Monday, January 31, 2011

All Those Spaces

I was thinking back on my dream from the night before last...
about the parking spaces....
and not needing soo many.....

And I was trying to figure out how it connected with the rest of that dream...
and I think it basically just meant. "Don't over extend yourself where its not necessary for you to over extend."
"Don't take more then you need."
Things like that.
"Be content with what you have."

I guess you could come up with multiple sayings for don't need more parking spaces....

Like for example....
Why do these small buildings have like 100 parking slots surrounding them.....but they always appear to be empty? or only have one or two cars in front of the building...
While other schools never seem to have enough parking??

I think its....a waste of good natural resources.
Why destroy the land to pave it over....for things that will never be used?? or rarely used? Perhaps those empty spaces are used for those random events that happen where tons of people show up for them....

And I can't help but apply the 'empty slots' -All those spaces...
To my own life.
In what aspects of my I have alot of space....but no cars to fill it.
And where do I have alot of cars....but no space to put them?

Where are there things that I really need to improve on?
And where....have I improved too much?
Can I improve too much? Can I ever have more cars then spaces??
Yes...I think so....and because those cars take up more spaces...then end up flowing into my other empty parking lots....when they're not supposed to.

One thing that comes to mind would be....the Internet.
At times I've gotten really...I guess "into" the Internet and all the different sites.
Way more then I should...spending hours upon hours on the computer....for no real useful reason besides a distraction.
Which a distraction is great....until it becomes too distracting.
The cars fill all the spaces....and then go into other parking the one designated for Homework.
And when all the homework cars come.....there are less spots for them to get they end up flowing into the next parking the one meant for sleep. and sadly....those cars that can't get into the sleep lot....end up circling around and around til a weekend shows up then they can finally park. But then something else is missed out on....

It does seem like there are alot of cars circling around out there frustrated because they can't park where they want to park.
And that might be because we didn't consider what was needed when we built the parking lot for that center.

I don't know....I think that makes sense. :) lol.
Basically....what I'm trying to get at is.......are you building parking lots that are bigger then necessary in your life? Or do you have the parking lots....but not enough space and you're land locked on all sides trying to figure out how to fit more spaces in?

What in your life needs to get more room for your attention? Like...homework.
And what in your life needs to be minimized to make room for other things? Like....Internet time?

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi.

The Dream....

Was one of those dreams where I woke up and I was like "YES!! I dreamt! I need to remember this!" upon waking. and then.....two minutes later......its gone. >.< grrrrrrr
I think it might have had something to do with above....landlocked parking spaces...and needing more....that triggered something in my memory....but otherwise its a blank page in my mind. :(


Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Dream

I've puzzled and puzzled til my puzzler is sore...
and I just can't get past the dream I had last night....
And how it just gave me a good overall feeling of
"love, support and goodness..." for the rest of the day.
So...I'm just going to share my dream this time around.
(I might do this again every now and then in the future
but hopefully it doesn't become a common event.)

So here it dream. (after my sign off...)

Until you next see these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had completed the first two tasks
Now for the third
(I dreamt about the first two tasks...but I don't remember them.)
The third I moved through a doorway...into an office.
But I had to basically play "The floor is lava" and get from point A to point B without touching the ground
Or else I would loose.
There was this woman there doing paperwork in a spiny chair.
And I had to make my way there climbing on cabinets and such.
When I finally reached her she gave me a riddle I had to solve. had something to do with a bear.
But I answered rightly :)
And I was transported into this other room. (I think it was through a stain glass window)

(it was like being taken up in a shuttle/port thing)
My sister and brother were there. (I thought of them as my sister and brother, they didn't look like my actual siblings)
She was looking out a curtained window and I went to look out as well.
And I could see the World...and bands of color kinda like Jupiter's rings but brighter.

Then...we were with Him.
In a room, that was rounded, and had a fireplace in it. And bookshelves filled with books, jewelry boxes and knickknack figurines.

Christ was showing us around this forest with a building (it was like a 'natural musuem')
But then we heard these construction noises...
and we rounded the corner.
And there were all these construction vehicles tearing up the ground, cutting down trees, and paving the area around the building.
-they were making more parking spots....way more then was needed....
And who was in charge?
My sister. (She was tall....and black real sister isn't black haired)
She was in charge of the construction.
and Christ was...furious, no. it wasn't was he was her.
Because she was destroying the forest around the building.
My brother and I weren't that happy with her either.
Destroying the forest! Killing all the little tiny bugs!
And my sister couldn't understand why we were getting all worked up.
"They're Just Trees!"
Christ was trying to explain to her that the trees were living...just like any other animal...the insects.
But she couldn't get it.
I was like "Why would you willingly kill something?! I wouldnt' even kill an ant....why are you destroying this forest?"
And she was like...."We need more parking for more visitors."
And Christ was saying "What we had was adequate. We don't need more."

Fast Forward.
And its time for us to 'go back home'
And I was going through the shelves....(It was full of my stuff) And I was trying to decide if I would need the stuff when I went back...because I could return to get would just be a hassle to do so. But then I was ready to go. :)
And everyone was saying their goodbyes.
My sister hugged me (she was my actual sister  this time....I think she'd seen her error or something...) And she hugged me....which was good....because she had gone to Earth and then come she had a body.
( you can only touch other people there if you had a body)
and my parents (actual parents) were there
and my dad tried to give me a hug
and Christ was like "don't do that!" (whatever happened after hugging spirit to spirit....was bad...spirit to wasn't...but spirit to spirit was.)
And I felt my dad touch my shoulders. But I had to push him away. -my hands on his chest pushed him away. (which saddened me because I wanted to be hugged goodbye by my parents)
Because I hadn't gone to 'earth' yet to get my body he couldn't touch me.
And in order to get back and get my body Christ had to give me a hug.
So his arms enveloped me...

and the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away...
and I became myself again.

And I felt soo.....happy waking up from that carried through for most of the day ^^
And I felt that I should share it with you. :)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Saturday, January 29, 2011


By Milton Berle

I'd rather be a "could-be," if I cannot be an "are;"
Because a "could-be" is a "maybe" who is reaching for a star.
I'd rather be a "has-been" than a "might-have-been," by far;
For a "might-have-been" has never "been," but a "has" was once an "are."

