Wednesday, January 22, 2020

New Fish

I've mentioned before that a couple of times a year we end up shifting around the fish in our store.
Mostly it involves adding in more koi and taking away koi as with the arrival of spring we begin stocking up on more varieties for people to put in their ponds...and then decrease those options in the fall when it gets too cold to put fish in the outside ponds due to...well snow and frozen water in general.

With these fluctuations we also get in other types of fish as well. Increasing varieties of others, decreasing others, carrying completely new types of fish etc. 

For the last little while the only 'changes' in fish have been the addition of more Glofish varieties.

Though this recent fall we began carrying more varieties of guppies. 

In any case.

Today my manager broke the news that next month we're getting in a new fish.
Exclusive to our stores only.

Glo Betta Fish.

We're getting in Bettas that glow in the dark!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!

From the pictures it looks like they're going to be the green glow variety. 
Bodies will glow green under a blue light.
And then the fins could be like a reddish shade, or green as well, or maybe a slight blue tinge?

Not sure.
I'll have to see them in person.

but for a Glofish...which already are rather pricey compared to other fish we sell.

These guys are expensive.
The females are going to be like...$10
While the males will be $20 for the regular version and $30 for the fancy version.

O_o I can't imagine spending $30 on a fish. 
Like...the only other fish we have that that's expensive is an oranda goldfish. And those goldfish are like the size of a baseball. So they're pretty big.

*shakes head*

I'll probably end up getting one...depending on how they look in person because ITS SO COOL. 

^^;; I can't wait.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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