Monday, January 20, 2020

Holiday Craze

It's funny...okay probably not funny. But's funny how you forget holidays exist because you no longer get them off.

Like working retail, in a pet store, the only days we close our doors is on Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
Sure, there are holidays where we close early.
But like...since I work the morning shift it doesn't really matter to me if we close early because I'm off before we have to close anyways. 

But it's easy to forget a holiday is happening when you have to work through basically all of them.
As I usually have the 'bad luck' to be scheduled on most holidays.
So having a day off for something of a rarity. 

So I do admit.
Even though my roomies and I had talked about today being MLK day.
The concept had quite slipped my mind this morning when I went into work.

After all.
I had to work today, even if some of my roomies did not.

And after having like...two weeks of the store being pretty quiet after the christmas rush was over.
It was so weird to suddenly have the store be busy.
To have customers coming in wanting to buy pets like hamsters and fish and such. 
People coming in with all these questions about their animals.

It got busy enough that I had to forgo completing a few opening tasks for the department because we had enough customers in the store that I needed to be helping them else my coworkers would be swamped.

And like...for a moment there I was confused.
Why were all these people coming into the store on a MONDAY.
I mean sure, monday nights with FHE happening can be rather busy.
But the day? Mon-Wed are usually pretty slow.

It took me until my shift was like halfway over before I remembered that today was a holiday.
And holidays means that shoppers come into the store.
Whether it's just to entertain the kids for a bit.
Or to do the shopping that they wouldn't have time for otherwise.

Holidays tend to be busier days for us just because most people don't have to work and therefore have the time to go shopping.

So yah.
Today was fun.
Fun remembering that other jobs give their workers the holidays off. *exhales* 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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