I think its rather sad some days when I set out to do something I'd rather not do (like homework) but I need to do in order to feel good about doing the want tos that I want to do....yet because i really don't want to do the homework needed to be done....I end up procrastinating until....the day just kind has flown by and I haven't accomplished anything that feels....accomplished. I just instead feel lazy....because I haven't fulfilled again my Ambition of what I wanted to do. :( :(
Eventually...I will find my ambition.
Then it will be a different story with my homework. :) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was sitting in a bus.
I was by the window and I was talking to two guys who were also sitting on the same bench.
Then...up the isle came Gabriella. ( least the actress who plays her in High School Musical) and she sat down next to the two guys (so there were now four people on this bus seat...I think one guy disappeared at one point) and we were all talking.
Then the security guard for Gabriella came up and ordered the girl sitting behind us (she had dark hair pulled into a sharp ponytail wearing sunglasses and a dark long coat) to stand up and move because that was Gabriella's spot. (for protection)
So Gabriella sat down...but didn't like it. So she decided to move back and sit next to us because she was having more fun with us. So the girl that got up could sit down where she was sitting first.

And after our conversation she's like "It was so good talking to you guys, everyone I talk to always seems to want something from me."
My response was. "Well....if I wanted anything from you I'd just like a small part in a a backstage part." (I meant be an 'extra' but the word wouldn't come to mind)
And she was like *nods* I"ll keep that in mind.
(For some reason I picture my neighbors yard with the big walnut tree when I typed that..)
We were in a crowded was like a cross between a street and a big auditorium filled with stuff store...*shakes head*
But Gabriella was over by the bread...and I was by the cookies...or flower plant things.
And she tossed me a blue ticket thing...I think it was a backstage pass.
But as it flew to was slashed (shredded) into pieces and landed in pieces on the ground...which was kind of sad :( because the paper seemed to be sentient.
And I tried to fit the pieces together but without any glue or wasn't going to work so I just held the pieces in my hand and looked up from where I was kneeling and on my eye level was this round pot filled with trees but they were dead/dying and I watered them and was trying to decide if I could convince them to come back alive...or if I should pull these small pine trees out and call my losses.

Oh....the neighbors yard!
Gabriella and I were standing on my neighbors porch (it was her house apparently)
And we decided to become best friends. And Gabriella was really happy to have a friend that wouldn't ask her for stuff and only be her friend because she was a celebrity. And as she went inside I walked away under the Walnut tree and grabbed the lowest branch and swung on it for a moment before heading to my house...happy that I had made a friend. :)

Then the unearthly tones of daylight pulled me away...
And I became myself again.

Outside Info and Need to know.
I have no idea why I dreamed about the actress that played Gabriella...must have been from music or seeing her recently somewhere...
I think the scene where the girl sitting in Gabriella's seat had to do with a friend of mine who because of allergies has to have a special piece of bread to eat during sacrament or else she can't take the sacrament, so in order to get that piece of bread she has to sit in a certain spot. Only a jerk took her spot last Sunday so she had to sit further in the row and...ended up not getting her piece of bread.
So the bus seat might have been based off of that story I was told....but since Gabriella chose to sit with us after sitting there....its not exactly like that.
The pot with the dead trees is probably derived from my sisters plant she has. She was worried because one of its leaves flopped over and she doesn't want it to die....but she's not sure what to do besides put the plant in sunlight to keep it happy.
And the "I would only want to be an extra" comes from an item I put on my Bucket List that I had to write when i was a Senior in High school. On that list was "Play a dead body in CSI"
I've just thought it would be cool to have a small part in a movie that's noticeable but I'm not the main character. :)
When I write a book and If it becomes a movie...I think I'd love to do a cameo in the movie :) I hope I get to ^^;;

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)


Friday, January 28, 2011

Why am I not a Leader?

Today in Institute they got a new co-chair to lead my committee.
(they like to have a guy and girl head the committee and we lost the guy so we got a new one.)

And I just had to shake my head and laugh.
Because he had no idea what he was doing....

And I've been on the committee for....4 semesters now...
So I have a really great idea for what's going on.
At least in....part of the committee.
Since I'm just a member I don't have to go to all the different meetings or actually design the posters and fliers that go up around the institute and in the classrooms.

But I do come, since I have such a great knowledge of the inner workings of at least the 'physical running around part' 
Why....have I not been called to be the head co chair? boils down to one thing.


1) I really don't like meetings. I find them rather pointless and irritating because people tend to dither and fluctuate in they're decisions way to much and continuously go over the same points again and again and again as if we didn't already know everything!
Heh ^^;;; sorry....that was me being prideful there... >.>
I tend to pick up on things quicker then other people....
So I really need to learn how to work with people who run on a different wavelength of energy then me.

But still I really don't like meetings. I am very happy to just pick up the papers have the leader point me in a direction and Off I go!! Vaaarrrooooooommmm!!!
I like having others decide the little details.
I am very happy just going around the institute switching things out and updating other things. :)

Plus....point two....I tend to be a bit greedy/untrusting.
I know myself best. And its hard for me in many cases to not volunteer to do everything when I'm assigned to a 'group' project. Especially if the others seem a bit.....directionless....
I want the good grade. To get everything done.
So...I usually am a loner....just because there's a limit on my 'I trust you to get this done' factor when my impression of you makes you seem a bit.....flimsy?
(Yes being prideful again. I admit it....but these are reasons why I am not a leader. ;) lol)

Sooo I content myself with being a follower. not a leader....unless I can see that there won't be a leader....then I tend to take things into my own hands and tell everyone else what to do.....

So yah.
When it comes to getting things done and completed....
I have very little of it when it involves more then myself. :(
I'd have a hard time...actually giving out assignments and not taking full control of everything.

And why I am not a leader.
;) least in the institute. :D lol.


Besides I might be just one of the (experienced...continuous) committee members for the express purpose to help keep the co-chair's heads above water. :) Its always helpful if somebody knows what's going on.....but it could hold you back from getting creative as well because the 'oldesters' like me would complain. "This is how we've always done it!" And that could get....rather bothersome.
*note to self*

More Patience
Be Open to new Ideas. ;) lol.

Still....there is probably a reason why....I am where I am. :)
We'll see if I ever discover that reason haha :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved a car, a pile of stuffed animals and other objects in one of the seats (I think it was a van...SUV type situation in the middle row of seats by the door) One object. A 'stressreliever' squishy ball shaped like a basketball ended up falling to the ground. And I couldn't find it. And I was concerned...yet not concerned that I couldn't find it.

There was more to the dream before and after that sequence
But the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

By being startled into wakefulness by the sudden blaring of my alarm clock the dream flittered away from my thoughts. It took some effort to recall that small bit.
:( which is sad....because I know it was an epic dream. :( :( :(

Known for Sure and Outside Information.
I received the orange basketball stress reliever ball in a school shopping cart parade that was put on for Homecoming week a couple of days ago.
And surprisingly enough it was like an actual parade...only with shopping carts. :D lol they passed out candy and random toys and everything! It was cool...though I only saw the end of it. :(
Still I got the Basketball :D

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)


Thursday, January 27, 2011

To Walk or to Wait

That is the question.

