And day they pop into your thoughts and you wonder what they've been up to.
Later on in the day you're just walking along and happen to glance towards a person.
You stop in surprise.
It's them!
They're right there. No warning at all. They're just there.

So there I was.
Walking to school.
And I just had this random thought.
"Hey....Elise would sometimes stop and pick me up and drive me to school before she went on her mission...huh I wonder when she'll get back."

Later on that day I was heading out of the institute building to run some errands.
And there she was.
Chatting with another in the hallway.
I was like "Hey! You're back! I was just thinking about you on my walk to school!"
lol we had a nice conversation and went our way.

Then...the other day.
I was again hanging out at the institute.
And I happened to look up
And see Bro Kauff walking by.

You don't see that everyday...mostly because he's teaching across the country now.
And I hadn't seen him for a year.
-lol back a year ago I had had the thought "I wonder if Bro Kauff is doing okay." And there he was in the hallway. :)
This time was opposite.
He told me that as he walked into the building he thought of me and thought that seeing me would be a 'slim to none chance'
And there I was. :D hehe ^^

It was super cool because I could have missed him.
As there was a luncheon going on and I had been invited to go into eat and meet people there.
But I had misheard and thought only five people could go in, and there were six of us.
So I hung back as I'd gone to the luncheons before, so I was giving the others a chance to eat.
Returning to my comfy chair I happened to glance to my right like five minutes later and there he was! :)
To think...if I had gone into the luncheon I may not have seen him.
He was around for a bit...but I think the chances would have been 'slim to none' if I'd gone into the luncheon when I did.

Do you think that if you randomly think of a person that you haven't seen or talked to in a while that its a hint... "Hey you're going to see this person today."
I think it is.
As I've heard of other people saying that they also had thoughts of people...and then seeing them.
And if you don't want to see that person...perhaps its like an advanced warning system.
So that if you don't want to encounter the person you randomly just thought about...perhaps you need to go elsewhere, or stay where you were....
Who knows.
Twas an interesting thought though. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I walked into my bedroom and saw a faint figure on the bed that looked like Woody from toy story. I reached down to touch this ghostly figure and it disappeared. Thinking it was strange, I saw another woman like figure on the bed but she too disappeared. Totally freaked out I left my bedroom, but before closing the door I looked back at my bed at the Woody doll ghost was there again. I crossed the hall to my mom's room in our old trailer and was going to tell her what I'd seen but there was something hanging from the ceiling. She was sitting there cross stitching and the thing was distracting me. the creature was a tiny bat. It was cream colored and puny like the size of a large spider, which I thought it was at first because it was hanging from the ceiling by one clawed foot on a sticky stretchy string like those sticky hand toys kids play with. I grabbed the bat snapping its connection with the string. My mom freaked out when she saw it wondering if it had landed in her hair. I held the creature in my hands thinking it was actually rather cute. The animal was weak but I was trying to convince it to fly when my dad came into the room and took it from me. He walked over to the fish tank in the aquarium and dropped the bat now turned into a fish inside. I reached into the tank to get it out and suddenly it was like I was playing a game where I had to catch the fish in the tank and toss them out of it so that they could be eaten. I needed to get all the fish out of the tank to win. I was finding it to be a bit easy to do this so I went over to a different tank and pulled out a mini tiger fish that looked like a plecausomous and put it into my tank as more of a challenge because I could get bitten. I played with the tiger shark for a while stroking its back as it swam by to get it to trust me. I also caught a couple more of the other fish with my hands before finally grabbing the tiger shark. I had gathered quite an audience at this time and many of the people were unhappy that I caught the tiger. They thought it should stay in the tank. There was one particular woman who didn't want the shark to die and listed various reasons why, but I kept thinking to myself that it was going to die anyway, though I did have second thoughts myself about what I was doing. The party ended without a clear idea of what I'd done with the tiger shark. Most of my extended family was still around and they were talking about having a family BBQ. We had pulled into the parking lot of a tire shop (a bike shop in real life) outside of Kmart so that we could discuss plans on where to go for the BBQ. I was sitting in the back seat of the trailblazer with a girl that kinda looked like Fluffy/Mandie/Laura depending on when I looked at them. I was eating jelly beans that were watermelon and bubblegum flavored. The girl saw the back on the back seat and took a few for herself offering them to the cousin sitting in front of us. She had pulled most of the purple jelly beans -grape flavored- from the bottom of the bag that my dad had given to me. I told her that next time she should ask me if she could have the jelly beans as they weren't hers to share and I didn't have many left. I heard a honk from behind us then, but didn't think much of it...but I did look back and saw a silver car trying to get into the parking lot and our trailblazer was blocking the entrance as we had pulled in and stopped out of the road. So I pulled our car in further closer to other family members with trailers so that that car could come in and do business as the tire shop. There were also a bunch of cousins that I found annoying running about from both sides of the family laughing and making a nuisance of themselves, screaming and slapping hands of the adults as they ran by. Finally we decided to have the BBQ at my parents home. We drove there arriving in bright sunshine that made everything look really green. i pulled into the left side of the driveway next to the fence that lead to the backyard. We got out and our cat Flare jumped out as well. I was looking around for the dogs as we had been gone for a long time and I was worried that they hadn't fared so well. Sadie happily came trotting out from under the trailblazer to sniff at Flare. Flare looked exactly like our previous cat Carmen and I noticed the similarities while they sniffed each other and rubbed against each other in a friendly greeting which was a surprise. It was light heartening as Sadie and Flare hadn't gotten along that well before this point. I got distracted then as my mom commented that Grandpa Dirchi was a trouble maker. I was confused because I didn't see him as a trouble maker, but others pitched in to agree saying that it was pretty obvious that whenever he would tell stories of his youth he would make himself seem like he was doing everything to help others. But the phrases that he used hinted that he had been the one 'getting into trouble' and being mischievous. Basically he would talk in such a way that if you weren't listening you would think he was a good boy, but if you listened carefully you could see that he was a trouble maker. I actually thought that it was cool that my grandpa would do mischievous things when he was younger when....

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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