At least it was in Elementary School...back in first or second grade...whatever grade you learn how to write in.
And it horrifies me to say that I actually liked the color pink when I was little.
I had always thought that I'd liked the color Red through and through.
Maybe my indecision between pink and red is shown by me writing Pind (Pink+Red=Pind).
But I always remember thinking. "Its not Pink." or "I'm glad that's not pink."
I admit it might not have always been the case that I didn't like pink.
I remember having to choose between pink and purple with my sibling.
I don't remember who ended up with what...but I think it might have been pink....even though I want to think it was purple...but I remember my sibling wearing more purple then me. So I must have been pink.
Yet for the looonnngest time when people have asked me what my favorite color was: I would say Red.
;) I did go through a period of time...most of elementary school where I'd say my favorite colors were "Dog-colors" like Black, White, Grey, Brown, (but I can include yellow, blue, and red in that too :D)
Then highschool or so....I decided on Red, Green and Blue.
But not the bright shades. No...I like the darker shades.
Dark Red, Forest Green, Royal Blue.
I've also gone into phases of liking Bright Yellow and Royal Purple.
Basically....I like all colors, but I still usually say Red when asked my favorite color. :)
But my top...5 would have to be (in no particular order): Red, Green, Blue, Purple, +1more.
(the last depends on a variety of factors unique to the day)
Why are those my favorite colors?
...I just have to say...Because I like them. :D
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
There we were in a cavern with boulders and a waterfall and green moss. (There was a bridge we could cross that was like a bench in the waterfall.
There were people who could 'turn' a portion of the rockface behind the waterfall to form a bridge that was very stable. For the more 'faint of heart' to get safely across because when they 'turned it' the waterfall stopped and the river dried up to show boulders and such.
People could cross it just fine and did.
But I was ....leery of crossing this bridge that used to have water flowing over it.
And as I started to cross...the water started falling once more.
So I ended up jumping down to the riverbed landing on the rocks and bouncing off of them like they were jumpy mushrooms or something. Barely escaping from the wall of water that was about to fall on me
**** <- Mark shifts in dream where either the perspective is changed or the dream becomes different, or I can't remember what happened inbetween so I continue onto the next scene.
I had been invited to this prestigious event. The room was fancy and looked like a 5 star hotel lobby. There were girls everywhere...and a couple of guys. All dressed in black pants/skirts with the same shirt on. The shirt was red (and bits of black) and was like one of those fuzzy sweaters that had a turtle neck. Except the sleeves were cut off into more of a T-shirt fashion.
I was wearing the same clothes, but I felt out of place because I was just a guest. I wasn't really a member. And I knew it and I think They knew it too.
At some point I ended up taking a backwards water know water that flows in the roman aqueducts? was rode it (i rode it by accident) in a surfing like manner....and I ended up in a bathroom with a lot of shower rooms and I was trying to find the actual bathroom....
I am in a classroom....that's a cross between an anatomy classroom (with the squeaky anatomy stuff) and a choir room. There was a girl I recognized in the room....but it was more of a 'corner of the eye' recognition. We didn't really talk. Another girl (one of the redsweatered girls) with blonde hair in a ponytail asks to borrow a piece of paper so that she could do something...take notes...or draw...I pulled out my notebook that I write story ideas in and flipped through trying to find an empty paper...but I couldn't so I was trying to decide which paper to tear out that had enough white spaces for her purpose. I remembered a page that was like that but I couldn't find it.
I ended up handing a paper to her....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.
Outside Info and Known for Sure
First...this is a more 'bare bones' account of the dream (compared to yesterdays)..there were more details that happened...but i can't remember them. :(
My screensaver is a picture of water and rocks covered in moss.
With friends I've started to rewatch the cartoon series of Avatar the Last Airbender (involving earth and water bending)
Surviving the rocks by bouncing off of them is reminiscent of the part in Meet the Robinson's where they jump off the roof and land on 'bouncy' bits of grass that cushion the fall.
The sweaters are kind of odd....mostly because I don't like them (the wool, fuzzy kinds) and I dont' like turtlenecked shirts either...which may be why I felt uncomfortable at the event. Though red is a favorite color of mine, and I like black as well. (as you know from above post)
The notebook was my actual story notebook in real life. I take it almost everywhere so if I get a moment I can right down ideas for characters and plots. But I've been becoming concerned because its filling up, so I'll need to get a new notebook for the story purpose soon.
The anatomy/choir room....might have been because I had anatomy lab yesterday. And the choir part...might have actually been a dance room because I remember the floors being wood. So it was a cross between a dance/anatomy/and choir room.
And that
Is why the fox never came home :)
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