I happen upon this situation at interesting times.

Where when I get out of wherever I'm going I have the choice to:
a) Walk to my next destination or
b) sit and wait for the bus to come.

Now....the difficult choice comes in....because with either path I choose...I will arrive at the same time.

I know many people don't walk...or take the bus....unless they're poor college students without a car. ;) haha. But it seems like today's group of young adults were not raised in the traditions of our great-fathers, where on their (the grandfather's) oath they had to walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow barefoot to school everyday without any chance of a ride to school to make the 15 hour walk any quicker.

No, their progenity, their seed has it rather easy.
We can wake up and think to ourselves as we get ready for school. "I think I shall drive to school today" We may bemoan that we have to park sooo far away from the building, but hey we can get there in five minutes! :) ....even if it takes us ten minutes to get to the building. lol :)

But what if you didn't have a car?
And you're only choice was to walk...or Wait for a bus.

I think its a matter of patience.

How long would you be willing to wait for the bus to come before you feel like the bus is going to exceed your patience levels. That it will make you late?

If you would arrive at the same time.
Would you walk? Or wait for a bus?
Spend fifteen minutes walking?
Or wait ten minutes and get to the same destination in 5 minutes?

I won't lie....
I usually end up walking.
I guess I'm not a very patient person. lol :)
Or...I just feel...very lazy not being productive when I know I can be productive so I say unto myself "Sarnic BE PRODUCTIVE AND WALK!"
Plus...I'm rather paranoid about being late....and I know if I walk i'll get there on time...but the bus isn't reliable in the mornings in my opinion.
Sooo I walk.
And I find it very fulfilling when I can walk to my destination quicker then the bus. hehe :D
I feel like I've completed what I was called to do....try to beat the bus. lol :)

So, more often then walk. I choose to Walk to my destinations even if sitting around and waiting will get me to the same place in the same amount of time.
I feel a thrill of success whenever I can arrive quicker then was guesstimated. lol :)
Its a silent challenge I have...and its rather fun when I 'win' lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Sadly....I don't remember much of it.

There was this thing with apostrophes. but they were the Spanish ones that were above the *i*
If you had: 
that was really evil.

'i' wasn't much better.

'i'' was alright if I remember correctly.




I think there was only one the 'i'' was good.
But the rest were bad...
Or..the higher you went the better it got...until the last two..then those were bad as well.
*shakes head*
I don't know for sure.

But the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again

and the dream flashed from my memory before I could keep more then that idea in my head.

Known for Sure and Need to Know.

-the other day we were talking in a class about percentages where the first and last bars were rater high...and the middle ones were low.
I think that's what the apostrophe'ss surrounding the I's were based off of.
I was doing somesort of graph in my head or something haha. :P

And that
Is why the fox never came home.


*Note the random italicized words were a challenge friends gave me. They picked five random words from the book of Mormon and I had to use them in this blog post.
(there are ten because two friends each picked five)
-They opened to a random page and pointed to a word and I had to use that word in the blog.  :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Watch


I lost another watch the other day.
>.< It was forcefully torn off my wrist when I jumped into a pit
from a rope swing filled with squares of foam.
And one little piece was lost forever in that pit.
Making wearing the watch unuseable. 
*bows head*
We shall mourn the loss together Y_Y.

...It actually wasn't that unexpected that I would break another watch...
You see I have a tendency to do so....
quite often.
It seems like I have to get a new watch two or three times a year. 
I am....rather hard on them....

There are many factors that contribute to my watches....getting broken.
a) I usually wear leather banded watches
b) my wrist is small which means I need the bands that are self adjustable..hence leather bands.
c) I'm left handed and I wear my watch on my left wrist.
d) I wear the watch with the face it tends to bang into objects. 

then there are other variating factors...
Like what I actually end up doing. 
Sometimes I can have a single watch for a year or so.
Sometimes they only last a couple of weeks....(I was moving furniture and broke the glass face....:( it was a sad day as well...)

Sooo yesterday I ended up having to buy another watch. :( :)
lol. Some people might think "Give up and just use your cellphone as your watch."
Problem is...its just soo much effort to take your phone out of your pocket flip it open and then see the time and close it again. Why not just use a twist of the wrist. And walla! You know the time! :)

This time I tried a different style of watch. It has a wider band and the watch part of the watch (the face) is attached differently.
lol Guess we'll see how long this one lasts.
 :) I'm just glad my wrist doesn't feel empty anymore.
Yesterday was torture (any day I don't wear a watch is torture) because I couldn't check the time.
>.> I had to rely on my phone and wall clocks.
>.> <.< and you have to be rather sneaky when checking those clocks.
Having a clock on your wrist means you can more covertly check the time lol. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

.....unfortunately.....there wasn't really one....I think it dealt mostly with a classroom...but I'm really unsure.
Why am I unsure?
Well....last night was one of those nights where I go to bed feeling tense and wake up in the early early hours of the morning (it was about 3am this time) With a pounding headache. It can go up to 15 on a scale of 10 and my rather funny when I get these late night headaches that are painful enough to wake me up.
Because i tend to focus on random things....and repeat them in my head.
Last night I was repeating a couple of anatomy terms over and over. Going through some situations in my head over and over, quoting random movies ( like a couple of lines from road rovers and other tv shows recently watched.) over and over.
Its like my brain is in brainfogged mode that's almost dream mode...but I'm awake.
Anyway when ever I have midnight headaches...when I finally fall asleep....I just kind of doze until my alarm finally goes off. Which means...I don't really dream. :( :( Y_Y Sadness....

but in school today I had a moment of dejavu...where I think I had a dream dealing with a classroom...but that's it.

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I woke up in a kind of cranky mood today.
Mostly because I haven't been getting enough sleep the past week or so because of homework.
But I resolved myself to persevere through the long day.
I had made it through my first two classes.
And I felt really tired, really sore...and just really blah because...well i was tired lol.

But then....I looked outside of the classroom window..
And what did I see?

A full on snow storm!! :D
It was coating everything in white again ^^
And it totally perked me up. lol.
I almost felt like screaming and dancing in circles. "ITS SNOWING!! WOOOT!!"
Its kind of funny that that was my reaction...because most of the other people's reactions were:
AH! No! Grr Its snowing!! >.<

lol but I was happy to see the snow.
Because my least favorite part about Winter turning into spring...
Is seeing all the dead and flattened grass all just seems.....dull and unhappy.

