Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Achy Breaky Limbs

Sometimes I wonder if my mental mood really is connected with how I feel physically.

Like. I get the mood swings that happen as hormones fluctuate and such.

But I'd been feeling...emotionally off for most of the week....and couldn't place it. 

I still can't.

But last night...was like...I was just overall...sad.
Just mentally was in a dark spot you know?

And then today?

Today I got sick.

Physically sick.

It was reminiscent of how sick I felt like....back in February? Back when I actually called out sick for the first time since I started work at the pet store. 
Because I was so sore and achy that I didn't feel like I could stand up straight.

And I figured.
It was a one time thing.

Apparently not.

Because this random '24 hour bug'

Came back.

Like I thought it was possibly just a cleaning sort of sniffle.

As I decided to you know...deep clean the bed, get some new life in my room etc.
Which meant washing all the sheets and such.

And Cleaning often gets me sniffley.
You can't not get sniffley when dust is flying all over.

And I figured it was that.

But I woke up this morning with a major sore throat and stuffy nose and tight chest....

That only got worse.

Of course I went into work, because that's what I do.

But by the last hour of my shift....
I was dying in side.

My legs were hurting so bad.
Aching like I'd spent 12 hours on a horse.
And like...I just wanted to sit down.
Curl up in a ball.
And not move.

That's basically what I did when I got home.
I tried to crash on my bed.

It didn't work.
My entire body was aching bad enough that I couldn't relax. Couldn't rest.
So I ended up taking a shower.
It helped a bit.
Crashed on the couch. 
Had Roomies go get me meds. 
-Aleve- Because I had tried others and they hadn't helped and this was supposed to help my muscles relax.
It did a bit.
And a warm soak in the bathtub helped a lot too.
But I still....like crashed hard.

I spent most of the day after work sleeping off and on.

But thankfully I was beginning to feel well enough after sunset to be able to eat things and such.

So like...a 24 hour bug.
An achy 24 hour bug. 

It's the weirdest thing though.
Because honestly I don't know what brought it on....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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