It's a blessing.
To be able to suffer all throughout the night.
But when the dawn comes and my responsibilities arise...the suffering fades,
and I'm able to go out and have a normal day.
As if I never had suffered at all.
This of course happened last night.
It was a bit different from usual.
Usually I just have a headache on the 9-14 pain scale that keeps me up at night.
I had the headache, but it wasn't that bad.
I know of course that I caused the headache for:
a) Not eating enough.
b) Not drinking enough.
c) Not sleeping enough.
d) Being around cleaning chemicals alot
e) Slightly stressing about cleaning.
But last night...I woke up feeling like I was in the middle of a flu.
My chest was tight. My nose was stuffed, but when I sat up a whole bunch of clear stuff just poured from my nose almost like a bleeding nose would. My head was stuffed up as well figuratively and literally.
It was the oddest feeling.
But bad enough that I felt like I had a really bad cold.
And that I considered not going into work this morning because of how bad I was feeling.
So I made plans. What would I do if this didn't go away.
I really didn't want to put of my obligations.
So I did what I could to relieve my suffering.
And dozed off and on until I only had tenish minutes to get ready.
I felt better then.
Not sick anymore.
Not a headache anymore.
It's a true blessing.
That even though I suffer throughout the night once or twice a month...
I can still get up in the morning with the pain gone.
I'm going to be forever thankful for it. ^^
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Because of my brain focused on one thing. Before this one thing though I had a small dream where I'd lost most of my teeth while running up and down a tower home type place going up and down stairs trying to escape something, my teeth just kinda...fell out. *shudders* I hate those types of dreams. But the focused dozing dream was I was at Starsmet being trained. There was three or four people there, with one cute boy taking charge. And he was going through the whole training process telling me which boxes went where and where to do was a rather dreary foggy dream. I only really saw blurred shapes. It was mostly talking in my head. Conversations.
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