So snow seems to perk everything up ^^ lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was this little a house. I didn't like her. But everyone seemed to think she was adorable..but it seemed like we had to wait on her hand and foot to make sure she was happy.

My brother and I were driving in the car...(i don't remember which one)
When we saw our sister walking along the street heading to her car.
She'd just got done with classes or something.
So we drove around waiting for her to get into her car.
-We kinda lost her a few times
But when she got into the car and found us.
We started driving.
Somehow we went from a suburb town to desert sandy redrock.
My brother had us driving up a 'dirt road' that had walls on either side of redrock, but there was a cliff on the passenger side. We were going straight up it....but I was like "ummm town is the otherway, we won't get there by going this way."
So My brother carefully backed us back down the hill...and we ended up slightly stuck in the sand that was suddenly all around.
Our sister got out of her car and just shook her head at us like she couldnt' believe we were related.

Then we were at the grocery store buying food.
Brother had faded somewhat into the background.
But my sister and I were standing in line waiting to buy the food...mostly I remember many different types of juices and some milk.
But the woman at the counter....was being rather slow. So I took it upon myself to take and item from the cart. Walk it the three yards to the scanner. Scan it then walk it back to the cart and set it inside before I grabbed another item and repeated the process.

And then the unearthly tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

Outside Info and Need to Know.
I love redrocks. :)
I actually was planning on going shopping today for food. and People at checkout....seem to be rather slow. 

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)


Monday, January 24, 2011

Go the Distance

Go the Distance -Hercules

I have often dreamed
Of a far off place
Where a great warm welcome
Will be waiting for me.

Where the crowds will cheer
When they see my face
And a voice keeps saying
This is where I'm meant to be

I will find my way
I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong

I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I will go most anywhere
To feel like I...belong.

I am on my way
I can go the distance
I don't care how far
Somehow I"ll be strong

I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I will go most anywhere
To feel like I belong

I will beat the odds
I can go the distance
I will face the world
Fearless, proud and strong

I will please the gods
I can go the distance
Till I find my hero's welcome
Right where I belong

This song came into my head last night as I was racking my brain to figure out a way to talk about Institute without sounding high and mighty.
And I think this song applies to what I was trying to get across before I got waaaay to prideful.

I have often dreamed
of a far off place
where a great warm welcome
will be waiting for me.
Where the crowds will cheer
When they see my face
And a voice keeps saying
this is where I"m meant to be.

I I get that warm welcome in institute.
Crowds don't really cheer when I show up. But I meet people within the halls of the institute building
who smile when they see me. Who take the time to say hello and just make me feel welcomed.
And the feeling I get when I'm stepping inside those boundaries.
Its an unruffled relaxed peaceful feeling.
Where I have to work really really hard to destroy it with stress.
Even if I am stressed...
I find myself feeling like I can go the distance.
I can do anything as long as I remember that God is willing to help me out if I just ask.

I feel like I do much better in my school classes when I have an institute class (or three...but then again..I really just like the feeling there) to balance things out.
I find myself going to the institute to study for school quizzes/tests/assignments, even if its out of my way and I end up walking around campus alot. But even with alot to do. Everything seems to work out and I end up doing well in what I set out to do.

I will go most anywhere to feel like I belong.
And that feeling of belonging.
Is rather strong in Institute. :)

With Institute in my life
I don't care how far I have to travel
Or what I go through to get to classes on time.
Because I know I belong with institute.
I know that I can receive guidance and help while I'm within those walls.
And without those specialized teachings...
I think my life would be more difficult then it is right now.

So to beat the odds and fearlessly move forward in life.
I hold close to my Savior
And make institute a priority in my life
First and foremost even if I have worldly stresses getting me down.
Because I'm looking for that hero's welcome in the millennium
But until then. I go to institute to get a general idea of that welcome.
To keep my spiritual armor strong.
So that I can fearlessly with my head lifted high face whatever the world decides to throw my way.
And, institute I really just feel like I belong.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

The Dream

We were learning how to store food in the woods.
Apparently in this piled wall of wood there were wood wicker basket type things
That you would have to uncover and put the food in, then cover back up just right.

Then at school....we were learning about Anatomy...and doing a lab...but it didn't deal with Anatomy. It was more of a physics class.
I was experimenting with a set of keys.
And having finished doing whatever with the keys...I went into the next classroom over, that was doing the same thing. (because everyone was still busy in my room)
To grab something else. So I switched for a metal wind chime for the keys...
Only they were my actual keys...not the experiment keys.
So I left them as collateral with that group and returned to the classroom to get the keys.
I don't know if I found those keys...but I returned to the find it empty.
(I was delayed in my own classroom because the teacher had us stop everything in order to show us an experiment.)
Apparently the classroom I was trying to get the keys too ended up doing the same thing, because the classroom was dark an empty. But from another door in the classroom came a blue flash...then everyone came out.
But the girls when I found them...didn't have my keys! They had let somebody else borrow my keys for the experiment (which was silly because the results would have been off.)

****shift in perspective.

I' agent of sorts. Sent to retrieve a stolen item
(I'm wearing black, tall muscular...for some reason I think of like a 'dark knight' character...but not the mask)
I confront the perpetrator at his desk.
(fat hair....kind of like the guy who became Titan in the movie Megamind.)
He gives me a smirk.
And we 'trade' for my keys. but I only get a small key chain in return. >.<
This makes me angry so I grab the boy by the collar of his shirt and demand the keys.
He refuses.
So I go through his desk and find a bunch of my keys. Along with alot of others. One of Apt 415's keys, among my car key, mail key, house key etc. Alot of keys and I took them so he couldnt' have them, but so I could.

We return to the forest where the wall of wood logs (that stores food) resides. Moiraine and Lan...(people from the wheel of time books) are there. the man who took the keys from the "geeky titan dude" only he doesn't remember who he is. But he needs to go by a code name and Moiraine  doesn't want him to know his/my actual name. In normal circumstances I would have gone by the name Blaize as my code name, but that might spark a memory as well...and Moiraine doesn't want Lan to remember his actual name. So she calls him Glen.
Why does she not want him to know his actual name?
Well...apparently she's setting him up to do some great deed...
but before I could figure out what it was...

Then the unearthly tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Outside Information and Known for Sure
I'm actually clueless to why I would be dreaming about things. a given since its sucking my life away right now.
But my keys? I guess I"m worried about loosing them.
Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan is my favorite book series...but this is a first that I've dreamt of characters from the books...when I'm not reading the books currently.
Maybe I'm just looking for somebody 'tall dark and handsome' lol. Who knows. ;)

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)


Sunday, January 23, 2011


Will type more later just needed to get this posted before midnight. (Had company over and just needed to get on long enough to make sure I wrote something before midnight...heh...)


