Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Whatcha Eaten?

So I had the managers take a hamster to the vet yesterday.
Because I noticed that his head was tilted to the side.
Which isn't a good thing in hamsters or any creature really, to have it tilted like that.
Oftentimes that's a sign of like an ear infection, or a neurological issue, or...something along those lines. 

I'm not sure if the Vet managed to see the hamster yesterday, though I'm assuming from the context of the phone call I made this morning, that they did see him yesterday, but I'm guessing that the managers were unable to leave the store long enough to get him.

In any case.

Apparently over night, the hamster somehow managed to get out of his little critter tote that he'd been left in. 
I'm guessing the little lid on top hadn't been secured tightly? But not sure. 

But he was out of his container when the vet people came into work this morning.

And when they finally tracked him down....

They discovered a wrapper in his hands that he could have potentially been chewing on.

Which...since most wrappers are plastic....isn't a good thing because that doesn't exactly digest.
I can only hope that the pieces are small enough to not cause issue....

But the other concern is that the hamster might have also eaten the chocolate within the wrapper? 
They aren't sure.

And having the vet look at him again, they still couldn't tell if he'd eaten it or not.

So yah.

We basically got our hamster back with medications to help with the head tilt.....

But there's also the distinct possibility that the hamster may die because he might have eaten chocolate and/or the wrapper....


So this is gonna be a fun couple of days seeing if he'll survive or not. *shakes head*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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