Happy Anniversary!!
Wow. I can't believe that another year has passed on by.
Another year and I'm still blogging!
^^ lol I'm impressed with myself.
Yay for keeping this writing everyday goal for basically two years.
You know...with the exceptions of vacations where I didn't have Internet... lol
:) In any case!
It's been two years!
lol its to the point now that I don't quite know what to do with myself if I don't get online at some point in the day and blog.
Not even my rediscovered obsession with reading books has kept me from this part of the Internet.
The excitement.
The thrills.
The dreams.
And especially you readers who come back time and time again.
It makes my day just to see who all comes to see what I've written next. ^^
And so, like I promised.
Tradition time!
What my stats are now :) lol
I now have 699 posts on this blog. :) (counting this post.)
lol soo if you're just seeing me for the first time....you have alot of catching up to do. ;) lol
Or maybe it's just me who does that when I find a new blog... oh well.
Enjoy the posts you find! :) lol
For pageviews of all time I've nearly tripled it from last year ^^ It makes me so happy.
I've had 7, 757 total pageviews for the past two years.
My most viewed posts are:
181st Saturday Conference Highlights -146
The Phoenix Will Rise -34
Teary Eyed Olympic Opening -33
When Things go Wrong, But They Still Are Right -31
Piano Music From The Air- 28
A Cool Random Creature -25
Cheaters never Prosper For Long -24
October 1990 General Conference Priesthood Session -21
A Zipline Connection -20
One Year Later -19
Pageviews by Browsers:
Internet Explorer -4023 (54%)
Firefox -1796 (24%)
Safari -795 (10%)
Chrome -487 (6%)
Opera -260 (3%)
Mobile Safari -16 (<1%)
Netscape -15 (<1%)
Thunderbird -14 (<1%)
NS8 -13 (<1%)
nook browser -7 (<1%)
Pageviews by Operating Systems
Windows -6064 (78%)
Linux -567 (7%)
iPod -555 (7%)
Macintosh -366 (4%)
Other Unix -52 (<1%)
iPhone -40 (<1%)
iPad -34 (<1%)
Android -21 (<1%)
BlackBerry -12 (<1%)
compatible -9 (<1%)
And finally!
My favorite part ^^
Countries that have viewed me! :)
>.< They seriously need to fix how many countries I can view at a time.
It only gives me the top ten. Lame...super duper lame.
United States - 4991
Russia -1266
United Kingdom -172
Malaysia -143
Ukraine -111
Germany -110
Brazil -59
Netherlands -51
Latvia -50
Singapore -47
It feels like every country in the world has come to visit me this year. ^^
So in lue of trying to write down over 200 countries.
Let me just say.
Thanks so much for coming to my blog!
I've noticed and appreciated it ^^
lol Goal for this year....write down all the countries ^^
Then we'll have a good old world wide celebration! haha :)
It's so weird to see how many aspects of my life are the same.
And how many are different.
I hope that many different things happen in this next year.
But the one thing I want to see stay the same is that I continue with this blog! :)
May the year be bright and happy for all of you!
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
wow...how weird is it to have a creepy dream on a happy post. Super weird. In any case. I was in this old house...in a setting that was a familiar scene. I'd had a dream like this before. Similar. Where I was in an old house, you know...moving about, avoiding people, the usual. And I came across this bloody trail. I peered around the corner and there was this cat's head. White and fluffy and decapitated staring at me from the floor. I'm pretty sure I screamed and ran for the queen was after me, and we had to find the people in charge of this tragedy. Me and a group of others went from room to room trying to get from one side of the house through secret passageways and such and totally failing. I ended up on a walkway to a...haunted house type area. There were big concrete walls on three sides of us with a railway on one end so you could stand on top of the wall. (I've been here before in a different dream as well) In the corner was a rope swing type contraption and I ran to the rope and grabbed it. It reacted like a bungee cord and had me sailing through the air when...
the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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