Well.....I tried to write a post talking about institute....
But computer didn't like it restarted....leaving me again at phase one. (basically nothing written)
heh....Guess I got too prideful in what I was saying about Institute ^^;;; So I got a nice, but firm gentle tap to keep things nonprideful...
So I think I'll take the night....and rethink how I want to say what I want to it doesn't come off 'oh high and mighty this is how and why you should come to institute'
I just gotta love those moments where I get too cocky...and things just...fall apart. I could almost see it coming, but I ignored the feeling. *sighs* lol.
Note to self: Continue to work on being humble and not to get overconfident in my abilities and forget how my blessings were obtained.

So Lesson learned (again...and again...and again)
Don't get over confident. It just lays the field to be set up for failure in the end.

So for now I'll just laugh at myself and my foolishness.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream.

My sister had friends over. Noisy friends. Which made studying and doing homework really hard.
But I finished. And I decided to join the party. ;) They were all in the kitchen, but were leaving.
I came in to get food because I hadn't eaten in a while.
I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard...but it was I grabbed another one...and it was dirty too, so I took the dirty bowls. and with the intention to clean them....pour in some milk and fruit loops....
I don't think I was eating from a dirty bowl. But with the milk I would rub my finger along the rough dirty spots. Rinse it out, pour more milk in and repeat the process.
While doing this I was talking to Brittany Smith. And I found out she was working at the bookstore that one night I passed by and I thought it was her. and that she had seen me around the bookstore often.
Then she was ready to go.
So I picked up my bowl of FruitLoops....(the fruit loops had gone soggy as I was cleaning the other bowl...and talking and eating) And tried to just drink it down. I ended up choking...but I managed to swallow.


A murder has been committed and my team is trying to figure out who done it.  There are white chalk outlines of objects. From paint canisters, to different types of bones, to voids in the splatters. (looking at photographs maybe)
I...and some other guy switched off explaining what the different objects symbolized.
I could say that this bone did this and that bone couldn't have been like this.
-I was explaining because they didn't know. I was like the go to guy for information.
Then Brittany Smith (or some blonde girl that looked similar to her) asked me "Hey is this the sign for running?" Because they knew I did sign language too.
She did the sign with one I was like..."umm close."
And she was like "What about this sign." (I had no idea what it meant) or "This sign?" (I knew she wasn't doing it right thought I don't know the sign)

Then...we did a flashback scene common in CSI shows
Where they actually show you what happened.

Before this scene I'm pretty sure I concluded that it was all just an accident.

What actually happened.
It took place in a warehouse filled supplies.

There was a Spanish guy walking away from the camera holding a really tall ladder.
To his right down one of the side isles approaches a white man and woman in business attire.
They recognize the Spanish dude and the man is not happy to see him. he raises his arm and calls out to the Spanish dude which startles him.
The ladder (it switched between being wood for a moment...but then ended up like those silver ladders) ended up falling and the top rung hit the woman in the chest (along the shoulder line area below the neck) and knocked her to the ground (she fell like a flat board) (I think the ladder killed her then.) The husband fell with her crying out in dismay. The Spanish dude tries to rush over to help and accidentally runs into another dude carrying a ladder. (Spanish dude ends up by the couple) The other dude falls into a shelf system dropping his ladder.
(the camera scrolls up to the top metal shelf)
There a cardboard box tumbles off to the floor ( I don't see it hit)
But behind the cardboard box are all these electric screwdrivers. (there were like 20-50 of them)
They start vibrating (they were turned on because the box fell down) and they vibrated themselves off the shelf...and ended up skewering the people below.
I didn't see the impacts. I saw the screwdrivers fall into a pile of debris. and black slimy sludge (blood) started seeping out.
Basically symbolizing that everyone died.

So it was an accident.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Outside Info and Known for Sure:

I woke up thinking "Huh, that's kind of a weird dream to wake up from on a Sunday"
Its odd that I was eating cereal in my dream...because I don't like to drink milk. So if I do eat cereal...I don't have milk. And my distaste for milk might be shown by me using it as a way to clean the dirty bowl.
I also don't like soggy food. So it was really strange that I would drink the milk and soggy cereal...because in real would have ended up in the trash or drained into the sink.
The scene with Brittany connected into real life because Thursday or Friday I walked past the school bookstore and saw a girl and I wondered if she was Brittany, but I didn't stop to check.
So my dream told me the girl was her? lol.
The trying to do my homework was also an actual scene where there was company over at my apartment Saturday evening and it made it difficult for me to do my homework. But I managed to complete one assignment before going to the kitchen to grab food.

The CSI styled dream happened after I'd woken up...turned over thinking I should get up...and dozed off again.
I was doing Anatomy and Sign Language homework before I went to sleep...hence why they showed up in my dream...
The CSI scene...might have been influenced by me watching "The Mentalist" on...Thursday Night.
The dude (it was like I was me, then I was him, then I was me) that I switched with looked like the dude that ended up being the bad guy in A-Team (watched that Saturday night)
And if you've seen the movie...the scene with all the train cargo boxes on the ship tipping over...the pile of stuff on the people was similar...but they were covered in construction supplies.
The whole "one chain of event spurs another event" sequence in the CSI dream might have been influenced by watching a "perpetual motion" video for a few minutes Saturday afternoon. In the video one chemical reaction would spark some object to do something which would set off another reaction which would do something to set off another on and so forth.

And that
Is why the fox never came home. :)


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Road Rovers

HA Ha ha HA!!!

I have FINALLY found it!! :D

Over the years...I've been asked the somewhat typical question.

What was your favorite cartoon in elementary school?

And I would always answer:

"Well...I can't remember the name of the show, but I loved watching a show about dogs that acted like people."

Over the years, that show has come to my mind whenever I think back to favorite cartoons.
But nobody seemed to remember that show at all.
And I was half wondering if I'd imagined it...dreamt it, though I was positive I hadn't, I knew there was more then one episode lol. :)

But all I could tell people was that: It had dogs that could act like people, talk and walk on two legs and they'd save the world.

Well. Today.
I finally found it!! :D :D :D
I had been looking up different superheroes and I was like "I wonder if I can find that tv show I liked when I was little"
So I googled: Superhero dog cartoon.
and the fifth link down I saw that someone had posted a question about the show on

The question? :Does anyone remember the cartoon where there's these dogs that turn into superheroes?

And I was like ()_() Could it be!!?!?!?
So I clicked on the link hoping that somebody had posted the answer. Posted the name of this favorite cartoon of mine. :D


The name of the TV Show?

