Saturday, May 4, 2019

Another One and Another One and Another One

It was one of those last minute customers.
The ones that show up like five minutes before you're off your shift.
And you think "oh this will be a simple task."

….And then you end up clocking out late because the customer decides to be difficult.

That was today. 

A gentleman came into the store with a pretty simple request all things considered.
He wanted fifteen large goldfish.

The largest of our large goldfish.

Which isn't as quick a catch as grabbing just an assortment of 15 goldfish in the net.
But I have enough experience that it's not a super time consuming task.
Especially for only like 15 of them.

But the dude wasn't content to let me pick out the 15 'large ones' 

So he would point out the 'large' ones he saw.
Which funnily enough weren't the largest ones I could see but oh well. 

In any case.
I was finishing up grabbing the last of the 15.

And asked him if that was all....

And saw him staring at the wall of fish tanks. 

Where I knew we had larger goldfish in.
Because we put a single feeder goldfish in each tank to help keep down the snails. 
And some of them can get quite large before they're sold.

For the next...I don't know...ten? fifteen minutes?
He proceeded to scrutinize practically every tank.

Point to the goldfish in each tank and go. "What kind of fish is this?"

….Dude. It's a goldfish.
It's obviously a goldfish.
You don't need to ask me what type it is when it looks exactly like the feeder goldfish you picked out from the goldfish tank. 

And every time I told him "That's a goldfish too."
He would be like "Can we get that one too?" or "Can we squeeze that one in?"

Like yah dude.
I can put like up to 50 goldfish in our large bag and be fine.
You're good 'squeezing one in'

But it wasn't just one.
He did it at least 15 times if not more.

It got to the point where I was like "Dude stop looking for more goldfish and be satisfied!" 
I mean he only wanted 15 in the first place.
And he left with like 30.

Ended up clocking out late because of that. 

At least the dude was happy with his fish though. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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