Sunday, January 5, 2020

Noise Sensitive

With migraines a lot of people get sensitive to light.
I get sensitive to sound.
Well more sensitive to sounds as I'm generally sensitive to sounds all the time.

Mostly those repetitive ones that occur frequently and at a pitch of frequency that grates on my nerves.
Most of the time that's things like running water, a blowing fan, someone having a bad cord with our radios at work. 
Other times it gets more sensitive. 
Like people talking. Or noises suddenly seem way too loud.

It was people talking that's been getting to me.

But it wasn't like talking in general.

No there were a couple of individuals today that I had to be around for a couple of hours who...well couldn't get their sentences out without stuttering.
Not the stuttering like the st-st-st-st-stuttering you read on a page.

But more like the stuttering where they can't just flow through a sentence without repeating words here and there.

So like a sentence that could take like two seconds to say would take them ten seconds to say because they would keep repeating words or starting over the sentence or changing what they were going to say or how they were going to say it halfway through.

And normally it doesn't bug me that much.
As I can be a patient individual and wait for them to get through what they want to say.

But with the migraine pounding away at my head.
My ability to be patient dwindles dramatically.

And if it had only been a statement or two I'm sure that it wouldn't have bugged me as much either.

but individuals involved ended up speaking for most of the hour I was in the same room with them.
And it quickly got on my nerves to the point where I couldn't focus on anything because my headache was pounding so hard it was...well difficult to find any peace really.

I was glad to get out of the place and away from the speakers. 
Because today....people talking gets on my nerves. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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