Road Rovers. :D <- That's a link to Episode 1 part 1. :) If you're curious and want to check it out. :D

And now I know why I could never find it after a bit.
It got cancelled after one season >.< So there were only 13 episodes total.
I remember being so disappointed when I turned on the tv during the appropriate time slot...only to discover a rerun of one of the earlier episodes was on. :( So I thought they might have just started over waiting for the next season.
No. It just showed reruns over and over...and I eventually got tired of watching those.
And even then I couldn't remember the name lol :) It was the dog show to me :)
But then again...I was Six.

Which I think is kind of amazing that I could remember this show for all those years....because it was only "on the air' for 5 months.
For such a short time period...I can forgive others for not remembering it. :) lol.

I think it became an interesting show to me...because I'd never seen its like before. And I was really into the 'dog-loving' mode during that age. :) lol.
So the concept of Dogs-Turning into-Canosapiens- (humandogs) was like 

()_() THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!! for me because I hadn't seen its like before :D lol. 

^^ And though the episodes are somewhat cheesy. They're still pretty good :D 
I'm really glad I found Road Rover's again. :) 
A bit of my life is now complete :) lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

The Dream

There was this car. It seemed like a bug...but it was flatter. The car was low to the ground and had a glass cover that you could open like a clam opens its mouth. The top part would hinge up....I don't know how to explain it. But I got the feeling that it was my brother's car...but why I had it....idk. Maybe it was the "like my brother's car, but this car was mine and mine only) But its a rather demented car. Old. Known for breaking down and making me late (the dream car)
But there it was, and I had stuffed animals in the car with me. :)
It seemed like this car was where I would live as well...I think I was somewhat...homeless...or an 'out on my own' was a better vibe.

Somehow got into the car...
And then I got out of the car

Me and a group of people (we were in church clothes) like three guys (one named Casey) and a couple of girls got into an elevator. We pushed a button to go up...but we ended up going down.
The elevator itself was a kind of grey box with a red button that lit up when we hit the floor number...and maybe one of those light things above the door that told you what number you were on.
But mostly we knew we were going down by the feeling that we were descending.
It was kind of scary (we weren't moving down that fast...) because we didn't know where we'd stop...if we'd hit the bottom hard or not. If we'd get stuck in the bottom of the shaft if there was no door down there.
And we (or I) decided that the elevator was going down because we were over the weight limit and the elevator couldn't pull us up.
So one of the guys volunteered to get off. I think almost everyone ended up getting off the elevator except me and another girl.
When the door opened the ones who volunteered.......well they weren't there anymore.
But a skinny dude in some sort of store uniform pushed a red cart onto the elevator.
And for some reason I decided to grab a cart as well. (it was red too)
But as I grabbed it...the elevator started going up.
(the doors hadn't closed)
And I hadn't gotten the grocery cart into the elevator yet.
And I decided that it wasn't safe or that I couldn't hold the cart all the way up to the floor we wanted to get off at...(so it was a while away going up) So i just dropped it.
And i watched it plummet a couple of stories to the ground, but I didn't see it crash.

Instead I was suddenly outside in my church clothes. Heels, and a black skirt...maybe a blue shirt. In slushy rain and I'm heading back to my car. (the one that's a demented drag racer car but smaller with a glass top (i thought of it as a 'bug' even though it was flatter then a Volkswagen))
I get in my car, and I'm dismayed to find that three of my stuffed animals (they were smaller) had gotten soaked!
One of them was a monkey I'd bought for kicks and giggles a month ago because it was soo cute! and I remember thinking "where's Lucky?" (I had tied the monkey to Lucky-a stuffed animal Dalmatian that's flat (has beans in it) and the size of the palm of my hand in real life) and I was worried about where Lucky had ended up because they're always together. Always. (recently...haha)
I think one of the others might have been a "roo" stuffed animal I had because it was wearing something.
(A while back...the Tigger Movie came out and McDonald's did toys from the movie. Where each of the characters wore an orange hoody with a design that wasn't stripes. I had gotten my roo doll from the D.I. (and it wasn't roo, it was just a really small kangaroo) but I found the 'hoodie' in a drain and fished it out (it took like an hour) so that my kangaroo could wear it. :) -I had a habit of bringing stuffed animals with me to school -elementary- and other places.)
And I don't remember the third.
But then i went searching for my other stuffed animals that I had in the car.
I remember one perhaps being a pluto dog. (real stuffed animal)
And another was a white horse with the WellsFargo Logo tied around its neck as a scarf. (real life)
And there were a couple of others.

But I was trying to get them out from where the 'engine' area was. Though the place was just damp with rags all over.

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

Outside Info and Known for Sure
....well i kind of included that in my summary of the dream...heh.

And that
Is why the fox never came home. :)


Friday, January 21, 2011

Late Morning

I woke up today...and the lighting seemed off.
The sun seemed to be in the wrong spot.
It was too low in the sky...
I ended up checking multiple different clocks because it seemed like it was 10am or 11am instead of 9am.
And they all assured me that it was after 9. felt like the day was later then it was supposed to be.

I think its because it was actually blue sky today.
The past couple of weeks its been cloudy or partly cloudy
So actually having the sun in a blue sky...was kind of strange.
And it made the day seem rather long until the sun went down. :)
I actually missed the clouds today. They've become part of the scenery, it seems rather unnatural to have only blue sky to look up to.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Fluttered away upon waking. All that was left were strands of "I was in a classroom." "Tissue" and "Osteoblasts" that were remembered.

Outside Info and known for sure.

I've been studying and stressing about Anatomy stuff waaaay too much. :)

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Moths to the Flame

Today I was in the institute building studying for a test.
And one of my teachers approached me and after a moment's conversation he said to me something along the lines of:

"You have a good light to you." (then he went into a metaphor in a smoother transition then this.) Moths are attracted to light. And people, like moths are attracted to people who are 'filled with light' (the spirit). You are one of those people. You attract others to your light. And even though you  might like some of the still have a good light to you and your presence is bright to them....

Yah something along those lines. :)
I thought it was very sweet. lol.

And now I wonder (well I've wondered this off an on for a while now)
Is there a reason why I meet the people I do??
Are they attracted to my light? To what I can offer that they need?

Until you see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
I roll over in my warm bed, feeling nice and comfortable and look at the clock. I blink, then blink again. 9:37am!! I'm late to class...but I'm not that concerned. Even though I know my class starts at 9am....
I go outside my house (the one I grew up in) and hang out there for a moment looking towards the rosebushes under the bedroom windows (and to the pine trees in the yard) before going to my car. I go to clear off one of our cars (there is snow there...but it was greenish in the yard) I think the car I started to clear off was our Green Tracker, but then my sister pulled up behind me in the Maroon trailblazer (or they might have been switched) and she came up to me wondering what I was doing and I was like "I need to go to class."

