David B. Haight -Linking the Family of Man
- "Let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation. ... They without us cannot be made perfect--neither can we without our dead be made perfect."
- Perhaps the world's troubles could be solved if we could turn over the leadership of nations to the children for a few days. Through love they would find solutions to the misunderstandings, mistrust, and misconduct of adults in the world.
- Sometimes people say, "Well, boys will be boys!" Not so--boys will be men, and almost before we know it.
- "No other success can compensate for failure in the home."
- We cannot and we must not allow the school, community, television, or even Church organizations to establish our children's values. The Lord has placed this duty with mothers and fathers. It is one from which we cannot escape and one that cannot be delegated. Others may help, but parents remain accountable. Therefore, we must guard the sanctity of our homes because that is where children develop their values, attitudes, and habits for everyday living.
- Children perceive their own identity much earlier than we may realize. They want to be recognized as individuals.
- To all such we reach out in love.
- People will always have opposing views, and I suppose there will always be conflict and even misunderstanding; but the principle of mutual respect mixed with charity and forgiveness can lay the foundation for the resolving of differences and the solving of problems.
- Patterns are meant to be repeated. A pattern of righteousness is worthy of duplication, yet there are those who suppose that our righteousness involves climbing some imaginary vertical ladder.
- Righteousness is reproduced horizontally, not vertically.
- To follow Christ and bring forth the blessings of heaven, we must actively make peace in the world, in the community, in the neighborhood, and above all, in the home we live in.
- "Give me truths: for I am weary of the surfaces."
- One's life, therefore, cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free.
- Failure to study, for instance, is to be intellectually and spiritually malnourished. Inspired words do matter, for "when a man works by faith he works by ... words."
- Much of any weariness is attributable to carrying the heavy natural man. Unlike others we might carry, the natural man is heavy, and he is not our brother!
- Faith also includes trust in God's timing, for He has said, "All things must come to pass in their time." Ironically, some who acknowledge God are tried by His timing, globally and personally!
- But what if, from time to time, we appear to be doing all four of these essential things--serving, studying, praying, and worshiping--and still seem to obtain a lesser measure of the promised blessings?
- First, check "the equipment"! All four components are needed, and one may be missing or malfunctioning.
- Second, go back to a very basic question: Does one really have an inner "desire to believe"?
- Third, do we naively expect Christ to come to us--instead of our going to Him?
- There are no restrictive "office hours." But it is we who must arise and go to Him!
- In process of time, our personal inconsistencies may be made inconveniently clear.
- Empathy may not be appreciated or reciprocated, but empathy is never wasted.
- "The Lord is now revealing, and will continue to do so through channels He has appointed, everything necessary for the future development and perfection of His Church."
- We will continue to be blessed if we will walk in the paths which they have pointed out and will continue to point out to us.
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
We were driving around downtown when I noticed a red mini cooper type of car...without a passenger rolling backwards along the streets in U shapes and such. Kikay and I parked the Trailblazer right outside one of two office buildings Downtown. We'd gone inside and were coming out...but our car wasn't where I'd left it. I thought that maybe we had come out of the wrong building, So we backtracked through the crowds, only to not find that car anywhere. But I did notice that there were alot of people around us wearing red shirts. I too was wearing a red shirt, which I thought might help me blend into the crowd. It didn't. It seemed like the red shirts were trying to unobtrusively guide us to a specific location to be interrogated for 'breaking the law' or something. Going against the grain if you will. So I was trying to guide Kikay and myself out of that dangerous situation when...
the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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