Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Forgot To Eat Today

It's a wonderful pass time isn't it?
:) lol some days I wonder why I ever go through my lull periods and don't pick up a book for months and months.
Because when I come back to reading....
I just forget to do anything else :)
I can get so caught up in the stories that I forget to eat.
Forget to do anything really.
My attention is on the book.
On the goal of reading to the end.
To find out what happens.
After all....
I'm into mysteries
and what is any book but a big mystery?
Sure the plots could be predictable.
but unless you've read the book before (like I'm doing at the moment)
You don't know what is going to happen.
And unlike with tv shows....
I have no temptation to read ahead, or check online for information.
But like tv shows or ....information you've read ahead of time.
Re reading a book isn't that bad either.
As its like visiting an old friend.
Remembering some events clearly,
but being taken by surprise again by things you've forgotten.
It's alot of fun.
And always a mystery ;)

Back to the book!!! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

The Dream

there was a battle going on between two rival and red....but it was like the students were part of the same school...they just chose to wear different colors....or it was more like the town was divided in half some with blue and some with red but everyone went to one school. So it was a bit...crazy trying to stay on my side while every one seemed to be after me....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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