We were in a new tavern, Disneyland ride. They were opening the new 'building' based off of Pirates of the Caribbean. And this 3D virtual cartoonized ghostly Jack Sparrow appeared above a barrel (the place looked like a tavern/restaurant...western pirate....everything was dark colors, wood everywhere.) He was rather creepy looking and as I sat down (with my family I think) he tried to shove a limabean at me. And I didn't want it.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

Outside Info and Known for Sure
I never do end up making it to school in these dreams where I 'wake up' to go to school because I'm running late. Its amazing if I get out of the house before I wake up. lol.

The 9am thing was because I had stayed up til 2am cleaning and I had to actually get up early for a 9am class. So I was probably paranoid to some extent that my alarm wouldn't go off and I'd sleep through class.
(That happened the day before yesterday....the fact that my alarm didn't go off...luckily I set two alarms to make sure I wake up, so I got to class on time.)
Sometime within the last week, one of my teachers mentioned that he liked to go to Disneyland.
And the day before yesterday I watched the new trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Favorite Color is...


At least it was in Elementary School...back in first or second grade...whatever grade you learn how to write in.
And it horrifies me to say that I actually liked the color pink when I was little.
I had always thought that I'd liked the color Red through and through.
Maybe my indecision between pink and red is shown by me writing Pind (Pink+Red=Pind).
But I always remember thinking. "Its not Pink." or "I'm glad that's not pink."
I admit it might not have always been the case that I didn't like pink.
I remember having to choose between pink and purple with my sibling.
I don't remember who ended up with what...but I think it might have been pink....even though I want to think it was purple...but I remember my sibling wearing more purple then me. So I must have been pink.

Yet for the looonnngest time when people have asked me what my favorite color was: I would say Red.

;) I did go through a period of time...most of elementary school where I'd say my favorite colors were "Dog-colors" like Black, White, Grey, Brown, (but I can include yellow, blue, and red in that too :D)

Then highschool or so....I decided on Red, Green and Blue.
But not the bright shades. No...I like the darker shades.
Dark Red, Forest Green, Royal Blue.

I've also gone into phases of liking Bright Yellow and Royal Purple.

Basically....I like all colors, but I still usually say Red when asked my favorite color. :)
But my top...5 would have to be (in no particular order): Red, Green, Blue, Purple, +1more.
(the last depends on a variety of factors unique to the day)

Why are those my favorite colors?
...I just have to say...Because I like them. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
There we were in a cavern with boulders and a waterfall and green moss. (There was a bridge we could cross that was like a bench in the waterfall.
There were people who could 'turn' a portion of the rockface behind the waterfall to form a bridge that was very stable. For the more 'faint of heart' to get safely across because when they 'turned it' the waterfall stopped and the river dried up to show boulders and such.
People could cross it just fine and did.
But I was ....leery of crossing this bridge that used to have water flowing over it.
And as I started to cross...the water started falling once more.
So I ended up jumping down to the riverbed landing on the rocks and bouncing off of them like they were jumpy mushrooms or something. Barely escaping from the wall of water that was about to fall on me

**** <- Mark shifts in dream where either the perspective is changed or the dream becomes different, or I can't remember what happened inbetween so I continue onto the next scene.

I had been invited to this prestigious event. The room was fancy and looked like a 5 star hotel lobby. There were girls everywhere...and a couple of guys. All dressed in black pants/skirts with the same shirt on. The shirt was red (and bits of black) and was like one of those fuzzy sweaters that had a turtle neck. Except the sleeves were cut off into more of a T-shirt fashion.
I was wearing the same clothes, but I felt out of place because I was just a guest. I wasn't really a member. And I knew it and I think They knew it too.

At some point I ended up taking a backwards water know water that flows in the roman aqueducts? was rode it (i rode it by accident) in a surfing like manner....and I ended up in a bathroom with a lot of shower rooms and I was trying to find the actual bathroom....

I am in a classroom....that's a cross between an anatomy classroom (with the squeaky anatomy stuff) and a choir room. There was a girl I recognized in the room....but it was more of a 'corner of the eye' recognition. We didn't really talk. Another girl (one of the redsweatered girls) with blonde hair in a ponytail asks to borrow a piece of paper so that she could do something...take notes...or draw...I pulled out my notebook that I write story ideas in and flipped through trying to find an empty paper...but I couldn't so I was trying to decide which paper to tear out that had enough white spaces for her purpose. I remembered a page that was like that but I couldn't find it.

I ended up handing a paper to her....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Outside Info and Known for Sure
First...this is a more 'bare bones' account of the dream (compared to yesterdays)..there were more details that happened...but i can't remember them. :(
 My screensaver is a picture of water and rocks covered in moss.
With friends I've started to rewatch the cartoon series of Avatar the Last Airbender (involving earth and water bending)
Surviving the rocks by bouncing off of them is reminiscent of the part in Meet the Robinson's where they jump off the roof and land on 'bouncy' bits of grass that cushion the fall.
The sweaters are kind of odd....mostly because I don't like them (the wool, fuzzy kinds) and I dont' like turtlenecked shirts either...which may be why I felt uncomfortable at the event. Though red is a favorite color of mine, and I like black as well. (as you know from above post)
The notebook was my actual story notebook in real life. I take it almost everywhere so if I get a moment I can right down ideas for characters and plots. But I've been becoming concerned because its filling up, so I'll need to get a new notebook for the story purpose soon.
The anatomy/choir room....might have been because I had anatomy lab yesterday. And the choir part...might have actually been a dance room because I remember the floors being wood. So it was a cross between a dance/anatomy/and choir room.

And that
Is why the fox never came home :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Left or Right

A week or so ago.
I was on my way to class.
From my place of living to the school I have two or three different options on how to get to my class.
Route 1 involves going up and around through the back.
Route 2 and 3 involve heading through the front.

Anywho I was on my way to class and I had decided to take Route 1.
-That is my normal route 99.9% of the time...
but this semester I get to my classes faster if I take Route 2. So Route 1 most likely won't be used that often this semester
(I haven't used Route 3 for a while since it involves crossing the grocery store parkinglot.)

