Monday, May 13, 2019

Choosing Books

The past couple of times I've been up north, I've been going through Mother Dearest's library.
As Daddoo is getting ready to donate the rest of the books to various libraries and such.

So I contacted a few of my friends just to see if they would be interest in any books. 
And when they said that they would be,
I went through Mother Dearest's library looking for ones that I figured would fit the criteria of what my friends were looking for.

Which it's hard.
As it's not like we do reading parties together.
So I only have the vaguest of ideas of what type of books they might like.

The types I know they would like....Mother Dearest didn't really end up collecting. 

Sooooo…..yah just  kinda taking a couple stabs in the dark really with it.

I ended up meeting with one of my friends today.
And brought the dozen books I'd grabbed out for her to check out.

With the understanding that she wasn't required to take any of them if they weren't her style.
After all, I was guessing most of the time on what type of books she'd want. 

I didn't do that great. ^^;; lol. 

Which I wasn't expecting her to take all of them.
But I am glad that she did take some.
If only 4 out of the dozen lol. 

Still I'm glad that I managed to find four books that my friend was interested in. ^^;;
It's better than none lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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