One day last week I reached the parking lot and I had mentally decided to go Route 1 -which involved going right. instead of my usual Route 2. I had decided to go Route 1 because I would bypass one of the buildings I needed to go to before my first class so I could drop off a key I had borrowed the night before.
Yet...when I turned right....
I got this dark feeling in my heart. Basically a "Don't go that way."
I stopped...confused. I had gotten the feelings before...but it seemed extra strong today...
So I was like....oookaaaayy? Should I take Route 2 then?
So i turned to my left...and the 'dark feeling' was replaced by a 'good happy cheerful feeling'
I turned right...and darkness was again felt.
(I must have looked silly standing on icy pavement in the middle of the parkinglot turning back and forth.)
So I turned left and started walking and the good feeling continued.
I got down to the school safe and sound (I think I jaywalked...heh...or maybe I actually went all the way down to the light..its been a week...)
But I took a different detour to go drop off the key totally not understanding why I had gotten a 'dark feeling' to go the otherway.
-I was later told that there were police cars at the school where I would have gone if I took route 1
But...upon dropping of my key I turned to find... a friend! :D
I hadn't expected to see him at the school since he graduated and it was a welcome surprise.

So I'd like to think that I was told to go that direction so I could meet my friend. :)
But there could have been other reasons as well.
(I got the same experience a day or two later....basically told me to take a different stairwell in my place of living. Don't know why, but I listened the first time and turned on my heel and went the other way.)

But I felt really....idk if proud would be the right word...but good that I listened to the spirit.
It seemed like a theme of my classes today which brought back the experience to my mind.

We talked about "Famines" today in my PoGP class, how there was a famine during Abraham's time when he was living elsewhere in the Famine area...and how the famine happened to make him move (towards the promised land I think) to where he was needed by the Lord.
The teacher connected that with the volcano explosion (idr where it exploded) that happen in 1816 that blew a column of ash 30 miles into the air and made a crater like 5 miles wide. (the biggest volcanic crater in the world maybe..)
And how..the year of 1816 was known as the 'year without a summer' because the temperatures got sooo cold and never warmed up. It was a year of famine because crops wouldn't grow.
But what was interesting was that in 1816 Joseph Smith...was still living in New Hampshire but because their farm didn't prosper in 1816...they ended up moving to Palmyra where everything fell into place after that. :)

So I just thought it was fascinating that this "huge world wide event" that Joseph Smith would leave a land once prosperous to go to another land that was currently prosperous and end up with something bigger then that.

Its like the opposite of "When a butterfly flaps its wings a tsunami happens" (I think that's the saying. :) )
Instead where " A mountain falls....a butterfly ends up moving from one place to another."

So even though a week ago there were no cataclysmic events that forced me to go Route 2 instead of Route 1 (it was my own free choice to follow the feeling or not) I wonder...was I in the right place for the right time for a specific reason or to help someone?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
 I was waiting for something to happen. It wasn't happening quick enough. The movie wasn't going to start for a bit. So I did what any bored teenager would do. Hopped the fence and went into a closed amusement park. I snuck into a roller coaster like ride that looked like one of those electric racecar tracks (like shown in The Incredibles) with two cars parked on the track turned off. The track itself was grooved, kind of like two slides. or maybe one...but I climbed up to a point and went sliding doowwwnn to the bottom. But then...I realized that I really shouldn't be here and I felt that I'd done "enough forbidden things" for the day. Besides 'bad teengagers" (gang members) were coming (a total of 4 or 5 coming individually or in pairs) to try the ride as well. So I hopped the fence and maneuvered my way through a jungle gym of bars to jump onto the floor. And for a moment I felt pity for the people living on the level below me (for now I was in an apartment building with the 3rd floor below me) because they must have a high tolerance for noise when the amusement park is up and going on the 4th floor with all the screaming people and cotton candy and games and noises of the rides I ended up walking right into a theatre as I took a step and I found my sister saving me a seat just as the movie started. There was another guy there...but I don't know if he was with her or just happened to be sitting next to her. The movie that was about to start was Megamind...or Tangled.

......There is a boy around age 9. He is one of those 'lonely' children where nobody seems to listen or pay attention to him.
His parents don't pay attention, the teacher doesn't pay attention. And he's bullied by a couple of girls and guys.
At one point he makes a friend, they started out as partners for a science fair or some group project. The project involved having to buy an item.
So the boy made a receipt showing that his partner and him had bought the item (they split it $10 each) The boy signed his name as "Satanic Lord" or "Lord of Satan"
While his partner signed it "Lord of Nothing."
Days pass and during one of the classes (that took place in the gym) one of the bully boys found the receipt on the stage (connected to the gym like in elementary or jr.high schools) and showed it to the teacher even though the boy told him not to.
The teacher totally freaked out about it. Acting like the boy had done something horribly wrong. (it was on the "you raped a child" level of wrong.) He couldn't understand it, but it had something to do with the names the partners had signed in a moment of fun...or the fact that they spent $10. Which is an evil number.
But the boy hadn't done anything wrong....
Yet he was suddenly ostracized by the school.
The parents (mother) wasn't told what was going on.

(Running movie sequence)
There is a "Breeder" program after school where girls and boys get together and play games. (Volleyball nets were up) The teacher knowing that the boy was going to come got the board members (and some kids) to race across the gym floor to the stop the boy from coming...because he was basically unclean.
This group of people stop when they come to the side entrance doors and are confronted with the boy and the mother...standing outside with the doors locked unable to come in (the mother is so confused)

The boy ends up deciding to never go to that school again. To 'transfer'

-At some point he bugs his older sister and she freaks out and he hides under her bed using a giant web tent thing made out of silly bans to prevent her from reaching him.

He ends up confronting one of the bullies (a girl) pushing her back when she shoves him and telling her that he's not going to take it any more and he's transferring schools. (so he won't be a social outcast anymore)
but in reality he's just never going to school again. His parents (who don't listen) think he's still going to the school but in reality after holing up in his house for 3 days he plans to 'leave for school' then double back and come back home when everyone leaves the house.

Then...the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Outside Info and Known For Sure
The dream came in two parts. The first part was first person p.o.v. The second part was...omniscient? but I could only know what the boy was thinking, not what everyone else was thinking. 

 The movie: Meet the Robinson's might have an influence.
the number 10. I know came from when I was told about the card game "Slap" and one guy had decided that you could slap when the numbers added up to ten. So when he got a ten card he'd lay it down then slap it and pick it back up. Which I gathered to be rather annoying.
The sillybands tent...comes from having silly bands on my desk.

I have no idea why it was called the "breeder" program. It might have been an acronym that stood for something else. But from what I saw in the dream...the Breeder Program was just an afterschool game time where boys and girls could come play and compete against other schools.

And that
Is why the fox never came home. :)

**ended up going past midnight writing the dream, but set the time posted to when I finished the main part of the blog entry.